Milestones 1975 ~ 2000

1975 The 10m diameter centrifuge designed and manufactured in the Department was put into service.
1977 M.Phils in Control and Operational Research and in Soil Mechanics were introduced.
1979 The first year of the new Tripos in Production Engineering. The total student numbers exceeded 1000 for the first time, and Microprocessor teaching was introduced as a first year course.
1981 Unveiling of the Lady Baker Memorial Fountain.
1982 The Microelectronics Research Laboratory headed by Dr Haroon Ahmed became so large that it moved to new premises at the Science Park.
1983 John Arthur Shercliffe was appointed Head of Department following the retirement of Austyn Mair. He died of cancer only three months later.

Jacques Heyman was elected Head of Department.

The first year courses were reformed to put more emphasis on information engineering and electronics.

Acorn donated 60 microcomputers, allowing computer based teaching packages to be implemented.

The Manufacturing Engineering Group moved to the Press Site in Mill Lane.

The Computer Aided Engineering Centre was set up under the leadership of Professor Alistair MacFarlane (later Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University).

Professor Alec Broers was appointed Head of Electrical Engineering.

A new Professorship in Management Studies was endowed by Peat Marwick and Co. Stephen Watson was appointed to this Chair.

1985 Lord Baker died at the age of 84.