Publications by Adrian Wonfor
"Monolithically Integrated Tunable Mode-Locked Laser Diode Source with Individual Pulse Selection and Post-Amplification", X. Guo, A, Quarterman, A. Wonfor, R.V. Penty, I.H. White, OPTICS LETTERS,Volume:41,Issue:20, 2016
"Tunable WDM-PON System With Centralized Wavelength Control," S. Pachnicke, J. Zhu, M. Lawin, M. H. Eiselt, S. Mayne, B. Quemeneur, D. Sayles, H. Schwuchow, A. Wonfor, P. Marx, M. Fellhofer, P. Neuber, M. Dietrich, M. J. Wale, R. V. Penty, I. H. White, and J. P. Elbers, Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, pp. 812-818, 2016
"Monolithically Integrated Selectable Repetition-Rate Laser Diode Source of Picosecond Optical Pulses". Xuhan Guo, Vojtech Olle, Adrian Quarterman, Adrian Wonfor, Richard Penty and Ian White. Optics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 14, pp. 4144-4147, 2014
"Intelligent energy aware networks", Y Audzevich, A W Moore, A Rice, R Sohan, S Timotheou, J Crowcroft, S Akoush, A Hopper, A Wonfor, H Wang, R V Penty, I H White, X Dong, T El-Gorashi, and J Elmirghani, in "Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing", I Ahmad and S Ranka, Eds: CRC Press, Vol 1, pp 239-282, 2012
"Advanced photonic routing sub-systems with efficient routing control", I H White, M Ding, Q Cheng, A Wonfor, R V Penty . International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Budapest, 2015 (Invited)
"Scalable Energy Efficient InP Space Switches", RV Penty, A Wonfor, Q Cheng and IH White, PS2015, ThII2-1, Florence, 2015
"The Feasibility of Building a 64×64 Port Count SOA-Based Optical Switch", Q Cheng, M Ding, A Wonfor, R V Penty, and I H White. PS2015, Florence, 2015
"A 1 Gbps 105.4 GHz Link with a Directly Modulated Photonic Integrated Dual Laser Source", Zhen Yang, Martyn J. Fice, Katarzyna Balakier, Adrian Wonfor, Cyril C. Renaud, Guillermo Carpintero, Gaël Kervella, Frederic Van Dijk, Alwyn J. Seeds, Richard V. Penty, and Ian H. White. Conference on Laser and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, June 8-13, 2014
"Cascaded Performance of a Monolithic MZI-SOA Hybrid Switch", Q Cheng, A Wonfor, J L Wei, R V Penty, and I H White. Conference on Laser and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, 8-13 June, 2014, paper SM4G.1
"Dilated 2x2 Hybrid MZI-SOA Switch Circuit Routing 100Gb/s DWDM Data", Q Cheng, A Wonfor, J L Wei, R V Penty, and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO), Nice, 24-27 June, 2014, paper Th 4b R2
"High Temperature Athermal Colorless Laser for Low-Cost Backhaul Networks", Jiannan Zhu, Adrian Wonfor, Rosie Cush, Michael J. Wale, Stephan Pachnicke, Richard V. Penty, and Ian H. White. Conference on Laser and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, June 8-13, 2014
"Large Port Count Optical Switch Using Hybrid MZI-SOA Approach", I H White, Q Cheng, A Wonfor, and R V Penty, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, 2014, paper Mo.D2.1, (Invited)
"Real-time Demonstration of 3 × 10 Gb/s Uncooled MIMO DWDM System with Adaptive Laser Bias Control", Jiannan Zhu, Jonathan D Ingham, Adrian Wonfor, Richard V Penty and Ian H White. Conference on Laser and Electro Optics (CLEO), San Jose, June 8-13, 2014
"The Feasibility of Building Large Scale Optical Switches Using a Novel MZI-SOA Hybrid Approach", Q Cheng, J L Wei, A Wonfor, R V Penty, and I H White, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Shanghai, 2014, paper AF2B.4
"Uncooled Orthogonal DWDM using discrete laser sources for low-cost datacommunication", J B von Lindeiner, A Wonfor, Member, IEEE, R V Penty, Senior Member, IEEE, I H White, Fellow, IEE. European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, 2014 (Poster)
"High Power Pulses at Tunable Repetition Rates from a Monolithically Integrated Mode-Locked Laser Device" X Guo, A.H Quarterman, A Wonfor, V.F Olle, R.V Penty, I.H White. Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XII, Photonics, West San Francisco, CA USA 2013.
