Publications by Richard Penty
"Free space optical wireless communications using directly modulated two-electrode high brightness tapered laser diode", F Feng, H Page, R V Penty, I H White, T D Wilkinson, N Michel, M Calligaro, Y Robert, O Parillaud and M Krakowski, Electronic Letters, Vol 48, No 5, pp 281-283, 2012
"Gigacount/second photon detection with InGaAs avalanche photodiodes", K A Patel, J F Dynes, A W Sharpe, Z L Yuan, R V Penty and A J Shields, Electronics Letters, Vol 48, Issue 2, pp 111-133, 2012
"Intelligent energy aware networks", Y Audzevich, A W Moore, A Rice, R Sohan, S Timotheou, J Crowcroft, S Akoush, A Hopper, A Wonfor, H Wang, R V Penty, I H White, X Dong, T El-Gorashi, and J Elmirghani, in "Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing", I Ahmad and S Ranka, Eds: CRC Press, Vol 1, pp 239-282, 2012
"Comparison of the noise performance of 10 GHz repetition rate quantum-dot and quantum well monolithic mode-locked semiconductor lasers", G Carpintero, M G Thompson, K Yvind, R V Penty and I H White, IET Optoelectronics, Vol 5, Issue 5, pp 195-201, 2011
"External-cavity mode-locked quantum-dot laser diodes for low repetition rate, sub-picosecond pulse generation", M Xia, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 17, No.5, pp 1264-1271, 2011
"Tellurite glass thin films on silica and polymer using UV (193 nm) pulsed laser ablation", Z Zhao, G Jose, P Steenson, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty, I H White and A Jha, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 44, pp. 1-6, 2010
"18 Gchips/s electronic CDMA for low-cost optical access networks", J B Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 27, pp 306-313, 2009
"Cost-effective multimode polymer waveguides for high-speed on-board optical interconnects", N Bamiedakis, J Beals, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol 45, pp 415-424, 2009
"High modulation efficiency and high power 1060 nm tapered lasers with separate contacts", N Michel, H Odriozola, C H Kwok, M Ruiz, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, M Krakowski, M Xia, R V Penty, I H White, J M G Tijero and I Esquivias, IET Electronics Letters Vol 45, pp 103-105, 2009
"High modulation efficiency gigabit/s modulation of twin-contact high-brightness tapered DBR laser", C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, K-H Hasler, B Sumpf and G Erbert, Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 21, pp 301-303, 2009
"InGaAs quantum-dot mode-locked laser diodes", M G Thompson, A R Rae, M Xia, R V Penty, and I H White, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 15, pp 661-672, 2009
"InGaAs-GaAs quantum-dot mode-locked laser diodes: Optimization of the laser geometry for subpicosecond pulse generation", A R Rae, M G Thompson, A R Kovsh, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 21, pp 307-309, 2009
"Low noise performance of passively mode-locked 10-GHz quantum-dot laser diode", G Carpintero, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 21, pp 389-391, 2009
"Radio over fiber distributed antenna networks", M Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty and I H White, Research Highlights, LEOS Newsletter, Vol 32, Issue 1, Pages 16-20, Feb 2009
"Simultaneous multiple DWDM channel NRZ-to-RZ regenerative format conversion at 10 and 20 Gb/s", Y Yu, X Zhang, J B Rosas-Fernandez, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Optics Express, Vol 17, pp 3964-3969, 2009
"Directly-modulated wavelength-multiplexed integrated microring laser array", A Bennecer, K Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Hamacher and H Heidrich, IEEE Photonic Technology Letters, Vol 20, pp 1411-1413, 2008
"In-band noise suppression using novel monolithic ultra-compact interferometers", E Moll, D Reading-Picopoulos, Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, IET Proc Optoelectronics, Vol 2, pp 105-110, 2008
"Link reliability improvement for optical wireless communication systems with temporal-domain diversity reception", C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 20, pp 700-702, 2008
"Single SOA based 16 DWDM channels all-optical NRZ-to-RZ format conversions with different duty cycles", Y Yu, X Zhang, J B Rosas-Fernandez, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Optics Express, Vol 16, pp 16166-16171, 2008
"Ultracompact microring laser-based optical-add multiplexer", A Bennecer, J D Ingham, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, H Ehlers, M Hamacher and H Heidrich, Electronics Letters, Vol 44, pp 593-594, 2008
"10 Gb/s transmission on single-wavelength multichannel SCM-based FDDI-grade MMF links at lengths over 300 m: a statistical investigation", A M E-A Diab, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 25, pp 2976-2983, 2007
"A novel intra-cavity lens design for compact and high efficiency tapered laser diode", F K Lau, C W Tee, R V Penty, I H White, N Michel and M Krakowski, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 19, pp 203-205, 2007
"Capacity scaling in a multi-host wavelength-striped SOA-based switch fabric", T Lin, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and M Glick, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 25, pp 655-663, 2007
"Control architecture for high capacity multi-stage photonics switch circuits", I H White, K A Williams, R V Penty, T Lin, E T Aw, M Dales and D McAuley, Journal of Optical Networking, Vol 6, pp 180-188, 2007 (invited)
"Transmitter-based equalisation for extended-reach multi-mode fibre datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 43, pp 240-2, 2007
"Uplink and downlink coverage improvement of 802.11g signals using a distributed antenna network", M J Crisp, S Li, A Watts, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 25, pp 3388-3395, 2007
"Bidirectional multimode-fiber communication links using dual-purpose vertical-cavity devices", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 24, pp 1283-1294, 2006
"Fabrication-tolerant active-passive integration scheme for vertically-coupled microring resonator", C W Tee, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 12, pp 108-116, 2006
"Modeling of reflection-transmission grating based 2D10 wavelength router", R P Thilakumara, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 24, pp 3439-3447, 2006
"Noise suppression in a monolithically integrated Michelson interferometer", E Moll, Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 42, pp 176-178, 2006
"Noncritical waveguide alignment for vertically coupled microring using a mode-expanded bus architecture", C W Tee, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and M Hamacher, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 18, pp 2129 - 2131, 2006
"Performance and scalability of a single-stage SOA switch for 10 x 10 Gb/s wavelength striped packet routing", T Lin, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 18, pp 691-693, 2006
"Subpicosecond high-power mode locking using flared waveguide monolithic quantum-dot lasers", M G Thompson, A Rae, R L Sellin, C Marinelli, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I L Krestnikov, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 88, 133119 (pp 3), 2006
"1.36 Tb/s spectral slicing source based on a Cr4+:YAG femtosecond laser", Y J Chai, C G Leburn, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown, R V Penty, I H White and W Sibbett, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 23, pp 1319-1324, 2005
"A characterization of Rhodamine 640 for optical amplification: Collinear pump and signal gain properties in solutions, thin-film polymer dispersions, and waveguides", M Ramon, M Ariu, R Xia, D D C Bradley, M A Reilly, C Marinelli, C N Morgan, R V Penty and I H White, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 97, 073517 (pp 8), 2005
"Colliding-pulse modelocked quantum dot lasers", M G Thompson, C Marinelli, X Zhao, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, I N Kaiander, D Bimberg, D-J Kang and M G Blamire, Electronics Letters, Vol 41, pp 248-250, 2005
"Directly modulated photonic devices for microwave applications", X Qian, P Hartmann, J Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 11, No 1, pp 78-85, 2005 (invited)
"Enhanced 10-Gbit/s link performance for directly modulated complex-coupled DFB lasers via resonance frequency, damping rate, and chirp", Y Liu, J K White, R G Plumb, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 11, pp 1112-1120, 2005
"Integrated optical 2 x 2 switch for wavelength multiplexed interconnects", K A Williams, G F Roberts, T Lin, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 11, pp 78-85, 2005"Integrated optical 2 x 2 switch for wavelength multiplexed interconnects", K A Williams, G F Roberts, T Lin, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 11, pp 78-85, 2005
"Integrated passive wavelength athermalisation for vertical-cavity semiconductor laser diodes", A E W Phillips, R V Penty and I H White, IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, Vol 152, pp 174-180, 2005
"Optical gain at 650 nm from a polymer waveguide with dye-doped cladding", M A Reilly, B Coleman, E Y B Pun, R V Penty, I H White, M Ramon, R Xia and D D C Bradley, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 87, 231116 (pp 3), 2005
"Photonic switching in short reach data networks", I H White, R V Penty and K A Williams, IEEE LEOS Newsletter, University Research Highlights, Vol 19, pp 5-7, 2005
"Statistical analysis of subcarrier-modulated transmission over 300 m of 62.5-mm-core-diameter multimode fiber", A M E-A Diab, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 23, pp 2380-2398, 2005
"Transient response of ARROW VCSELs", C W Tee, S F Yu, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol 41, pp 140-147, 2005
"Uncooled DBR laser directly modulated at 3.125 Gb/s as athermal transmitter for low-cost WDM systems", Y Liu, A R Davies, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 17, pp 2026-2028, 2005
"35 GHz mode locking of 1.3 mm quantum dot lasers", M Kuntz, G Fiol, M Lammlin, D Bimberg, M G Thompson, K T Tan, C Marinelli, R V Penty, I H White, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov, Y M Shernyakov and A R Kovsh, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 85, pp 843-845, 2004
"4 GHz-prf femtosecond Cr4+:YAG laser as OTDM/WDM source", C G Leburn, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown, W Sibbett, Y J Chai, R V Penty and I H White, Trends in Optics and Photonics, Vol 94, pp 72-77, 2004
"Electronic equalisation for length extension of x2 to x3 in 10 Gb/s multimode-fibre datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Electronics Letters, Vol 40, pp 1437-1439, 2004
"Monolithic semiconductor amplifier based switch fabrics for interconnects and storage area networking", K A Williams, M Glick, T Lin, G F Roberts, R V Penty and I H White, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol 7, No 3-4, pp 261-371, 2004
