Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Machine Tools within the Workshops


Boxford Turnmaster Lathe

This small CNC lathe is equipped with gang toolingand a FANUC OT control. It excells at small intricate jobs and small batch work. The gang tooling enables a fast turnaround between tool changes.

Dean, Smith and Grace 500TC Lathe

This large high capacity lathe is equipped with 2 automatic tool changers and can handle up to 12 different tools during a cycle. The tool changers, gear range selection and axis movement controls are managed by a FANUC OT control. Programming for the control can be performed offline, where graphical representation of the tool path can be viewed.

Milling Machines

Famup Uniforall 1 Mill

Computer Numerical Control milling machine.

Beaver NC5 Mill (1)

The design of this machine is the same as the other Beaver, however this one is equipped with a FANUC 6MB control. The control enables simultaneous 3 axis movement at speeds up to 10m/min. Feedback is provided by rotary encoders mounted on the end of each DC servo drive. The program format is ISO and can be generated on or off line. Hardware and software faults are reported back to the user via the diagnostic user interface.

Beaver NC5 Mill (2)

This is the oldest CNC milling machine in the department. It was originally equipped with a Posipath control and stepper motors with no feedback. During the summer of 1990 it was retrofitted with a Heidenhain TNC246 control, DC servo drives and rotary encoders. The machine is now able to perform as well, if not better in some cases, as the other Beaver mill in the department.

Newall Vertex 200 Mill

This is the largest Computer Numerical Controlled milling machine in the department's workshops and is capable of 3 axis simultaneous movement. The control system is based around a Heidenhain TNC355 control coupled with linear scales attached to each axis. This method of feedback control resolves 'actual' position of the tool and so leads to higher component tolerances. The control can accept program data in either ISO or Heidenhain Plain Language Dialogue.

Electro Discharge Machines

Fanuc Wirecut W0

Wire Erosion Machine.

Fanuc Robocut Alpha 1C

Wire Erosion Machine.