and Press


Graphene Centre: Receives Cutting-Edge AFM Equipment from Park Systems for
LMRF Project
Cambridge Graphene Centre, January 2025)

Graphene Centre: Cambridge Joins PIXEurope to
Revolutionise Photonic Chips
Cambridge Graphene Centre, January 2025)

Cambridge Graphene Centre: Greater
Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham visits Cambridge Graphene Centre
Cambridge Graphene Centre, November 2024)

Cambridge Graphene Centre: Human body
digital twins
Cambridge Graphene Centre, March 2024)

Cambridge Graphene Centre: Graphene breaks
Cambridge Graphene Centre, December 2023)

Graphene Centre: a springboard for talents
(News, Cambridge
Graphene Centre, March 2023)

Graphene goes to Space and to the Moon
(News, Cambridge Graphene Centre, November 2022)

CGC receives European Innovation Council
‘Transition Grant’ to develop cancer imaging technologies
(News, Cambridge Graphene Centre, February 2022)

CGC Director Andrea Ferrari elected Fellow of
the Royal Academy of Engineering
(News, Cambridge Graphene Centre, September 2021)

Graphene enables femtosecond laser pulses
(NewsElectronics, August 2015) (pdf)
August 2015) (pdf)
Chronicle, August 2015) (pdf)
Flagship News, August 2015) (pdf)

Growing graphene
News, July 2015) (pdf)

Investigating a Commercial Future for
Graphene: An Interview with Professor Andrea Ferrari
July 2015) (pdf)

Andrea Ferrari: the graphene guru
April 2015) (pdf)

A bold new approach to training PhD students
University News, January 2015) (pdf)

Graphene brings quantum effects to electronic
Flagship News, January 2015) (pdf)
News, January 2015) (pdf)

'Wonder Material' Graphene Is Just Getting
News, November 2014) (pdf)

First graphene-based flexible display produced
News, 05 Sep 2014) (pdf)
and Technology Magazine News, 10 Sep 2014) (pdf)
Spectrum News, 9 Sep 2014) (pdf)
Weekly News, 5 Sep 2014) (pdf)
News, 5 Sep 2014) (pdf)
News, 5 Sep 2014) (pdf)
News, 9 Sep 2014) (pdf)

Ultrafast and ultrashort: Some Recent Advances
in Pulsed Lasers
Optics & Photonics News, May 2014) (pdf)

Five wonder materials that could change the
The Guardian, 15 April 2014) (pdf)

Agilent Technologies Installs Atomic Force
Microscope with Scanning Microwave Microscopy Capabilities at Cambridge
Graphene Centre
Thomasnet, 23 January 2014) (pdf)

Riding the Graphene Wave
(News, BBC Radio 4, 6
January 2014)

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene
Technology led by Professor Andrea Ferrari
EPSRC, 22 November 2013) (pdf)
(News, BBC, 22
November 2013) (pdf)
The Telegraph, 22 November 2013) (pdf)
News, 22 November 2013) (pdf)

Graphene: The quest for supercarbon
Nature, 20 November 2013) (pdf)

Graphene inks for transparent electronics
News, 6 November 2013) (pdf) (Video)
News, Daily Mail, 5 November 2013) (pdf)
News, Phys.org, 5 November 2013) (pdf)
News, Gizmodo, 5 November 2013) (pdf)
News, The E&T, 6 November 2013) (pdf)
News, The Telegraph, 5 November 2013) (pdf)

The Graphene Flagship – one of Europe’s first ten-year,
1bn Euro flagships in Future and Emerging Technologies – has been launched
News, 15 October 2013) (pdf)
Engineering Department, 21 October 2013) (pdf)
Prof. Ferrari interviewed on Graphene
1 October 2013) (video)

How Ultrafast Graphene Circuits Turn From Hype
to Reality
Science World Report, 10 September 2013) (pdf)

Wonder Material Ignites Scientific Gold Rush
The Wall Street Journal, 24 August 2013) (pdf) (video)

The World Is Flat?
(Editorial, ACS
Nano, 23 July 2013) (pdf)

Miracle material: the graphene revolution
The Telegraph, 10 June 2013) (pdf)

Ultrashort laser pulses squeezed out of
Nature, 24 May 2013) (pdf)
Scientific American, 26 May 2013) (pdf)

First light for MoS2
nanotechweb.org, 19 April 2013) (pdf)

Graphene in the heart of Europe
Nanotechnology Editorial, 04 April 2013) (pdf)

Visit of European Commissioner for Research,
Innovation and Science Maire Geoghegan-Quinn
University News, 30 January 2013) (pdf)