"Propagation of optical pulses in photonic crystal waveguides", Y J Chai, C N Morgan, R V Penty, I H White, T J Karle and T F Krauss, IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, Vol 151, pp 109-113, 2004
"Rib waveguide dye-doped polymer amplifier with up to 26 dB optical gain at 625 nm", M A Reilly, C Marinelli, C N Morgan, R V Penty, I H White, M Ramon, M Ariu, R Xia and D D C Bradley, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 85, pp 5137-5139, 2004
"Transform-limited optical pulses from 18 GHz monolithic modelocked quantum dot lasers operating at ~1.3 mm", M G Thompson, K T Tan, C Marinelli, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Kuntz, D Ouyang, D Bimberg, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov, A R Kovsh, N N Ledentsov, D-J Kang and M G Blamire, Electronics Letters, Vol 40, pp 346-347, 2004
"10 GHz hybrid modelocking of monolithic InGaAs quantum dot lasers", M G Thompson, C Marinelli, K T Tan, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, I N Kaiander, R L Sellin, D Bimberg, D-J Kang, M G Blamire, E Visinka, S Jochum and S Hansmann, Electronics Letters, Vol 39, pp 1121-1122, 2003
"Phase encoded spread in time signals for suppression of propagation nonlinearities in 40 Gb/s CDM/WDM communications systems using optical phase conjugation for dispersion compensation", J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty and I H White, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol 35, pp 561-572, 2003
"Tapered waveguide with parabolic lens: theory and experiment", A M Rashed, K A Williams, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Engineering, Vol 42, pp 792-797, 2003
"Toward terabit-per-second capacities over multimode fiber links using SCM/WDM techniques", E J Tyler, P Kourtessis, M Webster, E Rochart, T Quinlan, S E M Dudley, S D Walker, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 21, pp 3237-3243, 2003 (invited paper)
"0.6 Tbit/s/km multimode fibre feasibility experiment using 40 channel DWDM over quadrature-subcarrier transmission", P Kourtessis, T Quinlan, E Rochat, S D Walker, M Webster, I H White, R V Penty and M C Parker, Electronics Letters, Vol 38, pp 813-815, 2002
"Compact integrated silica wavelength filters", C N Morgan, S Yu, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 14, pp 1303-1305, 2002
"Interferometric noise suppression by means of dispersion-imbalanced loop mirror over a wavelength range of 28 nm", Y J Chai, I Y Khrushchev, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 14, pp 417-419, 2002
"Mode beating in spot-size converter lasers", H G M Wijnands, C G Crookes, P M Charles, R M Ash, I F Lealman, M J Robertson, A E Kelly, K A Williams, A B Massara, R V Penty and I H White, Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol 34, pp 959-973, 2002
"Penalty free subcarrier modulated multimode fiber links for datacomm applications beyond the bandwidth limit", E J Tyler, M Webster, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 14, pp 110-112, 2002
"Subcarrier modulated transmission of 2.5 Gb/s over 300 m of 62.5µm-core diameter multimode fiber", E J Tyler, M Webster, R V Penty, I H White, S Yu and J Rorison, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 14, pp 1743-1745, 2002
"Design and performance analysis of deep-etch air/nitride distributed Bragg reflector gratings for AlInGaN laser diodes", C Marinelli, M Bordovsky, L J Sargent, M Gioannini, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, M Benyoucef, M Kuball, G Hasnain, T Takeuchi and R P Schneider, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 79, pp 4076-4078, 2001
"10Gbit/s singlemode operation of two-dimensional-lattice distributed reflector laser", L J Sargent, A B Massara, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 36, pp 2014-2016, 2000
"A variable optical attenuator operating in the near-infrared region based on an electrochromic molybdenum complex", A M McDonagh, S R Bayly, D J Riley, M D Ward, J A McCleverty, M A Cowin, C N Morgan, R Varrazza, R V Penty and I H White, Chemistry of Materials, Vol 12, pp 2523-2524, 2000.
"Demonstration of high-speed optical packet routing using vertical coupler crosspoint space switch array", S Yu, M Owen, R Varrazza, R V Penty and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 36, No 6, pp 556-558, 2000
"Fabrication of 2 x 2 crosspoint switches using a sputtered SiO2 intermixing technique", B C Qiu, Y H Qian, O P Kowalski, A C Bryce, J S Aitchison, R M DelaRue, J H Marsh, M Owen, I H White, R V Penty, A Franzen, D K Hunter and I Andonovic, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 12, No 3, pp 287- 289, 2000
"Gain-switching of GaInN multiquantum well laser diodes", C Marinelli, I Y Khrushchev, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, Y Kaneko, S Watanabe, N Yamada, T Takeuchi, H Amano, I Akasaki, G Hasnain, R Schneider, S Y Wang and M R T Tan, Electronics Letters, Vol 36, No 1, pp 83-84, 2000
"Intracavity lens for low-divergence high-power laser diode operation", A M Rashed, K A Williams, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 76, No 3, pp 279-281, 2000
"Investigation of polarization-pinning mechanism in deep-line- etched vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers", L J Sargent, J M Rorison, M Kuball, R V Penty, I H White, S W Corzine, M R T Tan, S Y Wang and P J Heard, Applied Physics. Letters, Vol 76, No 4, pp 400-402, 2000
"Mode-hop-free, singlemode operation of 2D lattice distributed reflector laser under 2.5Gbit/s modulation", A B Massara, L J Sargent, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 36, No 2, pp 141-142, 2000
"Optical TDM makes faster networks possible", R V Penty, Laser Focus World, Vol 36, No 1, pp 191-196, 2000
"All-optical regeneration and wavelength conversion in an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/distributed-feedback laser", M F C Stephens, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 11, No 8, pp 979- 981, 1999
"Compact polymeric wavelength division multiplexer", M A Cowin, M Owen, J D Bainbridge, R V Penty and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, No 13, pp 1074-1076, 1999
"Design of high-brightness tapered laser arrays", K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, D J Robbins, F J Wilson, J J Lewandowski, and B K Nayar, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol 5, No 3, pp 822-831, 1999
"Dispersion compensation at 40Gbit/s over 100 km of standard fibre via mid-span spectral inversion in semiconductor optical amplifier with integrated pump laser" M F C Stephens, D Nesset, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and M J Fice, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, No 16, pp 1359-1361, 1999
"Dual-purpose VCSELs for short-haul bidirectional communication links", M Dragas, I H White, R V Penty, J Rorison, P J Heard and G Parry, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 11, No 12, pp 1548- 1550, 1999
"Experimental investigation of a Q-switched triple contact InGaAs bow-tie diode laser", B Cakmak, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, IEE Proc-Optoelectronics, Vol 146, No 6, pp 259-262, 1999
"Focused ion beam etching of GaN", C Flierl, I H White, M Kuball, P J Heard, G C Allen, C Marinelli, J M Rorison, R V Penty, Y Chen and S Y Wang, MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research, Vol 4, No S1, pp U776-U781, 1999
"Multiwavelength pulse source for OTDM/WDM applications based on arrayed waveguide grating", I Y Khrushchev, J D Bainbridge, J E A Whiteaway, I H White, and R V Penty, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 11, No 12, pp 1659- 1661, 1999
"OTDM applications of dispersion-imbalanced fibre loop mirror", I Y Khrushchev, I D Phillips, A D Ellis, R J Manning, D Nesset, D G Moodie, R V Penty, and I H White, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, No 14, pp 1183-1185, 1999
"Photonic technologies for ultra-high-speed information highways - I. 40 Gbit/s TDM components and subsystems", S Bouchoule, R Lefevre, E Legros, F Devaux, H Melchior, M Duelk, R Hess, E Lach, H Bulow, G Veith, J R Burie, J F Cadiou, F Brillouet, J Hourany, D Hoffman, B Sartorius, K S Jepsen, A T Clausen, A Buxens, H N Poulsen, K E Stubkjaer, H Burkhard, H J Scholl, D Nesset, A R Kelly, D Marcenac, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fibre Technology, Vol 5, No 3, pp 275-300, 1999 (Invited paper)
"Polymeric wavelength division multiplexer", M A Cowin, M Owen, I H White and R V Penty, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, No 17, pp 1464-1465, 1999
"Ridge waveguide InGaAsP lasers with uncooled 10Gbit/s operation at 70 degrees C", A B Massara, K A Williams, I H White, R V Penty, A Galbraith, P Crump and P Harper, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, No 19, pp 1646-1647, 1999
"Surface diagnostics of dry etched III-V semiconductor samples using focused ion beam and secondary ion mass spectrometry", S Y Yu, P J Heard, B Cakmak, R V Penty and I H White, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Vol 17, No 6, pp 3080-3084, 1999
"Using an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/distributed feedback laser for simultaneous wavelength conversion and replacement of a wavelength identifying tone", M F C Stephens, J D Bainbridge, M Owen, I H White and R V Penty, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 11, No 4, pp 472- 474, 1999
"WASPNET: A wavelength switched packet network", D K Hunter, M H M Nizam, M C Chia, I Andonovic, K M Guild, A Tzanakaki, M J OMahony, J D Bainbridge, M F C Stephens, R V Penty, and I H White, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol 37, No 3, pp 120-129, 1999
"Wavelength conversion at 40Gbit/s via cross-gain modulation in distributed feedback laser integrated with semiconductor optical amplifier", M F C Stephens, D Nesset, K A Williams, A E Kelly, R V Penty, I H White, and M J Fice, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, No 20, pp 1762-1764, 1999
"Wavelength conversion at 40Gbit/s via four wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifier with integrated pump laser", M F C Stephens, D Nesset, R V Penty, I H White, M J Fice, Electronics Letters, Vol 35, pp 420-421, 1999
"1 x 4 space switching and simultaneous all-optical wavelength conversion at 2.488Gbit/s using a single monolithically integrated multiwavelength laser", M Owen, J D Bainbridge, M F C Stephens, R V Penty, I H White, K Poguntke, K Young-Smith and M J Robertson, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 1942-1943, 1998
"Demonstration of an all-optical simultaneous wavelength converting/space-switching cross-point device", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, M Asghari, I H White, K Guild, M J O'Mahony, M J Robertson, and PJ Fiddyment, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 10, pp 224-226, 1998
