167. Polymer-Assisted Isolation of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in
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166. Wideband-tuneable, nanotube
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165. Electronic transport characterization of Sc @ C82 single-wall carbon nanotube peapods. A. L. Cantone, M. R. Buitelaar, C. G. Smith, D. Anderson, G. A. C. Jones, S. J. Chorley, C. Casiraghi, A. Lombardo, A. C. Ferrari, H. Shinohara, A. Ardavan, J. Warner, A. A. R. Watt, K. Porfyrakis, G. A. D. Briggs;J. Appl. Phys 104, 083717 (2008) (pdf).
164. Effect of the sp2 carbon phase on n-type conduction in nanodiamond films. T. Ikeda, K. Teii, C. Casiraghi, J. Robertson, A. C. Ferrari; J. Appl. Phys 104, 073720 (2008) (pdf).
163. Self-assembled nanotube field-effect transistors for label-free protein biosensors. P. Hu, A. Fasoli, J. Park, Y. Choi, P. Estrela, S. L. Maeng, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari; J. Appl. Phys 104, 074310 (2008) (pdf).
162. Carbon Nanotube Polycarbonate Composites for Ultrafast Lasers. V. Scardaci, Z. Sun, F. Wang, A. G. Rozhin, T. Hasan, F. Hennrich, I. H. White, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari. Adv. Materials 20, 4040 (2008) (pdf).
161. Silicon nanowire optical Raman line shapes at cryogenic and elevated temperatures. H. Scheel, S. Khachadorian, M. Cantoro, A. Colli, A. C. Ferrari, C. Thomsen; Phys. Stat. Sol. b, 245, 2090 (2008) (pdf).
160. Widely tunable picosecond fiber ring laser mode-locked by a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT)-polycarbonate composite film saturable absorber. F. Wang, R. V. Penty, I. H. White, Z. Sun, A. Rozhin, V. Scardaci, A. C. Ferrari; Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), JThA36, (2008) (pdf).
159. Femtonewton Force Sensing with Optically Trapped Nanotubes. O. M. Marago, P. H. Jones, F. Bonaccorso, V. Scardaci, P. G. Gucciardi, A. G. Rozhin, A. C. Ferrari; Nano Letters 8, 3211(2008) (pdf), (S1), (video).
158. Soliton fiber laser mode-locked by a single-wall carbon nanotube-polymer composite. F. Wang, A. G. Rozhin, Z. Sun, V. Scardaci, I. H. White, A. C. Ferrari; Phys. Stat. Sol. b, 245, 2319 (2008) (pdf).
157. Electronic properties of chemically modified graphene ribbons. F. Cervantes-Sodi, G. Csányi, S. Piscanec, A. C. Ferrari; Phys. Stat. Sol. b, 245, 2068 (2008) (pdf).
156. Fabrication, characterization and mode locking application of single-walled carbon nanotube/polymer composite saturable absorbers. F. Wang, A. Rozhin, Z. Sun, V. Scardaci, R. Penty, I. White, A. C. Ferrari; Int. J. Mater. Form. 1, 107 (2008) (pdf).
155. L-band ultrafast fiber laser mode locked by carbon nanotubes. Z. Sun, A. G. Rozhin, F. Wang, V. Scardaci, W. I. Milne, I. H. White, F. Hennrich, A. C. Ferrari; Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 061114 (2008) (pdf).
154. Sub-100 fs two-color pump-probe spectroscopy of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes with a 100 MHz Er-fiber laser system. A. Gambetta, G. Galzerano, A. G. Rozhin, A. C. Ferrari, R. Ramponi, P. Laporta, M. Marangoni; Optics Express 16, 11727 (2008) (pdf).
153. Thermal Conductivity of Ultrathin Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Films. A. A. Balandin, M. Shamsa, W. L. Liu, C. Casiraghi, A. C. Ferrari; Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 043115 (2008) (pdf).
152. Optical Characterization of Oxide Encapsulated Silicon Nanowires of Various Morphologies. S. M. King, S. Chaure, S. Krishnamurthy,W. J. Blau, A. Colli, A. C. Ferrari; Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 4202 (2008) (pdf).
151. Ion Beam Doping of Silicon Nanowires. A. Colli, A. Fasoli, C. Ronning, S. Pisana, S. Piscanec, A. C. Ferrari; Nano Letters 8, 2188 (2008) (pdf).
150. Characterization of carbon nanotube-thermotropic nematic liquid crystal composites. O. Trushkevych, N. Collings, T. Hasan, V. Scardaci, A. C. Ferrari, T. D. Wilkinson, W. A. Crossland, W. I. Milne, J. Geng, B. F. G. Johnson, S. Macaulay; J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 125106 (2008) (pdf).
