Multimedia Document Retrieval
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Database Search for andy
You can choose to retrieve the results of your common queries or to search with a new query below.

More advanced users may wish to use the advanced search which can be accessed by clicking on the button at the foot of the page.

The database was last updated on Tuesday 2 May 2000 and currently contains 5234 stories.

Search Query
Choose one of your common queries below or enter a custom query:

Query New
Click to
Keep me up to date on the Microsoft anti trust suit Retrieve
What's going on in the American Baseball League Retrieve
Give me information on the Northern Ireland peace process - Retrieve
The following are cached* queries
Tell me about the protests of Cuban Americans in Miami Retrieve Retrieve
Will Tony Blair take paternal leave? Retrieve Retrieve
Tell me about NASA's space program Retrieve Retrieve

* In the full MDR demo version the results for the last three queries are stored. This enables a user to return to these results without repeating the search process. In order to retrieve the stored results one has to press the `Review' button next to one of the cached queries. If, however, the data base has been updated since the last search and the user is interested in new documents then it is necessary to press the `Check' button which starts a new search. In this restricted version of the MDR demo both buttons transfer the user to the same page.

New Query
New Query: 
This feature is not available

Display Options
Return results in batches of 10.