"High bandwidth data transmission in multimode fibre links using subcarrier multiplexing with VCSELs", L Raddatz, D Hardacre, I H White, R V Penty, D G Cunningham, M R T Tan and S Y Wang, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 686-688, 1998
"High-quality laser diode pulse compression in dispersion-imbalanced loop mirror", I Y Khrushchev, I H White and R V Penty, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 1009-1010, 1998
"Improvement of short pulse operation of AlGaAs quantum-well lasers by temperature increase", I Y Khrushchev, I H White and R V Penty, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 72, pp 281-283, 1998
"Low Input Power Wavelength Conversion at 10Gb/s Using an Integrated Amplifier/DFB Laser and Subsequent Transmission Over 375 km of Fibre", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, I H White, M J Fice, R A Saunders, J E A Whiteaway, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 10, pp 878-880, 1998
"Negligible penalty all-optical routing using 12 x 12 passive InP wavelength selective router", J D Bainbridge, A R Sharafi, I H White, M A Cowin, M F C Stephens, R V Penty, K M Guild, A Tzanakaki, M J OMahony, G H B Thompson, S J Clements, C B Rogers, D Melville and F R Shepherd, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 2151-2152, 1998
"Simple technique for bandwidth enhancement of multimode fibre links using controlled spatial emission from vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L J Sargent, M Webster, I H White, P J Heard, R V Penty, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, Electronics Letters, Vol 34, pp 2038-2040, 1998
"158-mu J pulses from a single-transverse-mode, large-mode-area erbium-doped fiber amplifier", D Taverner, D J Richardson, L Dong, J E Caplen, K A Williams, and R V Penty, Optics Letters, Vol 22, pp 378-380, 1997
"Complete polaristation control of GaAs gain-guided top-surface emitting vertical cavity lasers", P Dowd, P J Heard, J A Nicholson, L Raddatz, I H White, R V Penty, J C C Day, G C Allen, S W Corzine and M R T Tan, Electronics Letters, Vol 33, pp 1315-1317, 1997
"Controlling the Polarisation State of Top-Surface Emitting Vertical Lasers", P Dowd, P J Heard, J A Nicholson, L Raddatz, I H White, R V Penty, J C C Day, G C Allen, S W Corzine, M R T Tan, Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, Vol 15, "Advances in Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers", pp 56-61, 1997
"Demonstration of integrated 12 x 12 InGaAsP/InP grating wavelength router at 2.5Gbit/s channel bit rates", J D Bainbridge, I H White, R V Penty, M Asghari, G H B Thompson, S J Clements, C B Rogers, D Melville and F R Shepherd, Electronics Letters, Vol 33, pp 1458-1459, 1997
"Demonstration of ultrafast all-optical wavelength conversion utilizing birefringence in semiconductor optical amplifiers", M F C Stephens, M Asghari, R V Penty, I H White, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 9, pp 449-451, 1997
"Gain-switched dynamics of tapered waveguide bow-tie lasers: experiment and theory", K A Williams, I H White, R V Penty and F R Laughton, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,Vol 9, pp 167-169, 1997
"Mode Control in Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers by Post-Processing Using Focused Ion Beam Etching", P Dowd, L Raddatz, Y Sumaila, M Asghari, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard, G C Allen, R P Schneider, M R T Tan and S Y Wang, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 9 pp 1193-1195, 1997
"Modelled optimisation and experimental verification of a low dispersion source for long haul 2.488Gb/s systems", S Gee, H Lage, C Park, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and J Barnard, Hewlett Packard Journal, Vol 48, pp 91-106, 1997 (invited paper)
"Picosecond Q-switched bow-tie laser diode array", I Y Khrushchev, D J Kitcher, K A Williams, I H White, F R Laughton and R V Penty, Electronics Letters, Vol 33, pp 426-428, 1997
"Reduced-power semiconductor all-optical switch design", R M Geatches, S V Dewar, R V Penty, IEE Proceedings Journal of Optoelectronics, Vol 144, pp 2-7, 1997
"Wavelength conversion using semiconductor optical amplifiers", M Asghari, I H White, R V Penty, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 15, pp 1181-1190, 1997
"High peak power picosecond optical pulse generation form Q-switched bow-tie laser with a tapered travelling wave amplifier", B Zhu, I H White, K A Williams, F R Laughton and R V Penty, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 8, pp 503-505, 1996
"Mechanisms of luminescence tuning and quenching in porous silicon" L M Peter, D J Riley, R I Wielgosz, P A Snow, R V Penty, I H White and E A Meulankamp, Thin Solid Films, Vol 276, pp 123-9, 1996
"Q-switched bow-tie lasers at 1.5 mu-m driven by an overshoot-compensated avalanche pulse-generator", J Muller, F R Laughton, I H White, R V Penty, J Sarma, I Middlemast, T Ryan and C Button, International Journal of Optoelectronics, Vol 10, pp 35-38, 1996
"Nonlinear two-moded single-fibre interferometric switch", R V Penty, I H White and A R L Travis, Electronics Letters, Vol 24, pp1338-1339, 1988
"A polymeric regenerative optical bus for board-level optical interconnections", N Bamiedakis, A Hashim, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), Los Angeles, 2012
"Comparisons between 28 Gb/s NRZ, PAM, CAP and optical OFDM systems for datacommunication applications", J L Wei, J D Ingham, D G Cunningham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Optical Interconnects Conference, Santa Fe, 2012
"20 Gb/s QPSK Transmission Using an Electro-Optically Modulated Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser", Z Qureshi, M J Crisp, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, J A Lott and N N Ledentsov, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ECOC, Geneva, 2011
"32 Gb/s multilevel modulation of an 850 nm VCSEL for next-generation datacommunication standards", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, P Westbergh, J Gustavsson, A Haglund and A Larsson, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, 2011
"40 Gb/s carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for low-cost optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011
"Advanced integrated quantum dot devices for femtosecond pulse generation and optical Switching", R V Penty, M Xia, V F Olle and I H White, International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings, Wuhan, 2011 (Tutorial)
"An experimental investigation of RoF-enabled MIMO DAS in a non-light-of-sight environment", K Zhu, M Crisp, S He, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, 2011
"Analogue modulation performance of 20 GHz vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for radio over fiber applications", R V Penty, I H White, Z Qureshi, J D Ingham, M J Crisp, N N Ledentsov and J A Lott, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2011
"Coarse optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for optical datacommunication applications", S Lee, L Geng, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, 2011
"Effects of high-order laser distortion products in radio over free-space optical links", G S Gordon, M Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, 2011
"Er3+-doped glass-polymer composite thin films fabricated using combinatorial pulsed laser deposition", Z Zhao, M Irannejad, G Jose, P Steenson, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty, I H White and Animesh Jha, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO Europe, Munich, 2011
"Gigacounts-per-second single photon detection based on a single-pixel avalanche photodiode", K A Patel, J F Dynes, A W Sharpe, Z L Yuan, R V Penty and A J Shields, Single Photon Workshop, Braunschweig, Germany, 2011
"Low-cost PCB-integrated polymer waveguide sensor for gas detection", N Bamiedakis, T Hutter, R V Penty, I H White and S R Elliott, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, 2011
"Low-cost ubiquitous passive RFID real time location sensing system", S Sabesan, M Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, RFID Journal Live! Europe 2011, Amsterdam, 2011
"MIMO system capacity improvements using radio-over-fibre distributed antenna system technology", K Zhu, M J Crisp, S He, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011
"Modulation formats for next-generation optical datacommunications", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON, Stockholm, 2011
"Monolithic electro-optically modulated VCSEL suitable for radio over fibre applications to 20 GHz", Z Qureshi, M J Crisp, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, N N Ledentsov, J A Lott, A Mutig and D Bimberg, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011
"Multimode polymer optical interconnects for backplane and chip-to-chip applications", R V Penty, N Bamiedakis, A Hashim, Y Hao and I H White, International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings, Wuhan, 2011 (invited)
"Numerical simulation of Dicke superradiance in a semiconductor laser device", X Guo, K A Williams, V F Olle, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Integrated Photonics Research Conference, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Toronto, 2011
"Orthogonal Multipulse Modulation for Next-Generation Datacommunication Links" J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, D G Cunningham, P Westbergh, J S Gustavsson, A Haglund and A Larsson, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ECOC, Geneva, 2011
"PCB-integrated optical gas sensor", N Bamiedakis, R V Penty, I H White, T Hutter and S R Elliott, IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, (PHO), 2011
"Polymer-Based Board-Level Optical Interconnects", A Hashim, N Bamiedakis, J Beals IV, Y Hao, R V Penty and I H White, in International Conference on Photonics (ICP), pp 1-4 Malaysia, 2011
"Progress in ultra-high modulation efficiency tapered lasers for free-space communications", R V Penty, I H White, C H Kwok, M Ruiz, N Michel, M Krakowski, M Calligaro, M Lecomte and O Parillaud, IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, (PHO), 2011
"Radio over fibre enabled sensing and communications system for in building", R V Penty, M Crisp, S Sabesan and I H White, European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011
"Symmetrical 2-D hermite-gaussian square launch for high bit rate transmission in multimode fiber links", L Geng, S H Lee, K Williams, R Penty, I White and D Cunningham, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011
"Systems aspects of optical technologies for use in data communications", I H White, J D Ingham and R V Penty, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, OFC, Los Angeles, 2011 (invited)
"Theoretical model for Dicke superradiance in a semiconductor laser", X Guo, K A Williams, V F Olle, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Opto-Electronics Conference, Cardiff, 2011
