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Nanomaterials and Spectroscopy Group








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Publications 2023

454Towards High-Capacity Recovery Aprotic Li-O2 Batteries. I. Temprano, W. Brehm, Y. Ham, Z. Lacour, F. Bonaccorso, A. C. Ferrari, C. P. Grey. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2023-02, 109 (2023). (pdf).

453Ultrafast Electronic Relaxation Dynamics of Atomically Thin MoS2 Is Accelerated by Wrinkling. C. Xu, G. Zhou, E.M. Alexeev, A.R. Cadore, I. Paradisanos, A.K. Ott, G. Soavi, S. Tongay, G. Cerullo, A.C. Ferrari, O.V. Prezhdo, Z.H. Loh. ACS Nano, 17, 16682 (2023). (pdf).

452.Electrically Tunable Nonlinearity at 3.2 Terahertz in Single-Layer Graphene A. Di Gaspare, O. Balci, J. Zhang, A. Meersha, S. M. Shinde, L. Li, A. G. Davies, E. H. Linfield, A. C. Ferrari, and M. S. Vitiello. ACS Photonics, 10, 3171 (2023). (pdf)SI.


451Plug-And-Play Stimulated Raman Microscopy System for Broadband Coherent Vibrational Imaging. F. Crisafi, B. Talone, A. Ragni, G. Di Noia, M. Rahman, J. He, J. Marcellino, G. Kar, Y. Samad, B. Mao, R. Vanna, F. Hoffmann, O. Guntinas-Lichius, S. Ghislanzoni, I. Bongarzone, S.Y. Set, A.C. Ferrari, G. Cerullo, M. Negro. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (2023). (pdf).

450. A foundation model for atomistic materials chemistry. I. Batatia , P. Benner , Y. Chiang, A. M. Elena, D. P. Kovács , J. Riebesell, X. R. Advincula, M. Asta, W. J. Baldwin , N. Bernstein, A. Bhowmik, S. M. Blau, V. Cărare, J. P. Darby , S. De, F.D. Pia, V. L. Deringer, R. Elijošius , Z. El-Machachi, E. Fako, A. C. Ferrari, A. Genreith-Schriever, J. George, R. E. A. Goodall, C. P. Grey, S. Han, W. Handley, H. H. Heenen , K. Hermansson, C. Holm, S. Hofmann, J. Jaafar , K. S. Jakob, H. Jung, V. Kapil, A. D. Kaplan, N. Karimitari, N. Kroupa, J. Kullgren, M. C. Kuner, D. Kuryla, G. Liepuoniute, J. T. Margraf, I. B. Magdău, A. Michaelides, J. H. Moore, A. A. Naik, S. P. Niblett, S. W. Norwood, N. O’Neill, C. Ortner, K. A. Persson, K. Reuter, A. S. Rosen, L. L. Schaaf, C. Schran, E. Sivonxay, T. K. Stenczel, V. Svahn, C. Sutton, C. van der Oord, E. Varga-Umbrich, T. Vegge, M. Vondrák, Y. Wang, W. C. Witt, F. Zills, and G. Csányi. arXiv:2401.00096 (2023). (pdf).

448.Charge-carrier complexes in monolayer semiconductors. E. Mostaani, R. J. Hunt, D. M. Thomas, M. Szyniszewski, A. R. P. Montblanch, M. Barbone, M. Atatüre, N. D. Drummond, A. C. Ferrari. Phys. Rev. B 108, 035420 (2023). (pdf).

447.Microwave-based quantum control and coherence protection of tin-vacancy spin qubits in a strain-tuned diamond membrane heterostructure. X. Guo, A. M. Stramma, Z. Li, W. G. Roth, B. Huang, Y. Jin, R. A. Parker, J. A. Martínez, N. Shofer, C. P. Michaels, C. P. Purser, M. H. Appel, E. M. Alexeev, T. Liu, A. C. Ferrari, D. D. Awschalom, N. Delegan, B. Pingault, G. Galli, F. Joseph Heremans, M. Atatüre, A. A. High. Phys. Rev. X 13, 041037. (2023). (pdf).

446.Nanoscale Cathodoluminescence and Conductive Mode Scanning Electron Microscopy of van der Waals Heterostructures H. Ramsden, S. Sarkar, Y. Wang, Y. Zhu, J. Kerfoot, E. M. Alexeev, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. Tongay, A. C. Ferrari, and M. Chhowalla. ACS Nano, 17, 11882 (2023). (pdf). SI.

445.Near- and Far-Field Observation of Phonon Polaritons in Wafer Scale Multilayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition. E. Calandrini, K. Voronin, O. Balci, M. Barra Burillo, A. Bylinkin, S. M. Shinde, S. Sharma, F. Casanova, L. E. Hueso, A. Chuvilin, C. McAleese, B. R. Conran, X. Wang, T. Kenneth, V. S. Volkov, A. C. Ferrari, A. Y. Nikitin, R. Hillenbrand. Advanced Materials, 35, 2302045 (2023). (pdf). SI.

444.Layered materials as a platform for quantum technologies. A. R.-P. Montblanch, M. Barbone, I. Aharonovich, M. Atatüre & A. C. Ferrari. Nature Nanotechnology, 18, 555 (2023). (pdf). SI.

443.Short pulse generation from a graphene-coupled passively mode-locked terahertz laser E. Riccardi, V. Pistore, S. Kang, L. Seitner, A. De Vetter, C. Jirauschek, J. Mangeney, L. Li, A. G. Davies, E. H. Linfield, A. C. Ferrari, S. S. Dhillon & M. S. Vitiello. Nature Photonics 17, 607 (2023). (pdf). SI.

442.Identification of Exciton Complexes in Charge-Tunable Janus WSeS Monolayers M. S. G. Feuer, A. R.-P. Montblanch, M. Y. Sayyad, C. M. Purser, Y. Qin, E. M. Alexeev, A. R. Cadore, B. L. T. Rosa, J. Kerfoot, E. Mostaani, R. Kalȩba, P. Kolari, J. Kopaczek, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. C. Ferrari, D. M. Kara, S. Tongay, and M. Atatüre. ACS Nano 17, 8 (2023). (pdf). SI.

441.Graphene-Black Phosphorus Printed Photodetectors. S. Akhavan, A. Ruocco, G. Soavi, A. Taheri Najafabadi, S. Mignuzzi, S. Doukas, A. R. Cadore, Y. A. K. Samad, L. Lombardi, K. Dimos,I. Paradisanos, J. E. Muench, H. F. Y. Watson, S. Hodge, L. G. Occhipinti, E. Lidorikis, I. Goykhman, and A. C. Ferrari. 2D Materials 10, 3 (2023). (pdf).

440.Control of Raman Scattering Quantum Interference Pathways in Graphene. X. Chen, S. Reichardt, M-L. Lin, Y.-C. Leng, Y. Lu, H. Wu, R. Mei, L. Wirtz, X. Zhang, A. C. Ferrari, and P-H Tan. ACS Nano 17, 5956 (2023). (pdf).

439.Phononics of graphene, layered materials, and heterostructures. A. C. Ferrari, A. A. Balandin. Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 7 (2023). (pdf).

438.Self-Induced Mode-Locking in Electrically Pumped Far-Infrared Random Lasers. A. Di Gaspare, V. Pistore, E. Riccardi, E. A. A. Pogna, H.E. Beere, D. A. Ritchie, L. Li, A. G. Davies, E. H. Linfield, A. C. Ferrari, and M. S. Vitiello. Advanced Science 10, 9 (2023): 2206824 (pdf).


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