"Mode-Locking from a Monolithic InGaN/GaN Laser Diode" V.F Olle, A Wonfor, L.A.M Sulmoni, P.P Vasil'ev, J-M Lamy, J-F Carlin, N. Grandjean, R.V Penty and I.H White. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics (SIOE) Conference, Cardiff, April 9-11 2013
"Simulation on Low-energy, Scalable Hybrid Switch", Q Cheng, A Wonfor, K Wang, R V Penty and I H White. Semiconductor and Integrated Opto-Electronics Conference (SIOE), Cardiff, 2013
'100fs Level Pulse Train Generation with Cascaded Modulators and Various Fibre Compression Techniques' S.Zhu, A.H. Quarterman, A.Wonfor, R.V.Penty, I.H.White. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics (SIOE) Conference, Cardiff, April 9-11 2013
'Linewidth Narrowing in a Sub-Terahertz Monolithic Dual-Laser Source with Integrated Reflector' Z.Yang, A.Wonfor, R.V.Penty and I.H White. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics (SIOE) Conference, Cardiff, April 9-11 2013
'Low-Energy, Scalable Hybrid Crosspoint Switch Design' Q.Cheng, A.Wonfor, K.Wang, R.V Penty, I.H White. Semiconductor and Integrated OptoElectronics (SIOE) Conference, Cardiff, April 9-11 2013
"InP wavelength shifter designs for colorless user terminals in passive optical networks", J A Lazaro, V Solè, A Wonfor and B Schrenk, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2012), Barcelona, 2012
"Low repetition rates and high peak powers in monolithic mode-locked laser diodes", X Guo, A Wonfor, A H Quarterman, V F Olle, R V Penty and I H White, The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Diode Laser, Coventry UK, 2012
"Monolithically integrated variable repetition rate mode-locked laser diode", X Guo, V Olle, A Quarterman, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2012), Barcelona, 2012
"Numerical simulation of Dicke superradiance in a semiconductor laser device", X Guo, K A Williams, V F Olle, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Integrated Photonics Research Conference, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Toronto, 2011
"Theoretical model for Dicke superradiance in a semiconductor laser", X Guo, K A Williams, V F Olle, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Opto-Electronics Conference, Cardiff, 2011
"Uncooled DWDM transmission system using tunable laser sources with anti-mode-hop control protocol", S H Lee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, G Busico, R Cush and M Wale, IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, (PHO), 2011
"8-channel 20 Gb/s non-return-to-zero signal regeneration", Y Yu, A Wonfor, J Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"A compact lossless integrated 16 x 16 QW SOA switch", H Wang, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and K A Williams, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"Monolithic SOA switch fabric", I H White, R V Penty and A Wonfor, International Conference on Photonics in Switching, Monterey, 2010
"Multi-channel return-to-zero signal regeneration using a single phase modulator and an AWG", Y Yu, J D Ingham, J B Rosas-Fernandez, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC), San Diego, 2010
"Multi-channel return-to-zero signal regeneration using a single phase modulator and an AWG", Y Yu, J D Ingham, J Rosas-Fernandez, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), San Diego, 2010
"Self-configuring athermal tunable DS-DBR laser for passive optical networks", S H Lee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, G Busico, R Cush and M Wale, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Uncooled tuneable lasers for passive optical network applications", A Wonfor, S H Lee, R V Penty, I H White, G Busico, R Cush and M Wale, European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Pavia, 2010
"Comparative cross-layer analysis for serial and parallel free space optics inter-satellite links", E Rodriguez-Colina, D Gil-Leyva, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J L Marzo and R Fabregat, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Diego, 2009
"Demonstration of a lossless monolithic 16 x 16 QW SOA switch", H Wang, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Vienna, 2009
"Lossless multistage SOA switch fabric using high capacity monolithic 4 x 4 SOA circuits", H Wang, E T Aw, K A Williams, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"Low penalty cascaded operation of a monolithically integrated quantum dot 1 x 8 port optical switch", H Wang, K A Williams, A Wonfor, T de Vries, B Smalbrugge, Y-S Oei, M Smit, R Notzel, S Liu, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Vienna, 2009
"Receiver playout buffer requirement for TCP video streaming in the presence of burst packet drops", X Shen, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2009
"Terabit capacity passive polymer optical backplane", I H White , J Beals, N Bamiedakis, A Wonfor, R V Penty, J V DeGroot, K Hueston and T V Clapp, Ubiquitous Computing Workshop, Imperial College London, 2009 (invited)
"Demonstration of an SOA efficient 32 x 32 optical switch for radio over fiber distribution systems", M Crisp, E T Aw, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"High capacity demonstration of a compact regrowth-free integrated 4 x 4 quantum well semiconductor optical amplifier based switch", H Wang, E T Aw, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, RV Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communications, Brussels, 2008