"Uncooled DWDM transmission system using tunable laser sources with anti-mode-hop control protocol", S H Lee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, G Busico, R Cush and M Wale, IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, (PHO), 2011
"Very high modulation efficiency two-sections tapered laser diode at 1060 nm for free space optical communications", M Ruiz, N Michel, M Calligaro, Y Robert, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, M Krakowski, I Esquivias, H Odriozola, J M G Tijero, C H Kwok, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2011
"40 Gb/s carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for low-cost optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, 2010
"8-channel 20 Gb/s non-return-to-zero signal regeneration", Y Yu, A Wonfor, J Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"A compact lossless integrated 16 x 16 QW SOA switch", H Wang, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and K A Williams, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"A photonics based intelligent airport surveillance and tracking system", M Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty and I H White, Advanced Information Networking Applications Conference, AINU, Perth AU, 2010 (keynote)
"Amplification in Er3+-Ion doped tellurite glass fibre and planar waveguides", A Jha, G Jose, M Irannejad, D P Steenson, T T Fernandez, P LaPorta, Q Jiang, Z Zhang, R Hogg, J Dong, R V Penty and I H White, EXCITONIC 2010 Symposium Proceedings, Brisbane, 2010 (invited)
"Analogue modulation performance of 20 GHz directly modulated high-speed vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers", Z Qureshi, J D Ingham, M J Crisp, R V Penty, I H White, J A Lott and N N Ledentsov, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, 2010
"Carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for low-cost, high-spectral-efficiency optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Comparison of the noise performance of integrated 10 GHz QW and QD modelocked laser diodes", G Carpintero, M G Thompson, K Yvind, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"Demonstration of a low-cost broadband radio over free-space optics system", G S Gordon, M J Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2010
"Design of a low cost 10 Gb/s chip-to-chip optical interconnect", A Hashim, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Photonics, ICP, Kota Kinabalu, 2010
"Design optimisation of bidirectional optical filters based on multimode interference filters", Y Hao, N Bamiedakis, A H Hashim, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2010
"Design study of light-guiding plate in backlighting system", Y Hao, N Bamiedakis, A H Hashim, R V Penty and I H White, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP), Shanghai, 2010 (best student paper)
"Efficient line launch for bandwidth improvement of 10 Gbit/s multimode fibre links using elliptical Gaussian beam", L Geng, C Kwok, S H Lee, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, 2010
"Fast low-cost FIR filter processed ECDM labels for optical label switching", J B Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, Y Yu, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Hybrid-integrated optical transceiver on an OE PCB", N Bamiedakis, A H Hashim, J Beals, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"Low cost 10 Gb/s chip-to-chip optical interconnect", A Hashim, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, 2010
"Monolithic SOA switch fabric", I H White, R V Penty and A Wonfor, International Conference on Photonics in Switching, Monterey, 2010
"Multi-channel return-to-zero signal regeneration using a single phase modulator and an AWG", Y Yu, J D Ingham, J B Rosas-Fernandez, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC), San Diego, 2010
"Multi-channel return-to-zero signal regeneration using a single phase modulator and an AWG", Y Yu, J D Ingham, J Rosas-Fernandez, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), San Diego, 2010
"Novel passive launch scheme for ultimate bandwidth improvement of graded-index multimode fibers", C H Kwok, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), San Diego, 2010 (invited)
"Optical DAS with sensing capabilities for intelligent infrastructure", M Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications, Faro, Algarve, 2010
"Optical filters based on cascaded point-symmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometers", Y Hao, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"Optical interconnection developments from campus networks to the PCB level", J D Ingham, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty and I H White, Annual Workshop on Interconnections within High Speed Digital Systems, Santa Fe, 2010 (invited)
"Optical transceiver integrated on PCB using electro-optic connectors compatible with pick-and-place assembly technology", N Bamiedakis, J Beals IV, A H Hashim, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, 2010
"Polymer waveguide integrated circuits", N Bamiedakis, A Hashim, R V Penty and I H White, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, OECC, Sapporo, 2010, (invited)
"Radio over free space optical link using a directly modulated two-electrode high power tapered laser", M Crisp, C H Kwok, M Xia, R V Penty, I H White, N Michel, M Ruiz, M Krakowski, M Calligaro, M Lecomte and O Parillaud, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Recent advances in Er-doped fibre and planar devices", G Jose, M Irannejad, Z Zhao, P Steenson, Z Ikonic, A Jha, J Lousteau, T T Fernandez, S Eaton, G Della Valle, R Osellame, P Laporta, Q Jiang, Z Zhang, R A Hogg, J Dong, I H White and R V Penty, International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Budapest, 2010
"RFID and wireless systems for intelligent airports", S Sabesan, M Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, RFID Journal Live! Europe 2010, Frankfurt, 2010 (invited)
"Self-configuring athermal tunable DS-DBR laser for passive optical networks", S H Lee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, G Busico, R Cush and M Wale, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Superradiant emission from a tapered QD semiconductor diode emitter", M Xia, R V Penty, I H White and P P Vasil'ev, IOP One Day Quantum Dots Meeting, 2010
"Superradiant emission from a tapered quantum-dot semiconductor diode emitter", M Xia, R V Penty, I H White and P P Vasil'ev, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, 2010
"Superradiant emission from AlInGaAs/InGaAsP quantum-well waveguides", M Xia, R V Penty, I H White and P P Vasil'ev, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"Superradiant emission in QD tapered semiconductor devices", M Xia, V Olle, R V Penty, I H White and P P Vasil'ev, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2010
"Tellurite glass on polymer planar waveguides", Z Zhao, G Jose, A Jha, P Steenson, N Bamiedakis, J Dong, I H White and R V Penty, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010
"Tellurite glass thin film waveguides on fabricated using excimer pulsed laser ablation", Z Zhao, G Jose, A Jha, P Steenson, N Bamiedakis, J Dong, I H White, R V Penty, ISNOG Materials Conference in China, 2010
"Two-sections tapered diode lasers for 1 Gbps free-space optical communications with high modulation efficiency", N Michel, M Ruiz, M Calligaro, Y Robert, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, M Krakowski, I Esquivias, H Odriozola, J M G Tijero, C H Kwok, RV Penty and I H White, Conference on Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers IX, San Francisco, 2010
"Ultra-short optical pulse generation by InGaAs quantum-dot diode emitters", I H White, M Xia and R V Penty, International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC), Kyoto, 2010 (invited)
"Uncooled tuneable lasers for passive optical network applications", A Wonfor, S H Lee, R V Penty, I H White, G Busico, R Cush and M Wale, European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Pavia, 2010
"Wideband radio over fiber distributed antenna systems for energy efficient in-building wireless communications", M Crisp, R V Penty, I H White and A Bell, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Taipei, 2010
"Wideband wireless over fiber systems", I H White, R V Penty, M Crisp and S Sabesan, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC), San Diego, 2010 (invited)
"1.55µm VCSEL transmission performance up to 20 Gb/s for access networks", L Xu, W Hofmann, H K Tsang, R V Penty, I H White and M C Amann, OEEC, Hong Kong, 2009 (Postdeadline)
"16 chip, 18 Gchips/s Walsh-Code implementation of an ECDMA access network using two time-shifted FIR filters", J B Rosas Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"20 GHz picosecond pulse generation by a 1300 nm mode-locked quantum dot master oscillator power amplifier", V F Olle, M G Thompson, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"21 Port self wavelength switching of 40 Gb/s spectral-amplitude-encoded DPSK Signals", J B Rosas-Fernandez, J Wang, Y Yu, J Dong, J Sun, X Zhang, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"270 GHz, 580 fs optical pulse generation from a single-section quantum-dash Fabry-Pérot laser using frequency multiplication", M Xia, C H Kwok, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White, F V Dijk, A Enard, F Lelarge and G-H Duan, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Calculating the lasing threshold of liquid crystal lasers", O Hadeler, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Bangor, 2009
"Comparative cross-layer analysis for serial and parallel free space optics inter-satellite links", E Rodriguez-Colina, D Gil-Leyva, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J L Marzo and R Fabregat, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Diego, 2009
"Demonstration of distributed antenna system using optical multicast radio-over-fibre links", K Fang, M J Crisp, F Yang, R V Penty and I H White, Microwave Photonics, Valencia, 2009
"Demonstration of a lossless monolithic 16 x 16 QW SOA switch", H Wang, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Vienna, 2009
"Demonstration of improved passive UHF RFID coverage using optically-fed distributed multi-antenna system", S Sabesan, M Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Conference on RFID, Orlando, 2009
"Dual function sensing and multiservice communications radio over fiber network using second harmonic suppression", M J Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"Dynamic feedback controlled harmonic suppression for uncooled dual function sensing and communications radio over fibre link", M Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty and I H White, ICT-Mobile Summit, Santander, 2009