Europe pledges one billion euros on graphene
as platform for emerging technologies
News, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
reuters.com, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
News,28 January 2013) (pdf)
News,28 January 2013) (pdf)
france24.com, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
europa.eu, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
bloomberg.com, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
(News,The New York Times, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
(News,The Times Of India, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
Times Higher Education, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
nature.com, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
sciencemag.org, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
theengineer.co.uk, 28 January 2013) (pdf)
newelectronics.co.uk, 29 January 2013) (pdf)
cabume.co.uk, 29 January 2013) (pdf)

Graphene Centre Opens 1st February 2013
News,24 January 2013) (pdf)
itv.com,24 January 2013) (pdf)
BBC,24 January 2013) (pdf)
Cabume.co.uk,24 January 2013) (pdf)
Engineering Department,24 January 2013) (pdf)
News, 24 January 2013) (pdf)
ITPro, 24 January 2013) (pdf)
newelectronics.co.uk, 24 January 2013) (pdf)
University News, 24 January 2013) (pdf)
Bdaily, 24 January 2013) (pdf)
BusinessWeekly, 24 January 2013) (pdf)

Graphene delivers ultrashort mid-IR laser
pulses (News,
Laserfocusworld.com, 14 January 2013) (pdf)

Interviews on commercialisation of graphene
Computerworld UK, 16 January 2013) (pdf)
CFO World, 16 January 2013) (pdf)
ZDNet, 15 January 2013) (pdf)

Ferrari et al. review the state of the art of
graphene preparation, production, placement and handling (News,
Materialstoday.com, 20 December 2012) (pdf)

Cambridge University awarded over £12million
for research into graphene flexible electronics and optoelectronics
News, 4 January 2013) (pdf)
News, 27 December 2012) (pdf)
The Guardian, 27 December 2012) (pdf)
The Telegraph, 27 December 2012) (pdf)
(BBC News,
27 December 2012) (pdf)
Daily Mail, 26 December 2012) (pdf)
The Financial Times, 26 December 2012) (pdf)
BBC Radio, 27 December 2012) (pdf)
News, 26 December 2012) (pdf)
Times Higher Education, 27 December 2012) (pdf)
The Register, 27 December 2012) (pdf)
News, 27 December 2012) (pdf)

Changing our material future, layer by layer (Research
News, 20 December 2012) (pdf)

Professors Andrea Ferrari, Konstantin Novoselov and Vladimir Falko awarded an ERC Synergy
Grant to Investigate a New Class of Materials (Press
release, 17 December 2012) (pdf)
Interviews on flexible mobile technology
(News, BBC
Technology, 30 November 2012) (Pdf) (Video)
(News, BBC
Technology, 30 November 2012) (Pdf)
The Independent, 30 November 2012) (Pdf)
of Cambridge Research News, 7 December 2012) (Pdf)

Robert Woodward winner of SET Student of the
Year Award 2012 (News,
Engineering Department, 22 October 2012) (pdf)

Cavity-enhanced graphene (Research
Highlights, Nature Physics, 01 August 2012) (pdf)

Observation of white-light amplified
spontaneous emission from carbon nanodots under laser excitation (News,
Optics InfoBase, Spotlight on Optics, 10 May 2012) (pdf)

Graphene Electronics, Fresh from the Printer (News, ACS Nano,
24 April 2012) (pdf)

Nature interview (News,
Nature,14 March 2012) (pdf)

Felice Torrisi winner of 2012 Parmee Prize
Pembroke College, 8 March 2012) (pdf)
Engineering Department, 15 May 2012) (pdf)

University Electrical Engineering Department
of the Year (News,
25 Jan 2012) (pdf)

Professor Andrea Ferrari joins Nanoscale
Editorial Board (Research
News, 12 Dec 2011) (pdf)

First Demonstration of Inkjet-Printed Graphene
internano.org, 30 March 2012) (pdf)
printedelectronicsworld.com, 25 Jan 2012) (pdf)
thetechnologyreview.com, 24 Nov 2011) (pdf)
therecycler.com, 24 Nov 2011) (pdf)
extremetech.com, 24 Nov 2011) (pdf)
nextbigfuture.com, 24 Nov 2011) (pdf)
TechEYE.com, 24 Nov 2011)(pdf)
theengineer.co.uk, 24 Nov 2011)(pdf)
Physorg.com,25 Nov 2011)(pdf)
crazyengineers.com, 25 Nov 2011)(pdf)
plasticelectronics.com, 25 Nov 2011)(pdf)
dailymail.co.uk, 29 Nov 2011)(pdf)
Chinese Academy of Science, 30 Nov 2011)(pdf)
stdaily.com, 30 Nov 2011)(pdf)

What is graphene? (Research
News, 24 Nov 2011) (video)