"Integrated quantum dot 2 x 2 switch for uncooled switching applications", H Wang, E T Aw, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, A R Kovsh, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Eindhoven, 2008
"Terabit capacity passive polymer optical backplane", J Beals, N Bamiedakis, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"Ultrafast FWM self routing between 10 ports of spectral amplitude coded 10 Gb/s packets set on a 25 GHz grid with unequally spaced bins", J B Rosas-Fernandez, G Huang, E T Aw, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"Uncooled 2 x 2 quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier based switch", E T Aw, H Wang, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, RV Penty and IH White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"An optimized non-blocking SOA switch architecture for high performance Tb/s network interconnects", E T Aw, A Wonfor, M Glick, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics in Switching Conference, San Francisco, 2007
"Demonstration of a radio over fibre distributed antenna network for combined in-building WLAN and 3G coverage", M J Crisp, S Li, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Dynamic operation of a monolithic add-drop quantum dot switch", H Wang, E T Aw, Y Chu, S Liu, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2007
"Dynamic range studied of a monolithic 2 x 2 quantum dot switch", E T Aw, Y Chu, S Liu, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"High capacity optically switched interconnects for computer network applications", M Glick, A Wonfor, E T Aw, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics in Switching Conference, San Francisco, 2007 (invited)
"Highly spectral efficiency multi-user optical network architecture using 1 Gb/s 16 QAM subcarrier multiplexing", J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and P Ghiggino, European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, 2007
"Large dynamic range 32 x 32 optimized non-blocking SOA based switch for 2.56 Tb/s interconnect applications", E T Aw, A Wonfor, M Glick, R V Penty and I H White, accepted for the European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, 2007
"Low-loss, high-uniformity 1 x 2, 1 x 4 and 1 x 8 polymer multimode Y-Splitters enabling radio-over-fibre multicasting applications", N Bamiedakis, J Beals, F Yang, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Copenhagen, 2007
"Monolithic 2 x 2 quantum dot switch for optical interconnect networks", E T Aw, H Wang, Y Chu, S Liu, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Copenhagen, 2007
"Monolithic add-drop quantum dot switch exhibiting ultra-low cross-wavelength distortion", X Hu, S Liu, Y Chu, X Zhao, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Multi-stage SOA switch fabrics: 4 x 40 Gb/s packet switching and fault tolerance", E T Aw, T Lin, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and M Glick, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Multimode SCM-based PON architecture for computer network applications using a low-cost polymer 1 x 8 splitter/combiner", N Bamiedakis, J Y Ha, F Yang, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"SCM-based PON architecture for LAN applications using an integrated polymer combiner/splitter", F Yang, N Bamiedakis, J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2007
"Spectrally efficient 10 x 1 Gb/s QPSK multi-user optical network architecture", J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and P Ghiggino, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"User workload based access network traffic emulation", X Shen, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, E-PhotonONe Summer School, Brest, 2007
"A novel monolithic beam steering high power transmitter for low cost free space optical wireless links", X Zhao, F K Lau, C W Tee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, N Michel and M Krakowski, SPIE International Symposium: Photonics West, San Jose, 2006
"A novel monolithic beam steering high power transmitter for low cost free space optical wireless links", F K Lau, X Zhao, C W Tee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, N Michel and M Krakowski, SPIE International Symposium: Photonics West, San Jose, 2006
"BER implication for TCP/IP network throughput over a 10 x 10 Gbps wavelength-striping cascaded SOA-switch", E Rodriguez-Colina, A W Moore, M Glick, A Wonfor, I H White and R V Penty, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2006
"Cascaded performance of quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier in a recirculating loop", S Liu, K A Williams, T Lin, M G Thompson, C K Yow, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, F Hopfer, M Lämmlin and D Bimberg, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"Experimental demonstration of electronic dispersion compensation in subcarrier-modulated links over FDDI-grade multimode fibre", A M E-A Diab, J D Ingham, J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"High capacity interconnection networks", M Glick, M Dales, T Lin, E T Aw, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, Gwangju, 2006 (invited)
"High capacity optical interconnects for computer networks", M Glick, M Dales, T Lin, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, University of Nottingham, 2006 (invited)
