Latest news:

- COSMOS CI, Prof. Sir Richard Friend wins Institute of Physics award for outstanding contributions to physics.
(Posted 02/07/09)

- The April 2009 edition of Nature Photonics features an article highlighting research by COSMOS members on polychromatic liquid crystal lasers. The article was written in response to a recent COSMOS publication in Optics Express on the same subject.
(Posted 20/04/09)

- The January 2009 edition of Laser Focus World features an article highlighting research by COSMOS members on polychromatic liquid crystal lasers. The article was written in response to a recent COSMOS publication in Optics Express on the same subject.
(Posted 09/01/09)

Archived news items

COSMOS (Coherent Optical Sources using Micromolecular Ordered Structures) is a four-year Basic Technology Research Programme funded by the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) to develop a new generation of micron sized tunable coherent light sources based on ordered organic periodic structures. This research programme is a joint venture between world-leading research groups in the Departments of Chemistry, Physics and Engineering at the University of Cambridge.

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