Uninformed Methods

The first two methods are UNINFORMED.

Method 1: Depth-first search

The depth-first algorithm is:

1. Form a one element queue Q consisting of the root node.
2. Until the Q is empty or the goal has been reached, determine if the first element in the Q is the goal.
2a. If it is, do nothing.
2b. If is isn't, remove the first elment from the Q and add the first element's children, if any, to the FRONT of the Q.
3. If the goal is reached, success; else failure.

Depth-first search is simple, but is very unsatisfactory if the tree is unbalanced, with some leaves being at the end of much longer branches than others. It lacks discrimination.

Completeness: Yes

Time efficiency: No

Space efficiency: Yes

Optimality: No

Method 2: Breadth-first

In this technique you search for the goal node among all nodes of a particular generation before expanding further. This way you always catch the node nearest the root in generations. This is of value if the tree is unbalanced, but is wasteful if all the goal nodes are at similar levels. Why? Consider a tree with branching factor b. At level k there are bk nodes, which can be very large - we must be wary of anything involving exponential size and time.

The breadth-first algorithm is:

1. Form a one element queue Q consisting of the root node.
2. Until the Q is empty or the goal has been reached, determine if the first element in the Q is the goal.
2a. If it is, do nothing.
2b. If is isn't, remove the first element from the Q, and add the first element's children, if any, to the BACK of the Q.

3. If the goal is reached, success; else failure.

Completeness: Yes

Time efficiency: No

Space efficiency: No

Optimality: No

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