"Layered architecture to enable large scale SOA switch fabric", E T Aw, T Lin, A Wonfor, M Glick, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"Monolithic integration of collimating fresnel lens for beam quality enhancement in tapered high power laser diode", F K Lau, C W Tee, X Zhao, A Wonfor, K Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, N Michel and M Krakowski, SPIE International Symposium: Photonics West, San Jose, 2006
"Multi-wavelength semiconductor optical amplifier with automatic power control", E T Aw, T Lin, A Wonfor, M Glick, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2006
"Overcoming transmission impairments in wide frequency range radio-over-fibre distribution systems" X Qian, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"WDM-SVM PON architecture incorporating a virtually passive CWDM uplink concentrator", J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and P Ghiggino, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"1-20 GHz directly modulated radio over MMF link", P Hartmann, X Qian, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Seoul, 2005 (invited)
"Directly-modulated athermal transmitter for uncooled WDM systems", Y Liu, J D Ingham, A Wonfor, A R Davies, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"Full-duplex wireless-over-fibre transmission incorporating a CWDM ring architecture with remote millimetre-wave LO delivery using a bi-directional SOA", T Ismail, C P Liu, J E Mitchell, A J Seeds, X Qian, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"Microwave signal transmission over a directly-modulated radio-over-fiber link using cascaded semiconductor optical amplifiers", X Qian, P Hartmann, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"Packet error rate and bit error rate non-deterministic relationship in optical network applications", L B James, A W Moore, A Wonfor, R Plumb, I H White, R V Penty, M Glick and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"5 Gb/s elevated temperature data transmission using quantum dot lasers", K T Tan, C Marinelli, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, M Kuntz, M Lämmlin, N N Ledentsov, D Bimberg, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov and A R Kovsh, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Beyond Gigabit Ethernet: physical layer issues in future optical networks", L B James, A W Moore, R Plumb, M Glick, A Wonfor, I H White, D McAuley and R V Penty, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2004
"Enhanced performance of a 100 km directly-modulated radio-over-fibre link using an unfiltered SOA", X Qian, P Hartmann, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, Manchester, 2004
"High-power ultra-fast single- and multi-mode quantum-dot lasers with superior beam profile", R L Sellin, D Bimberg, V Ustinov, N N Ledentsov, I. Kaiander, M Kuntz, M Lämmlin, K T Tan, C Marinelli, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, D O'Brien, S P Hegarty, G Huyet, J G McInerney and J K White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2004 (invited)
"Improved distortion and dispersion tolerance of 4-level 40 Gb/s signals in amplified datacommunications links", A Wonfor, R G S Plumb, R V Penty, I H White, J K White and C Tombling, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Uncooled 40 Gb/s transmission over 40 km single mode fiber using multi-level modulation of a highly linear laser", A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J K White, A E Kelly and C Tombling, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Los Angeles, 2004
"20 Gb/s multilevel-coded signal transmission using directly modulated laser diodes", E E Coulson, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, K A Williams, M Webster, R V Penty, I H White and J K White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore 2003
"High dynamic range linear analog data links (1-20 GHz) using room temperature DFB laser diodes", P Hartmann, J D Ingham, M Webster, D Wake, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, A J Seeds and J K White, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2003 (invited)
"Integrated SOA devices for metro system applications", R V Penty, I H White, K A Williams, A Wonfor and A R Davies, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague, 2003 (invited)
"Linearity performance of uncooled single-mode InGaAsN VCSELs operating at 1.3 µm", M Webster, J D Ingham, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, L M F Chirovsky, R L Naone, D Galt, D W Kisker and D Jenkins, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"Low-cost multimode fibre-based wireless LAN distribution system using uncooled, directly modulated DFB laser diodes", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, D Wake and A J Seeds, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"The impact of strain on the spontaneous emission from self assembled quantum dot laser diodes", K T Tan, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, A Schliwa, D Bimberg, A R Kovsh, V M Ustinov and A E Zhukov, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore 2003
"Uncooled operation of a 40 Gb/s directly modulated multi-level laser for datacoms applications", A Wonfor, J K White, E E Coulson, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"Wide-frequency-range operation of a high-linearity uncooled DFB laser for next-generation radio-over-fiber", J D Ingham, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and J K White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Atlanta, 2003