"Electro-optic integration of liquid crystal cladding switch with multimode passive polymer waveguides on PCB", J Beals IV, O Hadeler, S M Morris, T D Wilkinson, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Gigabit/s modulation of twin-electrode high-brightness tapered laser with high modulation efficiency", C H Kwok, M Xia, R V Penty, I H White, M Ruiz, N Michel, M Krakowski, M Calligaro, M Lecomte and O Parillaud, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"High performance PONs based on I-Q modulation of electronic CDMA channels" J B Rosas-Fernández, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"High-brightness tapered lasers with an Al-free active region at 1060 nm", M Ruiz, H Odriozola, C H Kwok, N Michel, MCalligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, M Krakowski, J M G Tijero, I Esquivias, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2009
"Improving the beam quality of tapered laser structures", D Zuo, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Bangor, 2009
"Lossless multistage SOA switch fabric using high capacity monolithic 4 x 4 SOA circuits", H Wang, E T Aw, K A Williams, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"Low bit rate digital radio over fibre system", T Li, M J Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Valencia, 2009
"Low penalty cascaded operation of a monolithically integrated quantum dot 1 x 8 port optical switch", H Wang, K A Williams, A Wonfor, T de Vries, B Smalbrugge, Y-S Oei, M Smit, R Notzel, S Liu, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Vienna, 2009
"Mixed wireless communications and RFID sensor networks over fibre", M J Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty, and I H White, OFC, San Diego, 2009 (invited)
"Mixed wireless communications and RFID sensor networks over fibre", M J Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty, and I H White, AVFOP, San Antonio, 2009 (invited)
"Mixed wireless communications and RFID sensor networks over fibre", M J Crisp, S Sabesan, R V Penty, and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Valencia, 2009 (invited)
"Multimode siloxane polymer components for optical interconnects", N Bamiedakis, J Beals IV, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr, T V Clapp and D De-Shazer, Photonics West, San Francisco, 2009 (invited)
"Novel and flexible WDM NRZ-DPSK system with demultiplexing and demodulation using a single standard AWG", Y Yu, J B Rosas"“Fernández, X L Zhang, D X Huang , R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"Orthogonal amplitude-shift-keyed multiplexing for optical datacommunication applications", S H Lee, C H Kwok, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IET Meeting on Spectrally Efficient Optical Transmission Systems, London, 2009
"Passive mode-locking in monolithically integrated quantum dot master oscillator power amplifier", V F Olle, M G Thompson, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Bangor, 2009
"Picosecond pulse generation in narrow stripe mode-locked quantum dot master oscillator power amplifier", V F Olle, M G Thompson, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Picosecond pulse generation in monolithically integrated quantum dot master oscillator post amplifier", V F Olle, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Mini Symposium Rank Prize, Lake District, 2009
"Radio over fibre technologies for wideband in-building wireless coverage", R V Penty, M Crisp and I H White, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP, Shanghai, 2009
"Receiver playout buffer requirement for TCP video streaming in the presence of burst packet drops", X Shen, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2009
"Scalability techniques in electronically processed CDMA for low cost and flexible optical access networks" J B Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Azores, Portugal 2009
"Short pulse generation at low repetition rates by double-pulse Q-switching of a tapered laser", M Xia, C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, M Ruiz, N Michel, M Krakowski, M Calligaro, M Lecomte and O Parillaud, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Bangor, 2009
"Short reach radio over polymer fibre links", F Yang, M J Crisp, K Fang, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Vienna, 2009
"Silicon avalanche photodiodes for low cost, high loss short wavelength radio over fiber links", F Yang, M J Crisp, K Fang, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Single-mode Q-switched pulse generation from a tapered DBR laser", M Xia, C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, K-H Hasler, B Sumpf and G Erbert, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Sub-kHz RF electrical linewidth from a 10 GHz passively mode-locked quantum-dot laser diode", G Carpintero, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Terabit capacity passive polymer optical backplane", I H White , J Beals, N Bamiedakis, A Wonfor, R V Penty, J V DeGroot, K Hueston and T V Clapp, Ubiquitous Computing Workshop, Imperial College London, 2009 (invited)
"Two-electrode high power tapered laser with up to 40.5 w/a static modulation efficiency and 700 Mb/s direct modulation capability", C H Kwok, M Xia, R V Penty, I H White, N Michel, M Ruiz, M Krakowski, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, H Odriozola, J M Garcia-Tijero and I Esquivias, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, San Diego, 2009
"Two-electrode tapered laser at 1060 nm with record-high (19 w/a ) modulation efficiency at 700 Mb/s", M Ruiz, H Odriozola, C H Kwok, N Michel, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, M Krakowski, J M Garcia-Tijero, I Esquivias, R V Penty and I H White, CLEO, Baltimore, 2009
"Ultrafast erbium-doped fiber laser mode-locked by a carbon nanotube saturable absorber", Z Sun, A G Rozhin, F Wang, W I Milne, R V Penty, I H White and A C Ferrari, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2009
"Using passive UHF RFID to create the Intelligent Airport", S Sabesan, M Crisp, R V Penty, I H White, RFID Journal Live! Europe 2009, Frankfurt, 2009 (invited)
"10 Gb/s & 20 Gb/s extended-reach multimode-fiber datacommunication links using multilevel modulation and transmitter-based equalization", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"16 DWDM channels optoelectronic 3R NRZ-to-RZ regeneration based on single Phase Modulator", Y Yu, X Zhang, J B Rosas-Fernandez, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Hangzhou, 2008
"18 Gchips/s electronically-processed OCDMA spread spectrum for access networks", J B Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"18 Gchips/s error-free OCDMA transmission with electronic processing for PON applications", J B Rosas-Fernandez, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communications, Brussels, 2008
"A vision for wideband in-building radio coverage", R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communications, Brussels, 2008 (invited)
"Capacity limits on the performance of multimode optical fibre links", I H White, J Beals, and R V Penty, IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, Newcastle, 2008
"CDMA access networks using low-cost electronic techniques", I H White, J D Ingham, J B Rosas-Fernandez and R V Penty, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Athens, 2008 (invited)
"Cost-effective polymer multimode directional couplers for high-speed on-board optical interconnects", N Bamiedakis, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Eindhoven, 2008
"Demonstration of an SOA efficient 32 x 32 optical switch for radio over fiber distribution systems", M Crisp, E T Aw, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"Design of multimode interference coupled polymer rectangular ring resonators with air trench assisted mirrors", X Zhang, N Bamiedakis, J Beals, R V Penty, I H White, X Zhang and D Huang, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Hangzhou, 2008
"Direct modulation of a twin-contact high brightness tapered laser for free space communications applications", C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, K-H Hasler, B Sumpf and G Erbert, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, 2008
"Dynamic simulation of mode-locked quantum-dot lasers", A R Rae, M G Thompson, R V Penty, and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"Er/Ce codoped tellurite fibre amplifier for high-gain and low-noise operation" Y Q Wei, A Harsh, R V Penty, I H White, S Shen and A Jha, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"External-cavity mode-locked quantum-dot lasers for low repetition rate, sub-picosecond pulse generation", M Xia, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"Fourier-limited 360 fs pulse generation from a tapered quantum-dot laser diode", M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor Quantum Dot Devices and Applications Workshop, Rennes, 2008
"High capacity demonstration of a compact regrowth-free integrated 4 x 4 quantum well semiconductor optical amplifier based switch", H Wang, E T Aw, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, RV Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communications, Brussels, 2008
"Integrated quantum dot 2 x 2 switch for uncooled switching applications", H Wang, E T Aw, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, A R Kovsh, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Eindhoven, 2008
"Intelligent airports - in building fibre/radio convergence", R V Penty and I H White, IB Telecom Platform and e-Applcations Workshop, Taipei, 2008 (invited)
"Low-noise monolithic mode-locked semiconductor lasers through low-dimensional structures", K Yvind, D Larsson, J Mork, J M Hvam, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2008 (invited)
"Monolithic directly-modulated multi-wavelength-channel GaInAsP/InP micro-ring laser array", A Bennecer, R V Penty, I H White, K A Williams, M Hamacher and H Heidrich, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Eindhoven, 2008
"Monolithic mode-locked quantum dot lasers", R V Penty, M G Thompson and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2008 (invited)
"NRZ-DPSK to RZ-BPSK all-optical format conversion using optical filter and SOA-MZI", Y Yu, X Zhang, J B Rosas-Fernandez, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Hangzhou, 2008
"Optical interconnect applications for multimode siloxane components", N Bamiedakis, J Beals, I H White, R V Penty, J V DeGroot and T V Clapp, 2nd International Symposium on Photonics Packaging, Munich, November 2008 (invited)
"Optical interconnects for backplane and chip-to-chip photonics", I H White and R V Penty, IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, Newcastle, 2008 (invited)
