This resource has been carefully designed to tie in closely with the National Curriculum Key Stages and Attainment Targets.
Light and Sound modules Key Stage links
For each Key Stage, the table shows how the
- National Curriculum Key Stage Information: Knowledge, Skills and Understanding (for the Sc4 section of the NC, corresponding to Physical Processes)
- science modules that are used within the game.
You can click on the science module links to go directly to one of the modules.

Key Stage 1 (KS1): Sc4 Physical Processes: 3 Light and sound
National Curriculum Reference | "Pupils should be taught:..." | Covered in... |
Light and dark 3a | "...to identify different light sources, including the Sun" | Light module A: Light Sources and Light Rays |
Light and dark 3b | "...that darkness is the absence of light" | Light module C: Shadows |
Making and detecting sounds 3c | "...that there are many kinds of sound and sources of sound" | Sound module A: Sources of Sound |
Making and detecting sounds 3d | "...that sounds travel away from sources, getting fainter as they do so, and that they are heard when they enter the ear" | Sound module A: Sources of Sound; Sound module B: Loudness |

Key Stage 2 (KS2): Sc4 Physical Processes: 3 Light and sound
National Curriculum Reference | "Pupils should be taught:..." | Covered in... |
Everyday effects of light 3a | "...that light travels from a source" | Light module A: Light Sources and Light Rays |
Everyday effects of light 3b | "...that light cannot pass through some materials, and how this leads to the formation of shadows" | Light module C: Shadows |
Everyday effects of light 3c | "...that light is reflected from surfaces [for example, mirrors, polished metals]" | Light module B: Reflection: Seeing Objects; Light module D: Reflection: Mirrors |
Seeing 3d | "...that we see things only when light from them enters our eyes" | Light module B: Reflection: Seeing Objects |
Vibration and sound 3e | "...that sounds are made when objects [for example, strings on musical instruments] vibrate but that vibrations are not always directly visible" | Sound module A: Sources of Sound |
Vibration and sound 3f | "...how to change the pitch and loudness of sounds produced by some vibrating objects [for example, a drum skin, a plucked string]" | Sound module C: Pitch |
Vibration and sound 3g | "...that vibrations from sound sources require a medium [for example, metal, wood, glass, air] through which to travel to the ear" | Sound module A: Sources of Sound |

Key Stage 3 (KS3): Sc4 Physical Processes: 3 Light and sound
(Items in italics are not covered in the modules - note that this resource is aimed primarily at upper Key Stage 2.)
National Curriculum Reference | "Pupils should be taught:..." | Covered in... |
The behaviour of light 3a | "...that light travels in a straight line at a finite speed in a uniform medium" | Light module A: Light Sources and Light Rays |
The behaviour of light 3b | "...that non-luminous objects are seen because light scattered from them enters the eye" | Light module B: Reflection: Seeing Objects |
The behaviour of light 3c | "...how light is reflected at plane surfaces" | Light module D: Reflection: Mirrors |
The behaviour of light 3d | "...how light is refracted at the boundary between two different materials" | - |
The behaviour of light 3e | "...that white light can be dispersed to give a range of colours" | - |
The behaviour of light 3f | "...the effect of colour filters on white light and how coloured objects appear in white light and in other colours of light" | - |
Hearing 3g | "...that sound causes the eardrum to vibrate and that different people have different audible ranges" | - |
Hearing 3h | "...some effects of loud sounds on the ear [for example, temporary deafness]" | Sound module B: Loudness |
Vibration and sound 3i | "...that light can travel through a vacuum but sound cannot, and that light travels much faster than sound" | Sound module A: Sources of Sound |
Vibration and sound 3j | "...the relationship between the loudness of a sound and the amplitude of the vibration causing it" | Sound module B: Loudness |
Vibration and sound 3k | "...the relationship between the pitch of a sound and the frequency of the vibration causing it" | Sound module C: Pitch |