What is graphene flagship? (Research
News, 24 Nov 2011) (video)

Graphene photodetection (Nature
Photonics Research Highlights, 2 Nov 2011) (pdf)

TechEYE.net Interview (Science
News, 4 Oct 2011) (pdf)

Nanotechweb.org Interview (Technology Update,
Nanotechweb.org, 9 Sep 2011) (pdf)

Graphene could make 'perfect' solar cells (News,
Physicsworld.com, 5 Sep 2011) (pdf)

Nanowire transistors for analogue computing (Technology Update,
Nanotechweb.org, 1 Sep 2011) (pdf)

BBC Cambridge Interview (1 Sep 2011) (Listen)

BBC News Interview(News,bbc.co.uk, 31
Aug 2011)(pdf)

Graphene goes
plasmonic (University
of Cambridge Research News, 30 Aug 2011) (pdf)
Moneycontrol.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
Reuters.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
eurekalert.org, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
Physorg.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
News, Ibtimes.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
Vision.org, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
Newsdaily.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
huffingtonpost.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
nextbigfuture.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
sciencedaily.com, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
(News, Materialstoday.com,31
Aug 2011)(pdf)
cabume.co.uk, 30 Aug 2011)(pdf)
31 Aug 2011)(pdf)
31 Aug 2011) (pdf)

ABC Television Interview (Catalyst, ABC
Television Podcast, 18 Aug 2011) (watch video)

TechEYE Interview (TechEYE news, 02 Aug 2011) (pdf)

Times Higher Education (THE) Interview (THE
news, 28 July 2011) (pdf)

BBC News Interview (BBC technology news,
28 June 2011) (pdf)

Materials Today Interview (Materials
Today Podcast, 2011) (listen)

RSC ChemistryWorld
Interview (News, ChemistryWorld, 10 May 2011) (pdf)

Dr Andrea Ferrari receives the EU-40 Materials
Prize (Engineering
Department News, 9 May 2011) (pdf)

The Pilot for a
visionary research initiative on graphene funded by the European Commission
Department News, May 2011) (pdf)
releases, Europa.eu, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
(News, eGovmonitor.com, 4
May 2011)(pdf)
NanoWerk.com, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
innovations-report.de, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
PHYSORG.com, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
Manchester University, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
releases, ESF.org, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
Bioprodmag.com, 4 May 2011)(pdf)
Cambridge Networks, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
News, Cambridge University, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
sciencebusiness.net, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
Cabume.co.uk, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
Businessweekly, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
European Commission, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
V3.co.uk, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
Theengineer.co.uk, 5 May 2011)(pdf)
(News, Financial Times Europe, 5
May 2011)(pdf)
bbc.co.uk, 21 May 2011) (pdf)

Physics Today Interview (Physics
Today, May 2011) (pdf)

Making Graphene (podcasts,
thenakedscientist.com,12 Dec 2010) (watch video)

Joerg Heber Interview (Joerg
Heber Blog, 15 Dec 2010) (pdf)

Physicsworld Interview (News,
physicsworld.com, 15 Nov 2010)

Nobel prize for Andre Geim
and Kostya Novoselov, Manchester University
physicsworld.com, 5th Oct 2010) (pdf)
(News, naturenews, 5th Oct 2010) (pdf)
bloomberg.com, 5th Oct 2010) (pdf)

Understanding the physics of SERS (Technology update,
Nanotechweb.org, Sep 2010) (pdf)
Graphene shines a light on surface-enhanced spectroscopy (News,
physicsworld.com, Oct 2010) (pdf)

Cover-Nature Photonics (Nature
Photonics, September 2010 Volume 4 No 9) (pdf)

SPIE Interview (Nanotechnology,
spir.org, 22 July 2010) (pdf)

Chemistry World Interview (Chemistry
World, Royal Society of Chemistry,July 2010) (pdf)

Metallic Shine (research highlights,Nature Materials, June 2010) (pdf)

Dr Andrea Ferrari receives a Royal Society
Wolfson Research Merit Award
royalsociety.org, April 2010) (pdf)
Department News, May 2010) (pdf)
(Cambridgenetwork.co.uk News, May 2010) (pdf)
College News, May 2010) (pdf)

Graphene makes ultrafast laser (Technology update,
Nanotechweb.org, Mar 2010) (pdf)
Graphene makes ultrafast laser (News, Optics.org, Mar
2010) (pdf)
Graphene and Lasers Become Ultrafast Friends (Blog, 科学网博客 www.sciencenet.cn)
After Demonstrating Its Worth in Electronics Applications, Graphene Tackles
Optoelectronics (Blogs,
Nanoclast, IEEE spectrum, March 2010) (pdf)
石墨片超快激光器闪耀登场 (News,
OptoChina.net) (pdf)

