This basic game-playing search strategy was devised by Claude Shannon (him of the Hartley-Shannon formula) in 1950. It relies on the ability to describe how good overall a particular state is for a particular player. This is called static evaluation. When you run the evaluator, the higher the score the better the state is for you. The search strategy is based on the assumption that you are intent on maximizng your evaluation score, while your adversary is intent on minimizing it. A search for possible states is opened up for a few moves ahead.
Forward vs backward reasoning
Recall that the object of search is to discover a path through a problem's search from initial state to goal state. So far, we have discussed search in terms of forward motion from the start state. But we could just as well have used backwards search, starting at the goal and working back. For that matter, we could do both at the same time.
Which is it better to choose? Three factors might influence the choice of search direction.