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Jamie graduated from Cardiff University in 2017. His final year project was in the realm of high-frequency materials research and FEM for interfacial sciences, specifically double layers. This was conducted at Cardiff’s Centre for High Frequency Engineering under the supervision of Prof A Porch. Jamie joined the Centre for Doctoral Training in Ultra Precision Engineering at the University of Cambridge in September 2017 and completed his MRes degree in mid-2018.
After successfully completing projects characterising the RF and THz properties of carbon nanotube (CNT) textiles, Jamie has continued to work with Dr Hannah Joyce on ultrafast terahertz spectroscopic methods to better understand low-dimensional materials. Jamie also maintains and develops the code used to operate an optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy system at the University of Cambridge. The CNTs Jamie is interested in are supplied by the macromolecular materials laboratory (MML), where floating catalyst chemical vapour deposition (FC-CVD) is used to create highly aligned CNT textiles in large quantities.