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Engineering for the Life Sciences Department of Engineering


Part IB

Paper 8 elective: Engineering for the Life Sciences provides an introduction to the EfLS area

Part IIA

Engineering Area: 9. Engineering for the Life Sciences (new for 2007/08)

There is a growing need for a more integrated approach to the understanding of biological systems, providing many opportunities for the application of engineering to clinical and life sciences. Engineering for the Life Sciences is a rapidly growing field encompassing the use of engineering tools to solve problems in medicine and biology as well as new quantitative approaches to biological systems based on engineering principles.
These topics complement those from the core Engineering Area

Number and title of module



Introduction to bioscience



Mathematical Physiology (new for 07/08)



Introduction to neuroscience



Medical imaging and 3D computer graphics



Biomaterials (new for 07/08)



Mechanics of solids



Finite Element Methods

3C7 recommended


Signals and systems



Signal and pattern processing


Students intending to qualify in this Engineering Area must include at least 6 of the modules listed above and must take at least three modules from 3G1, 3G3, 3G3, 3G4 & 3G5.

The modules particularly focus on the application of mechanics and information processing to the Life Sciences. The module section allows those who wish to specialise in Mechanics and the Life Sciences to take modules such as 3G1, 3G2, 3G4, 3G5, 3C7 & 3D7 and those who wish to specialise in Information Processing and the Life Sciences to take modules such as 3G1, 3G2, 3G3, 3G4, 3F1 & 3F3. For those who would like a broad draining in both mechanics and information processing a combination of the above modules can be selected.

Engineering Area Activity:  Mechanics of soft biomaterials

Part IIB

In addition to current fourth year modules in 4G1 Computational and Systems Biology and 4G2 Biosensors an extensive range of new fourth year modules is being developed for introduction in 2008/09 including Biomimetics, Biomolecular modelling, Tissue Biomechanics (3C7 & 3D7 useful) and Theoretical Neuroscience (3F1 & 3F3 useful)

© 2007 Cambridge University Engineering Dept