149. High yield production of graphene by liquid phase exfoliation of graphite. Y. Hernandez , V. Nicolosi , M. Lotya, F. Blighe, Z. Sun, S. De, I. T. McGovern, B. Holland, M. Byrne, Y. Gunko, J. Boland, P. Niraj, G. Duesberg, S. Krishnamurti, R. Goodhue, J. Hutchison, V. Scardaci, A. C. Ferrari, J. N. Coleman, Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 563 (2008) (pdf) (SI).
148. Edge-functionalized and substitutionally doped graphene nanoribbons: Electronic and spin properties. F. Cervantes-Sodi, G. Csányi, S. Piscanec, A. C. Ferrari; Phys. Rev. B, 77, 165427 (2008) (pdf).
147. Nanowire Lithography on Silicon. A. Colli, A. Fasoli, S. Pisana, Y. Fu, P. Beecher, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari; Nano Letters, 8, 1358 (2008) (pdf).
146. Monitoring dopants by Raman scattering in an electrochemically top-gated graphene transistor. A. Das, S. Pisana, B. Chakraborty, S. Piscanec, S. K. Saha, U. V. Waghmare, K. S. Novoselov, H. R. Krishnamurthy, A. K. Geim, A. C. Ferrari, A. K. Sood; Nature Nanotechnology 3, 210 (2008) (pdf) (S1).
145. Room temperature single electron charging in single silicon nanochains. M. A. Rafiq, Z. A. K. Durrani, H. Mizuta, A. Colli, P. Servati, A. C. Ferrari, W. I. Milne, S. Oda; J. Appl. Phys. 103, 053705 (2008) (pdf).
144. Science and technology of nanotubes, nanowires and graphene. A. C. Ferrari, V. Skakalova, C. Po-Wen, A. Bachtold, D. Golberg (editors) Special Issue. Physica E 40, 2223-2648 (2008) (pdf).
143. Vapor-phase nucleation of individual CdSe nanostructures from shape-engineered nanocrystal seeds. A. Fasoli, S. Pisana, A. Colli, L. Carbone, L. Manna, A. C. Ferrari; Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 023106 (2008) (pdf).
142. Electron and Phonon Properties of Graphene: Their Relationship with Carbon Nanotubes. J.C. Charlier, P.C. Eklund, J. Zhu, and A. C. Ferrari; A. Jorio, G. Dresselhaus, M. S. Dresselhaus (Eds.): Carbon Nanotubes, Topics Appl. Physics 111, 673.709 (2008) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2008) (pdf).
141. Non-destructive characterization of carbon films. A.C. Ferrari; Tribology of Diamond-like Carbon Films, Fundamental and Applications, (Eds.) C. Donnet, A. Erdemir, (2008) (pdf).
140. Hysteresis suppression in self-assembled single-wall nanotube field effect transistors. P. Hu, C. Zhang, A. Fasoli, V. Scardaci, S. Pisana, T. Hasan, J. Robertson, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari; Physica E 40, 2278 (2008) (pdf).
139. Optical trapping of carbon nanotubes. O.M. Marago, P.G. Gucciardi, F. Bonaccorso, G. Calogero, V. Scardaci, A.G. Rozhin, A.C. Ferrari, P.H. Jones, R. Saija, F. Borghese, P. Denti, M. A. Iati; Physica E 40, 2347 (2008) (pdf).
138. Optical properties of nanotube bundles by photoluminescence excitation and absorption spectroscopy. P.H. Tan, T. Hasan, F. Bonaccorso, V. Scardaci, A. G. Rozhin, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari; Physica E 40, 2352 (2008) (pdf).
137. Formation of composite organic thin film transistors with nanotubes and nanowires. G.W. Hsieh, P. Beecher, F.M. Li, P. Servati, A. Colli, A. Fasoli, D. Chu, A. Nathan, B. Ong, J. Robertson, A. C. Ferrari, W. I. Milne; Physica E 40, 2406 (2008) (pdf).
136. Surface-bound chemical vapour deposition of carbon nanotubes: in-situ study of catalyst activation. C. Mattevi, S. Hofmann, M. Cantoro, A. C. Ferrari, J. Robertson, C. Castellarin-Cudia, S. Dolafi, A. Goldoni, C. Cepek; Physica E 40, 2238 (2008) (pdf).
135. Dispersibility and stability improvement of unfunctionalized nanotubes in amide solvents by polymer wrapping. T. Hasan, V. Scardaci, P.H. Tan, A.G. Rozhin, W.I. Milne, A.C. Ferrari; Physica E 40, 2414 (2008) (pdf).