"Physical layer modelling of semiconductor optical amplifier based terabit/second switch fabrics", K A Williams, E T Aw, H Wang, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference of Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Nottingham, 2008
"Proposal for a novel and simple DWDM NRZ-DPSK system", Y Yu, J B Rosas-Fernandez, X Zhang, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meeting, Wuhan, 2008
"Proposal for a novel and simple DWDM NRZ-DPSK system", Y Yu, J B Rosas-Fernandez, X Zhang, D Huang, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics and Optoelectronics Meeting, Wuhan, 2008
"Pulse properties of an external-cavity mode-locked quantum-dot laser", M Xia, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, 2008
"Rare-earth oxide doped single and multi-cores heavy metal oxide fibres for lasers and amplifiers" A Jha, J Lousteau, G Jose, S Shen, Y Wei, R V Penty, I H White, H T Bookey and A K Kar, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Athens, 2008
"Regimes of mode-locking in tapered quantum dot laser diodes", M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, International Semiconductor Laser Conference, 2008
"Short pulse quantum dot mode-locked laser diodes", M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Eindhoven, 2008 (invited)
"Study of spectral performance of even-row microring resonator arrays", X Zhang, J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty, I H White, X Zhang and D Huang, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, 2008
"Temperature independent optical amplification in uncooled quantum dot optical amplifiers", H Wang, E T Aw, M Xia, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"Terabit capacity passive polymer optical backplane", J Beals, N Bamiedakis, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"Transfer matrix analysis of spectral response of even-row microring resonator arrays", Xiaobei Zhang J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty, I H White, Xinliang Zhang and D Huang, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Eindhoven, 2008
"Twin-contact high brightness tapered laser for high modulation efficiency high speed signal modulation", C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, K-H Hasler, B Sumpf and G Erbert, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Hangzhou, 2008
"Ultrafast FWM self routing between 10 ports of spectral amplitude coded 10 Gb/s packets set on a 25 GHz grid with unequally spaced bins", J B Rosas-Fernandez, G Huang, E T Aw, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, 2008
"Ultrafast self routing between 10 ports using spectrally encoded DPSK signals at 10 and 20 Gb/s with a single processor based on FWM", G Huang, Y Yu, J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics in Switching, Sapporo, 2008
"Uncooled 2 x 2 quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier based switch", E T Aw, H Wang, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, RV Penty and IH White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"Uncooled quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers", I H White, R V Penty, H Wang, M G Thompson and E T Aw, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"Wavelength tuning in a bus-coupled micro-ring laser array", A Bennecer, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Hamacher and H Heidrich, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference, Cardiff, 2008
"Widely tunable picosecond fiber ring laser mode-locked by a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT)-polycarbonate composite film saturable absorber" F Wang, R V Penty, I H White, Z Sun, A Rozhin, V Scardaci and A C Ferrari, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, 2008
"1.3 µm quantum-dot electro-absorption modulator", Y Chu, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"10 Gb/s transmitter-based equalization for extended-reach multimode-fiber datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"An optimized non-blocking SOA switch architecture for high performance Tb/s network interconnects", E T Aw, A Wonfor, M Glick, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics in Switching Conference, San Francisco, 2007
"Compact vertically-coupled microring laser array dual-wavelength source for terahertz mode beating", C W Tee, K A Williams, R W Penty, I H White, M Hamacher, U Troppenz, H Heidrich, V Dragos, M Alexe, D Alexandropoulos, S Mikroulis, H Simos, D Syvridis, M Kusko and D Cristea, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Copenhagen, 2007
"Demonstration of a radio over fibre distributed antenna network for combined in-building WLAN and 3G coverage", M J Crisp, S Li, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Dynamic operation of a monolithic add-drop quantum dot switch", H Wang, E T Aw, Y Chu, S Liu, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2007
"Dynamic range studied of a monolithic 2 x 2 quantum dot switch", E T Aw, Y Chu, S Liu, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"Dynamic switching of a 10 GHz quantum dot mode-locked laser using an integrated quantum dot switch", H Wang, A R Rae, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, IEEE Photonics in Switching Conference, San Francisco, 2007
"Dynamic switching of high powered picosecond pulses from a quantum dot mode-locked laser diode using an integrated quantum dot switch", H Wang A R Rae, M G Thompson, A R Kovsh, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, 2007
"Emerging technologies for optical datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on the Optical Internet, Melbourne 2007 (invited)
"Extended-reach operation of 10 Gb/s multimode-fibre links using multichannel 16-QAM modulation", J D Ingham, D G Cunningham, R V Penty and I H White, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Wuhan, 2007
"Future directions in multimode fibre system research", I H White, J D Ingham, M Crisp and R V Penty, International Symposium on Next-Generation Lightwave Communications, Hong Kong, 2007 (invited)
"High capacity optically switched interconnects for computer network applications", M Glick, A Wonfor, E T Aw, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Photonics in Switching Conference, San Francisco, 2007 (invited)
"High speed quantum dot mode locked lasers", I H White, R V Penty and M G Thompson, International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, London, 2007 (invited)
"High-speed technologies for MMF systems" I H White, J D Ingham and R V Penty, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Rome, 2007 (invited)
"Highly spectral efficiency multi-user optical network architecture using 1 Gb/s 16 QAM subcarrier multiplexing", J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and P Ghiggino, European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, 2007
"Integrated 10th order fresnel lens design for beam quality enhancement in tapered laser diode", F K Lau, C W Tee, C H Kwok, R V Penty, I H White, N Michel and M Krakowski, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"Large dynamic range 32 x 32 optimized non-blocking SOA based switch for 2.56 Tb/s interconnect applications", E T Aw, A Wonfor, M Glick, R V Penty and I H White, accepted for the European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, 2007
"Low cost multimode fibre gigabit ethernet using Manchester encoded signal for an improved transmission performance", C H Kwok, R V Penty and I H White, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Wuhan, 2007
"Low loss and low crosstalk multimode polymer waveguide crossings for high-speed optical interconnects", N Bamiedakis, J Beals, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"Low-loss, high-uniformity 1 x 2, 1 x 4 and 1 x 8 polymer multimode Y-Splitters enabling radio-over-fibre multicasting applications", N Bamiedakis, J Beals, F Yang, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Copenhagen, 2007
"Modal noise investigation in multimode polymer waveguides", J Beals, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Asia Pacific Optical Communications Conference, Wuhan, 2007
"Monolithic 2 x 2 quantum dot switch for optical interconnect networks", E T Aw, H Wang, Y Chu, S Liu, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Copenhagen, 2007
"Monolithic add-drop quantum dot switch exhibiting ultra-low cross-wavelength distortion", X Hu, S Liu, Y Chu, X Zhao, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Monolithic mode-locked quantum dot lasers", I H White, M G Thompson and R V Penty, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007 (invited tutorial)
"Multi-stage SOA switch fabrics: 4 x 40 Gb/s packet switching and fault tolerance", E T Aw, T Lin, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and M Glick, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Multimode SCM-based PON architecture for computer network applications using a low-cost polymer 1 x 8 splitter/combiner", N Bamiedakis, J Y Ha, F Yang, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"Novel time domain bias switching of radio over fiber links for enhanced sensitivity in time division duplexed services", M J Crisp, R V Penty and I H White, Microwave Photonics, Victoria BC, 2007
"Passively mode-locked quantum-dot laser model", A R Rae, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2007
"Quantum dot mode-locked laser diodes", I H White, M G Thompson, A R Rae, A R Kovsh and R V Penty, International Workshop on Quantum Dots and Laser Applications, Wroclaw, 2007 (invited)
"Quantum dot mode-locked laser diodes: simulation and experiment", M G Thompson, A R Rae, R V Penty and I H White, UK Compound Semiconductors, Sheffield, 2007
"Receiver sensitivity improvement of optical wireless channels with delayed-diversified pulse-position modulation", C H Kwok, F K Lau, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"SCM-based PON architecture for LAN applications using an integrated polymer combiner/splitter", F Yang, N Bamiedakis, J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot Jr and T V Clapp, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2007
"Spectrally efficient 10 x 1 Gb/s QPSK multi-user optical network architecture", J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and P Ghiggino, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Statistical study of a novel launch scheme for high-performance electronic-equalized multimode-fiber links", Q Sun, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2007
"Temporal-domain diversity reception with improved link reliability for optical wireless access networks", C H Kwok, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communications, Berlin, 2007
"The Intelligent Networked Airport (TINA)", J Crowcroft, M Scott, P Brennan, J Elmirghani, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies, New York, 2007 (Dec)
