Our Cleanrooms of Class 100 and 1000 are connected internally by a clean lift.
Class 100 is for high-grade lithography work, with spin-coaters, nanoimprinter, laser writer, and soon, EBL Raith EBPG5200.
Class 1000 is for the production of graphene and other 2D materials, with a range of equipment for physical and chemical deposition, growth and etching. There area also chemical wetbenches for sample prep and processing, inspection microscopes and an Argon-filled glovebox for sensitive materials.
To gain access to the Cleanrooms please contact CGC Facilities Manager (facilities@graphene.cam.ac.uk)
Any equipment will require booking before use, and the booking system can be found here.
Class 1000
Class 100
![Class1000](../images/facilities/Class1000.jpg) |
![Class100](../images/facilities/Class100.jpg) |