"Automatic polarisation dependent gain compensation in semiconductor optical amplifiers using contact monitoring", A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2002
"Demonstration of highly linear uncooled DFB lasers for next generation RF over fibre applications", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, D Wake, R V Penty, A J Seeds and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Copenhagen, 2002
"High bandwidth modulation of multiple contact 1.3 micron quantum dot lasers", A Wonfor, K T Tan, C Ribbat, D Bimberg, K A Williams, D J Kang, M G Blamire, A R Kovsh, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"High temperature measurements of laser distortion", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"Novel polarisation independent gain compensation in semiconductor optical amplifiers using terminal monitoring", A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"Temperature independent distortion characteristics of high speed directly modulated laser diodes", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"All-optical 2R regeneration and wavelength conversion at 10Gb/s in an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/distributed feedback laser", M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"Constant output power control in an optical crosspoint switch allowing enhanced noise performance operation", A Wonfor, S Yu, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"Design and fabrication of air/semiconductor Bragg gratings for short wavelength nitride-based lasers", C Marinelli, L J Sargent, M Bordovsky, A Wonfor, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, M Benyoucef, M Kuball, G Hasnain and R P Schneider, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"Enhanced-performance operation of InGaN MQW lasers with air/nitride distributed Bragg reflector defined by focused ion beam etching", C Marinelli, L J Sargent, M Bordovsky, A Wonfor, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, G Hasnain and R P Schneider, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001
"Novel cascaded optical coding schemes for bandwidth efficient systems applications", M Webster, E J Tyler, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2001
"Novel output power control of a semiconductor optical amplifier based switch", A Wonfor, S Yu, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"All-optical 3R regeneration and wavelength conversion in an integrated SOA/DFB laser: experiment and simulation", V Saxena, M Owen, M F C Stephens, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, Paper CMH2, Cleo-Europe 2000, Nice, 2000
"Cascading and routing 14 optical packet switches", K Guild, A Tzanakaki, H Lee, M J O"Mahoney, M Chia, M Nizam, I Andonovic, D Hunter, S Yu, A Wonfor, R Varrazza, R V Penty and I H White, Paper P4.8, ECOC"00, Munich, 2000
"Demonstration of simultaneous packet routing and wavelength conversion at 10Gb/s in a highly compact, lossless, vertical coupler optical space switch", R Varrazza, A Wonfor, S Yu, B Cakmak, R V Penty and I H White, Paper 10.4.4, ECOC"00, Munich, 2000
"Return to zero modulation for extending multimode fibre data links to 10Gb/s", M Webster, J D Ingham, A B Massara, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Paper P3.18, ECOC"00, Munich, 2000
"Transmission of a single 2.5Gb/s subcarrier modulated channel over 300m of 62.5mm multimode fibre", E J Tyler, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Paper TuBB4, LEOS 2000, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 2000
"Effect of random facet phases in distributed feedback lasers on optical fibre link transmission penalty", R P Thilakumara, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and F Wijnands, Paper CWD4, CLEO"99, Baltimore, 1999
"Demonstration of time division demultiplexing form 40Gb/s to 10Gb/s via polarisation switching in a semiconductor optical amplifier", M F C Stephens, A E Kelly, D Nesset, A Wonfor and R V Penty, Paper CFG8, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"98, Glasgow, 1998
"Wavelength conversion based on an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/DFB laser at 10Gb/s with low input power", A R Sharafi, M F C Stephens, A Wonfor, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CWC6, CLEO"98, San Francisco, 1998
"Low Short Term Timing Jitter in an Integrated Cavity Semiconductor Laser Mode-Locked Laser", A Wonfor, B Zhu, I H White, R V Penty, E Lach, SIOE"97
"Low short term timing jitter in an integrated monolithic extended cavity semiconductor mode-locked laser", A Wonfor, B Zhu, I H White and R V Penty, Advanced Semiconductor Lasers and Applications, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Summer Topical Meetings, Paper FB3. pp 64"65, Montreal, 1997
"The effects of pedestal suppression on gain-switched laser sources for 40 Gbit/s OTDM transmission", P L Mason, A Wonfor, D D Marcenac, D G Moodie, M C Brierley, R V Penty, I H White and S Bouchoule, LEOS, San Francisco, 1997
"The importance of spontaneous emission noise in dynamic jitter in monolithic mode"locked diode lasers", A M Rashed, A Wonfor, B Zhu, R V Penty and I H White, LEOS" 97, San Francisco, 1997
"The effect of frequency detuning on the jitter performance of a monolithic mode-locked diode laser", A Wonfor, P A Snow, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, E Lach, D Baums, C Hache, H Haisch, E Kuhn, K Satzke, M Schilling, J Weber and E Zielinski, Paper ThN6, IQEC 96, Sydney, 1996
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