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Nanomaterials and Spectroscopy Group

Nanomaterials and Spectroscopy Group








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Publications 2022

438.Chip-Scalable, Graphene-Based Terahertz Thermoelectric Photodetectors. L. Viti, M. Asgari, E. Riccardi, O. Balci, D. De Fazio, S. M. Shinde, J. Zhang, S. Mignuzzi, F. H. Koppens, A. C. Ferrari, M. S. Vitiello. IEEE Explore (2022). (pdf).

437.Resistive Switching Crossbar Arrays Based on Layered Materials. M. Lanza, F. Hui, C. Wen, A. C. Ferrari. Advanced Materials, 35, 2205402 (2022). (pdf).

436. Terahertz photodetection in scalable single-layer-graphene and hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures. M. Asgari, L. Viti, O. Balci, S.M. Shinde, J. Zhang, H. Ramezani, S. Sharma, A. Meersha, G. Menichetti, C. McAleese, B Conran, X. Wang, A. Tomadin, A.C. Ferrari, M.S. Vitiello. Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 031103 (2022). (pdf).

435. Unbiased Plasmonic-Assisted Integrated Graphene Photodetectors. I. Vangelidis, D.V. Bellas, S. Suckow, G. Dabos, S. Castilla, F.H.L. Koppens, A.C. Ferrari, N. Pleros, E. Lidorikis. ACS Photonics, 9, 1992 (2022). (pdf).

434. Moiré Modulation of Van Der Waals Potential in Twisted Hexagonal Boron Nitride. S. Chiodini, J. Kerfoot, G. Venturi, S. Mignuzzi, E.M. Alexeev, B.T. Rosa, S. Tongay, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A.C. Ferrari, A. Ambrosio. ACS Nano 16, 7589 (2022). (pdf).

433. Thermionic graphene/silicon Schottky infrared photodetectors. S. Doukas, P. Mensz, N. Myoung, A. C. Ferrari, I. Goykhman, E. Lidorikis. Phys. Rev. B 105, 115417 (2022). (pdf). SI (pdf).

432. Mapping the complex refractive index of single layer graphene on semiconductor or polymeric substrates at Terahertz frequencies. V. Pistore, O. Balci, J. Zhang, S.M. Schinde, A. Meersha, A.C. Ferrari, M.S. Vitiello. 2D Mater. 9, 025018 (2022). (pdf).

431. Electrically-tuneable non-equilibrium optical response of graphene. E.A.A. Pogna, A. Tomadin, O. Balci, G. Soavi, I. Paradisanos, M. Guizzardi, P. Pedrinazzi, S. Mignuzzi, K.-J. Tielrooij, M. Polini, A.C. Ferrari, G. Cerullo. ACS Nano 16, 3613 (2022). (pdf).

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