"Twin-spot launch for enhancement of multimode-fiber communication links" Q Sun, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"User workload based access network traffic emulation", X Shen, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, E-PhotonONe Summer School, Brest, 2007
"Vertically-coupled microring laser array for dual-wavelength generation", C W Tee, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2007
"1.3 µm quantum-dot laser linewidth rebroadening", Y Chu, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White, S Melnik, S P Hegarty, G Huyet, F Hopfer, M Lämmlin, D Bimberg and A R Kovsh, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"10 Gb/s and 40 Gb/s WDM multi-casting using a hybrid integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer", D Reading-Picopoulos, F Wang, Y J Chai, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2006
"A novel monolithic beam steering high power transmitter for low cost free space optical wireless links", X Zhao, F K Lau, C W Tee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, N Michel and M Krakowski, SPIE International Symposium: Photonics West, San Jose, 2006
"A novel monolithic beam steering high power transmitter for low cost free space optical wireless links", F K Lau, X Zhao, C W Tee, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, N Michel and M Krakowski, SPIE International Symposium: Photonics West, San Jose, 2006
"A novel SOA-based crosspoint switch for mixed signals distribution", X Qian, S Li, T Lin, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"Absorber length optimisation for sub-picosecond pulse generation in 1.3µm quantum-dot mode-locked laser diodes", A Rae, M G Thompson, C Marinelli, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I L Krestnikov, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2006 (invited)
"Absorber length optimisation for sub-picosecond pulse generation and ultra-low jitter performance in passively mode-locked 1.3µm quantum-dot laser diodes", M G Thompson, A R Rae, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I L Krestnikov, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2006
"Beam profiling of quantum dot VCSEL for 10 Gb/s data transmission", Y Chu, M G Thompson, J D Ingham, C W Tee, F K Lau, R V Penty, I H White, S Mikhrin, I Krestnikov, D Livshits and A Kovsh, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"BER implication for TCP/IP network throughput over a 10 x 10 Gbps wavelength-striping cascaded SOA-switch", E Rodriguez-Colina, A W Moore, M Glick, A Wonfor, I H White and R V Penty, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2006
"Cascaded performance of quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier in a recirculating loop", S Liu, K A Williams, T Lin, M G Thompson, C K Yow, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, F Hopfer, M Lämmlin and D Bimberg, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"Compact and efficient femtosecond lasers", T Brown, M Cataluna, B Agate, K Dholakia, A A Lagtsky, C G Leburn, A McWilliam, E Ravilov, A Sarmini, D J Stevenson, W Sibbett, Y J Chai, P Jiang, K Tan, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2006 (invited)
"Demonstration of low-noise performance of quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers", S Liu, K A Williams, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2006
"Directly-modulated DS-DBR tunable laser for uncooled C-band WDM system", Y Liu, J D Ingham, R Plumb, R V Penty, I H White, D J Robbins, N D Whitbread and A J Ward, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2006
"Experimental analysis of SCM-based transmission over 500 m of FDDI-grade multimode fibre with enhancement from electronic equalisation", A M E Diab, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006 (invited)
"Experimental demonstration of electronic dispersion compensation in subcarrier-modulated links over FDDI-grade multimode fibre", A M E-A Diab, J D Ingham, J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"Focused-ion-beam post-processing technology for active devices", C W Tee, F K Lau, X Zhao, R V Penty and I H White, Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, Gwangju, 2006
"Harmonic mode-locking of a quantum-dot laser diode", A R Rae, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I L Krestnikov, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, 2006
"High capacity interconnection networks", M Glick, M Dales, T Lin, E T Aw, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Asia-Pacific Optical Communications, Gwangju, 2006 (invited)
"High capacity optical interconnects for computer networks", M Glick, M Dales, T Lin, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, University of Nottingham, 2006 (invited)
"Investigation of 40 Gb/s WDM multi-casting using a hybrid integrated mach-zehnder interferometer", D Reading-Picopoulos, R V Penty and I H White, SPIE Optics East, Boston, 2006
"IPDR improvement and gain reduction in a holding beam SOA", J Ha, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2006
"Layered architecture to enable large scale SOA switch fabric", E T Aw, T Lin, A Wonfor, M Glick, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"Low penalty monolithic 2 x 2 quantum dot switch", S Liu, X Hu, M G Thompson, R L Sellin, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and A R Kovsh, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006 (post deadline)
"Mode-expanded bus architecture for non-sensitive waveguide alignment in vertically-coupled microring", C W Tee, R V Penty, I H White, K A Williams, M Hamacher, U Troppenz and H Heidrich, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"Monolithic hybrid and passive mode-locked 40 GHz quantum dot laser diodes", M G Thompson, A R Rae, R V Penty, I H White, D Larson, K Yvind, J Hvam, A R Kovsh, S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I Krestnikov, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"Monolithic integration of collimating fresnel lens for beam quality enhancement in tapered high power laser diode", F K Lau, C W Tee, X Zhao, A Wonfor, K Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Calligaro, M Lecomte, O Parillaud, N Michel and M Krakowski, SPIE International Symposium: Photonics West, San Jose, 2006
"Multi-path, multi-wavelength packet routing at 40 Gb/s over an SOA based optical switch fabric with nanosecond reconfiguration time", T Lin, K A Williams, X Janssens, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and M Dales, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2006
"Multi-wavelength semiconductor optical amplifier with automatic power control", E T Aw, T Lin, A Wonfor, M Glick, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2006
"Multimode polymer waveguides for high-speed optical interconnects" N Bamiedakis, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot and T V Clapp, International Conference of Space Optics, Noordwijk, 2006
"Multimode siloxane polymer waveguides for robust high-speed interconnects", J D Ingham, N Bamiedakis, R V Penty, I H White, J V DeGroot and T V Clapp, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"New approaches towards future multi-mode fibre optical links", A M E-A Diab, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2006
"Novel SOA-based switch for multiple radio-over-fiber service applications", X Qian, T Lin, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2006
"Optical routing and multicasting of multiservice RF over fiber signals", R V Penty, X Qian and I H White, Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference, Annapolis, 2006 (invited)
"Optimal design parameters research for novel monolithically integrated non-linear all-optical loop mirror for signal regeneration", E Moll, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2006
"Overcoming transmission impairments in wide frequency range radio-over-fibre distribution systems" X Qian, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, 2006
"Phase correcting element for intra-cavity laser beam control", F K Lau, C W Tee, X Zhao, R V Penty, I H White, N Michel and M Krakowski, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2006
"Quantum dot mode-locked lasers for short pulse generation and low jitter performance" M G Thompson, A R Rae, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I L Krestnikov, International Workshop on Semiconductor quantum dot based devices and applications, Paris 2006 (invited)
"Quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers and switches", R V Penty, I H White, S Liu, X Hu, M G Thompson, R L Sellin, K A Williams and A R Kovsh, OVC-ISO International Symposium of Optoelectronics, Wuhan, 2006 (invited)
"Reduced risk of catastrophic optical mirror damage in high-power tapered lasers", C W Tee, F K Lau, X Zhao, R V Penty, I H White, N Michel, M M Krakowski, M Calligaro, M Lecomte and O Parillaud, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2006
"Short pulse generation in 10 GHz and 20 GHz mode-locked quantum-dot laser diodes", A R Rae, M G Thompson, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits and I L Krestnikov, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2006
"Sub-ps erbium doped fibre laser with nanotube mode-locker", A Rozhin, F Wang, V Scarsaci, W I Milne, A C Ferrari, R V Penty, I H White and F Hennrich, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"Switched analogue radio over fibre networks using semiconductor optical amplifiers", I H White, X Qian and R V Penty, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Montreal, 2006 (invited)
"TCP sending rate control at Terabits per second" E Rodriguez-Colina, K A Williams, A W Moore, L B James, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Barcelona 2006
"WDM-SVM PON architecture incorporating a virtually passive CWDM uplink concentrator", J Y Ha, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and P Ghiggino, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2006
"Wideband fibre-agnostic DAS using pluggable analogue optical modules", P Hartmann, A Bothwell, R Cronin, K Leeson, A Loveridge, D Parkinson, J Ure, R Penty, I White and A Seeds, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Grenoble, 2006
"1-20 GHz directly modulated radio over MMF link", P Hartmann, X Qian, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Seoul, 2005 (invited)
"10 Gb/s data transmission with a 1.3 µm InGaAs quantum dot laser", Y Chu, R V Penty, I H White, M Kuntz, G Fiol, M Lämmlin, D Bimberg, C Schubert, A R Kovsh, A Jacob and U Umbach, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"20 GHz colliding pulse mode-locking of InGaAs quantum dot lasers", M G Thompson, C Marinelli, X Zhao, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, I N Kaiander, D Bimberg, D-J Kang and M Blamire, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"26 dB optical gain in a rib waveguide dye-doped polymer amplifier operating at 625 nm", M A Reilly, M Ramon, C Marinelli, C N Morgan, M Ariu, R Xia, R V Penty I H White and D D C Bradley, Photonics West, San Jose, 2005
