Press and Media Appearances

Please click below links to view our recent press and other media appearances!

Microwave cooks up Zinc Oxide Nanowires Nanotechweb 10 June 2008

Nanotube 'forest' makes super slippery surface - NewScientist
More on the same topic:
Nanotech now
Nano Professional Manpower Database
Digital Silence
Science Chat
Nano Oresund

BBC interview with Ken Teo - live on Radio 4, 9am on 15 June 2006
Click here to hear MP3 file

Nanotube switch - Taken from Bits and Chips Magazine 17 November 2005

"Nanotube switch makes its debut" - Nanotechweb 19 Oct 2005

"Carbon nanotubes power up microwave amplifiers" - Nanotechweb 12 Oct 2005

"Microwave Devices: Carbon Nanotubes as Cold Cathodes" - Nature Brief Communications (2005)

Nature interview with Ken Teo - Taken from Nature Podcast 12 October 2005 edition, at 12:15

"Tube Training" - EPSRC Newsline Spring 2004

Journal of Materials Chemistry Front Cover - March 2004

"Electrons in Carbon County" - Nature Materials Jan 2004

"Rapid growth makes clean nanotubes" - Nanotechweb 22 Jan 2004

"Water repellency goes nano: carpet of CNT cleans itself" - Science News Online Nov 2003

"Nanotube helium sensors could bring helium atom beam microscope" - Nanotechweb 30 Sep 2003

"Watching the nanotube" - IEEE Spectrum Sep 2003

"Home grown nanotubes" - IEE Review April 2003

"Beyond the silicon roadmap" - Nature 10 Oct 2002

TNT2002 logo on T-shirts and mousemats - Sep 2002

"IST/FET Phantoms Newsletter"  - (cover+pg 12 article+pg 20) Jan 2002 (index for Phantoms)

"Nanotubes for ebeam sources" - Electronics Times 2 Nov 2001

"Carbon nanotube layout achieves precision levels on silicon substrate" - Electronics Times 26 Sep 2001

© 2003 CNT@Cambridge web by Ken Teo