This resource has been carefully designed to tie in closely with the National Curriculum Key Stages and Attainment Targets.
Forces & Motion modules Key Stage links
For each Key Stage, the table shows how the
- National Curriculum Key Stage Information: Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (for the Sc4 section of the NC, corresponding to Physical Processes)
- science modules that are used within the game.
You can click on the science module links to go directly to one of the modules.

Key Stage 1 (KS1): Sc4 Physical Processes: 2 Forces and motion
National Curriculum Reference | "Pupils should be taught:..." | Covered in... |
2a | "...to find out about, and describe the movement of, familiar things [for example, cars going faster, slowing down, changing direction]" | Forces & Motion module A: All About Forces |
2b | "...that both pushes and pulls are examples of forces" | Forces & Motion module A: All About Forces |
2c | "...to recognise that when things speed up, slow down or change direction, there is a cause [for example, a push or a pull]." | Forces & Motion module A: All About Forces Forces & Motion module E: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces |

Key Stage 2 (KS2): Sc4 Physical Processes: 2 Forces and motion
National Curriculum Reference | "Pupils should be taught:..." | Covered in... |
Types of force 2a | "...about the forces of attraction and repulsion between magnets, and about the forces of attraction between magnets and magnetic materials" | Forces & Motion module D: Magnetic Forces |
Type of force 2b | "...that objects are pulled downwards because of the gravitational attraction between them and the Earth" | Forces & Motion module B: Gravity, Stretching and Compression |
Type of force 2c | "...about friction, including air resistance, as a force that slows moving objects and may prevent objects from starting to move" | Forces & Motion module C: Friction |
Type of force 2d | "...that when objects [for example, a spring, a table] are pushed or pulled, an opposing pull or push can be felt" | Forces & Motion module B: Gravity, Stretching and Compression; Forces & Motion module E: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces |
Type of force 2e | "...how to measure forces and identify the direction in which they act." | Forces & Motion module A: All About Forces |

Key Stage 3 (KS3): Sc4 Physical Processes: 2 Forces and motion
(Items in italics are not covered in the modules - note that this resource is aimed primarily at upper Key Stage 2.)
National Curriculum Reference | "Pupils should be taught:..." | Covered in... |
Force and linear motion 2a | "...how to determine the speed of a moving object and to use the quantitative relationship between speed, distance and time" | - |
Force and linear motion 2b | "...that the weight of an object on Earth is the result of the gravitational attraction between its mass and that of the Earth" | Forces & Motion module B: Gravity, Stretching and Compression |
Force and linear motion 2c | "...that unbalanced forces change the speed or direction of movement of objects and that balanced forces produce no change in the movement of an object" | Forces & Motion module E: Balanced and Unbalanecd Forces |
Force and linear motion 2d | "ways in which frictional forces, including air resistance, affect motion [for example, streamlining cars, friction between tyre and road]" | Forces & Motion module C: Friction |
Force and rotation 2e | "...that forces can cause objects to turn about a pivot" | - |
Force and rotation 2f | "...the principle of moments and its application to situations involving one pivot" | - |
Force and pressure 2g | "...the quantitative relationship between force, area and pressure and its application [for example, the use of skis and snowboards, the effect of sharp blades, hydraulic brakes]." | - |