Publications by David Cunningham
"Shannon capacity calculation on multimode fibres", C H Kwok, D G Cunningham and I H White, IET Optoelectronics, Vol 3, pp149-157, 2009
"Does multimode fibre have a future in data-communications?", D G Cunningham and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 43, pp 63-65, 2007 (invited Insight letter)
"Electronic equalisation for length extension of x2 to x3 in 10 Gb/s multimode-fibre datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Electronics Letters, Vol 40, pp 1437-1439, 2004
"High bandwidth data transmission in multimode fibre links using subcarrier multiplexing with VCSELs", L Raddatz, D Hardacre, I H White, R V Penty, D G Cunningham, M R T Tan and S Y Wang, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 686-688, 1998
"Simple technique for bandwidth enhancement of multimode fibre links using controlled spatial emission from vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L J Sargent, M Webster, I H White, P J Heard, R V Penty, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 2038-2040, 1998
"28 Gb/s unequalized PAM3 modulation of an 850 nm VCSEL for next-generation datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Laser and Electro Optics, San Jose, 2012
"Comparisons between 28 Gb/s NRZ, PAM, CAP and optical OFDM systems for datacommunication applications", J L Wei, J D Ingham, D G Cunningham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Optical Interconnects Conference, Santa Fe, 2012
"40 Gb/s carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for low-cost optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011
"Coarse optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for optical datacommunication applications", S Lee, L Geng, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, 2011
"Orthogonal Multipulse Modulation for Next-Generation Datacommunication Links" J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, D G Cunningham, P Westbergh, J S Gustavsson, A Haglund and A Larsson, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ECOC, Geneva, 2011
"Symmetrical 2-D hermite-gaussian square launch for high bit rate transmission in multimode fiber links", L Geng, S H Lee, K Williams, R Penty, I White and D Cunningham, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011
"40 Gb/s carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for low-cost optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, 2010
"Carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for low-cost, high-spectral-efficiency optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Efficient line launch for bandwidth improvement of 10 Gbit/s multimode fibre links using elliptical Gaussian beam", L Geng, C Kwok, S H Lee, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, 2010
"Multimode fibers with asymmetric impulse response for an improved Shannon capacity",C H Kwok, D G Cunningham and I H White, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Hangzhou, 2008
"Ultimate (Shannon) capacity of multimode fibres", I H White, J D Ingham and D C Cunningham, European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), Austria 2008, (invited)
"Extended-reach operation of 10 Gb/s multimode-fibre links using multichannel 16-QAM modulation", J D Ingham, D G Cunningham, R V Penty and I H White, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Wuhan, 2007
"Twin-spot launch for enhancement of multimode-fiber communication links" Q Sun, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"Electronic equalisation for length extension of x2 to x3 in 10 Gb/s multimode-fibre datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, European Conference on Optical Communication, Stockholm, 2004
"A simple device to allow enhanced bandwidths at 850nm in multimode fibre links for gigabit LANs", M Webster, L J Sargent, P J Heard, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, D G Cunningham and M R T Tan, Paper CWD6, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"High bandwidth multimode fibre links using subcarrier multiplexing in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L Raddatz, D Hardacre, I H White, R V Penty, D G Cunningham, M R T Tan and S-Y Wang, OFC"™98., San Jose, 1998
"High performance multimode fibre link using ring-lasing vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L J Sargent, M Webster, I H White, P J Heard, R V Penty, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, Paper ThD08, ECOC"™98, Madrid, 1998.
"Mode-controlled vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for bandwidth enhancement of multimode fibre links", M Webster, L J Sargent, P Dowd, P J Heard, I H White, R V Penty, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, Paper CMH6, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"Spatial emission control of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers to provide bandwidth gain in multimode fibre links using a simple alignment technique", L J Sargent, M Webster, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Nara, 1998
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