Computers can be a source of tremendous benefit to those with motion impairments.
They offer greater freedom to participate in education and leisure activities.
Earlier research has shown that there are very important differences between
those with motion-impairments, be they elderly or disabled, and able-bodied
users when they interact with computers.
Without a proper understanding of those differences, interface design will remain
an exercise in making the interfaces more comfortable for the motion-impaired
users, rather than genuinely usable.
Recent discussions about the concept of user interfaces for all have shown that traditional' human computer interaction' (HCI) approaches are not the best way to achieve universal accessibility and that more specific studies are required to reach this goal.
Two core themes from this work are proactivity - addressing the issue of accessibility at design time, and adaptation - the ability for the interface to be tailored to the user. This research is addressing both of these issues explicitly, not only for interfaces, but for input system design as well. We are focusing exclusively on the users, placing their needs above all other considerations.
Industrial partners for this project include: The Post Office, Don Johnston Special Needs Ltd. (UK) and AT&T Laboratories Cambridge (formerly the Olivetti and Oracle Research Laboratory).
For more information see the research group home page.