Nanowire lithography on graphene chosen as
best of PSS (Editorial,
Phys. Status Solidi B 247, 2010) (pdf)




Enterprise: Commercialising Nanotube Mode-locked Lasers (pdf)

solar cells , Horizons10 (pdf)







physics: Carbon conductor corrupted (Nature,
News and Views, 458,
38, 2009) (pdf)
Materials Science: Transforming Graphene (Science, 323, 589, 2009) (pdf)
Graphene to graphane by chemical conversion (News
from RSC Chemistry World, January 2009) (pdf)
Graphene: Here comes graphane? (Nature
chemistry, research highlights, 16 January 2009) (pdf)










3D architectures using nanowire lithography (Nanoscience and
the mobile device - The Work, Nokia Technology Insight Series, June 2008)

Nanotechnology: Stencilissimo
Research Highlights, 24 April 2008) (pdf)

scientist interview. (NewScientistTech, 10 April 2008) (pdf)

Dr Andrea Ferrari from Cambridge University
was honoured with the Marie Curie excellence award of the European Union
for his research into nanotubes and new electronic devices.
of Cambridge, 16 April 2008) (pdf)
Commission, 12 March 2008) (pdf)
12 March 2008) (pdf)
Sociedad (sp), 12 March 2008) (pdf)
(Dolomiten (gr), 12 March 2008) (pdf)
(Science ORF (gr), 12
March 2008) (pdf)
(Bem Comum (po), 12 March 2008) (pdf)
Repubblica (it), 12 March 2008) (pdf)
Stampa (it), 12 March 2008) (pdf)
(SestoPotere (it), 12 March 2008) (pdf)


Dr Andrea Ferrari receives the Brian Mercer
Award for Innovation in Nanotechnology from The Royal Society
(Cambridge University, 5 March 2008) (pdf)

Dr. Andrea Ferrari receives a European Research Council
(University of
Cambridge 16 June 2008) (pdf)
Times Higher Awards 2008) (pdf)

Rapidly Counting Graphene Layers, One by One (Microscopy Focus,
November 2007) (pdf)

Ink jet printing CNTs without clogging (Technical
textiles, 18 October 2007) (pdf)

Ink-jet printing produces nanotube transistors
(Nanotechweb, 4 October 2007) (pdf)
UK researchers create carbon nanotube
transistor by ink-jet printing (chemical.e-techherald.com,
9 October 2007) (pdf)
Ink-jet printing produces nanotube transistors
World, 6 October 2007) (pdf)

Owlstone Photography Competition at the Department of
Engineering: Cinzia Casiraghi 'NWs @Tate Modern' (University of Cambridge
2007) (pdf)
From Nanotubes to Outer Space; Online
photography exhibition reveals hidden beauty of engineering research (University of
Cambridge 2007) (pdf)
Une compétition
photo décèles les beautés
de la recherche en ingénierie
L'Atelier, France) (pdf)

The excitement of two dimensions (Materials
Today, editorial July-August 2007) (pdf)

E-MRS Graduate Student Awards for Simone
Pisana and Vittorio Scardaci (EMRS
Strasbourg, 30 May 2007) (pdf)
European Materials Research Society Graduate
Student Award (Cambridge
University, October 2007)
EMRS 2007 Graduate Student Award (Pembroke
College, November 2007) (pdf)

Royal Society Video on Nanotube Photonics (Cambridge
University) (mpg video)

Cambridge Scientists Produce Live Video Showing How
Carbon Nanotubes Form:(Azonano,
6 March 2007) (pdf)

Watch them grow (The Engineering online, 7 May 2007)

shows how carbon nanotubes form: (What's
Next In Science & Technology, 3 March 2007) (pdf)

footage of how nanotubes form:

formation captured on video:


This week in cond-mat: Born-Oppenheimer
breakdown in graphene (Nanoscale views, 02 December 2006)

Diamond-like carbon for data and beer storage (Nanowerk, 14 February 2007)

Of Beer and Bottles (Nanoarchitecture.net, 24 December
2006) (pdf)



New method of growing carbon nanotubes will
revolutionise electronics:













Ultrasmooth carbon for ultrahigh data storage density (Physorg.com,
13 October 2005) (pdf)


Graduate Student Award: Silver award for
Cinzia Casiraghi.(MRS Fall
Meeting) (pdf)

Graduate Student Award: Gold award for
Stefano Piscanec. (MRS
Fall Meeting) (pdf)



Scientists grow carbon nanofibres
straight onto plastic (Nanotechweb,
4 December 2003) (pdf)