"2R regeneration in a novel ultra-compact integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer", D Reading-Picopoulos, E Moll, Y J Chai, X Zhao, K Williams, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"80 Gsps photonic analogue to digital conversion system using broadband continuous wave source", P Jiang, Y Chai, I H White, R V Penty, J Heaton, A Kuver, S Clements, C G Leburn, A McWilliam, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown and W Sibbett, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"A novel scalable photonic analog switch architecture based on semiconductor optical amplifiers", X Qian, P Hartmann, R V Penty, I H White and W P Krug, Avionics Fiber Optics and Photonics Conference, Minneapolis, 2005 (invited)
"A wavelength striped optically switch interconnect and 100 Gb/s packet routing", T Lin, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, M Dales and D McAuley, Second e-Photon/One Summer School, Pisa, 2005
"Application of semiconductor optical amplifiers in scalable switched radio-over-fiber networks", X Qian, P Hartmann, S Li, R V Penty and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Seoul, 2005
"Application of surface-relief technique to low-cost gain-guided VCSELs for enhanced transverse mode control", C W Tee, X Zhao, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Grenoble, 2005
"Applications of wavelength division multiplexed photonic components in local area networks", I H White, K A Williams, T Lin, R V Penty and M Glick, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Barcelona, July 2005 (invited)
"Chirp limitation on Mach-Zehnder interferometer ultrafast switching employing semiconductor amplifiers", D Reading-Picopoulos, C K Yow, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"Comprehensive statistical investigation of SCM-based transmission over 300 m of FDDI-grade multimode fiber", A M E-A Diab, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"Directly-modulated athermal transmitter for uncooled WDM systems", Y Liu, J D Ingham, A Wonfor, A R Davies, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"Directly-modulated photonic devices for microwave applications", X Qian, P Hartmann, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Long Beach, 2005 (invited)
"Experimental demonstration of femtosecond switching of a fully packaged all-optical switch", C K Yow, Y J Chai, D Reading-Picopoulos, R V Penty, I H White, C G Leburn, A McWilliam, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown, W Sibbett, G Maxwell and R McDougall, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"Fabrication-tolerant active-passive integration scheme for vertically-coupled microring resonator", C W Tee, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Grenoble, 2005
"FM mode-locking in monolithic semiconductor lasers", M G Thompson, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"Focusing effect in multimode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers by parallel trenches surface profiling", C W Tee, X Zhao, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Tokyo, 2005
"Full-duplex wireless-over-fibre transmission incorporating a CWDM ring architecture with remote millimetre-wave LO delivery using a bi-directional SOA", T Ismail, C P Liu, J E Mitchell, A J Seeds, X Qian, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"High capacity transmission via multimode optical fibres", R V Penty and I H White, Microoptics Conference, Tokyo, 2005 (invited)
"High performance uncooled 1.3 mm VCSELs for RF-over-fiber applications", P Hartmann, X Qian, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"High-power, high repetition rate, short-pulse mode-locking using flared waveguide quantum-dot lasers at 1.3 µm", M G Thompson, F K Lau, R L Sellin, C Marinelli, R V Penty, I H White, A R Kovsh, S S Mikhrin, D A Livshits, N N Ledentsov and I L Krestnikov, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"Ion beam post processing of low cost 850 nm VCSELs for transverse mode control", C W Tee, X Zhao, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2005
"Light amplification at 650 nm in a polymer waveguide with dye-doped cladding", M A Reilly, B Coleman, E Y B Pun, R V Penty, I H White, M C Ramon, R Xia and D D C Bradley, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"Measurement of the linewidth enhancement factor of quantum dot lasers using external light injection", Y Chu, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Tokyo, 2005
"Measurement of the linewidth enhancement factor of quantum dot lasers using injection locking", Y Chu, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2005
"Microwave signal transmission over a directly-modulated radio-over-fiber link using cascaded semiconductor optical amplifiers", X Qian, P Hartmann, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"Modelling of EDC-enabled multimode-fibre links", J D Ingham, B Willcocks, R V Penty and I H White, IEE Seminar on Optical Fiber Communication and Electronic Signal Processing. London, 2005 (invited)
"Multi-port interconnect architecture for 100 Gb/s optical packet routing", T Lin, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, M Dales and D McAuley, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"Multi-user system simulation for a fully integrated 40Gb/s mode-locked laser source/OCDMA encoder", J B Rosas-Fernandez, K A Williams, M G Thompson, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Sydney, 2005
"Multi-wavelength data encoding for improved input power dynamic range in semiconductor optical amplifier switches" G F Roberts, R V Penty, I H White, A West and S Moore, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Sydney, 2005
"Nanometer scale thermal drift of 4 Gbit/s uncooled laser for tight-channel-spacing low-cost WDM", Y Liu, A R Davies, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore 2005
"Noise characteristics of Er3+-Yb3+ co-doped glass waveguide amplifiers", K Liu, E Y B Pun, I H White and R V Penty, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Grenoble, 2005
"Noise suppression in a novel monolithically integrated Michelson interferometer", E Moll, Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"Novel regrowth-free vertical active-passive integration scheme with improved fabrication tolerance", C W Tee, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, U Troppenz, M Hamacher and H Heidrich, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"Optimisation of twin-contact semiconductor optical amplifiers for use in integrated interferometric devices", E Moll, Y J Chai, K A Williams, I H White and R V Penty, Photonics West, San Jose, 2005
"Packet error rate and bit error rate non-deterministic relationship in optical network applications", L B James, A W Moore, A Wonfor, R Plumb, I H White, R V Penty, M Glick and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"Photonic analogue to digital conversion system using broadband mode locked laser with 20 GHz bandwidth", P Jiang, Y Chai, I H White, R V Penty, J Heaton, A Kuver, S Clements, C G Leburn, A McWilliam, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown and W Sibbett, European Conference on Optical Communication, Glasgow, 2005
"PIE metric simulations vs launch condition", J Ewen, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, 10GBASE-LRM Task Force, IEEE 802.3 January Interims, Vancouver, 2005
"Self-configuring intelligent control for short reach 100 Gb/s optical packet routing", T Lin, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"Simulation of integrated components for ultrashort pulse generation", I H White, M G Thompson and R V Penty, Integrated Photonic Research and Applications Topical Meeting, San Diego, 2005 (invited)
"Single mode performance of a single mode injected locked quantum dot laser", Y Chu, M G Thompson, R L Sellin, P Hartmann, R V Penty, I H White, G Huyet and B Corbett, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2005
"Static and dynamic properties of uncooled 3-section tunable DBR laser", Y Liu, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Tokyo, 2005
"Study of high performance re-timing using a 40 Gb/s hybrid-integrated Mach-Zehnder all-optical regenerator", C K Yow, Y J Chai, R V Penty, I H White, G Maxwell and R McDougall, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, 2005
"SWIFT: A testbed with optically switched data paths for computing applications", M Glick, M Dales, D McAuley, T Lin, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Barcelona, 2005 (invited)
"1.36 Tbit/s spectral slicing source based on a Cr4+:YAG femtosecond laser", Y J Chai, C G Leburn, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown, R V Penty, I H White and W Sibbett, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Los Angeles, 2004
"35 GHz passive mode-locking on InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers at 1.3 µm with Fourier-limited pulses", M Kuntz, G Fiol, M Lämmlin, N N Ledenstov, D Bimberg, M G Thompson, K T Tan, C Marinelli, R V Penty, I H White, M Van der Poel, D Birkdael, J Hvam, A R Kovsh and V M Ustinov, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"40 Gb/s reconfigurable optical CDMA laser encoder using direct modulated monolithic mode-locked lasers", J B Rosas-Fernandez, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"5 Gb/s elevated temperature data transmission using quantum dot lasers", K T Tan, C Marinelli, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, M Kuntz, M Lämmlin, N N Ledentsov, D Bimberg, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov and A R Kovsh, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"80 Gb/s optical packet routing for data networking using FPGA based 100 Mb/s control scheme", T Lin, W Tang, K A Williams, G F Roberts, L B James, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, European Conference on Optical Communication, Stockholm, 2004
"A novel ultra-fast optical router using time-slot switching", C K Yow, R McDougall, Y J Chai, R V Penty, I H White, Z Ghassemlooy, G Swift and P Ball, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"All-optical multiwavelength bypass-exchange switching using a hybrid-integrated Mach-Zehnder switch", C K Yow, R McDougall, Y J Chai, R V Penty, I H White and C W Tee, European Conference on Optical Communication, Stockholm, 2004
"Avalanche photodetection at 1.3 mm using an InGaAsN vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, L M F Chirovsky, R L Naone, D Galt, D W Kisker, C A Park and D Jenkins, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Beyond Gigabit Ethernet: physical layer issues in future optical networks", L B James, A W Moore, R Plumb, M Glick, A Wonfor, I H White, D McAuley and R V Penty, London Communications Symposium, University College London, 2004
"Broadband multimode fibre based IEEE 802.11 a/b/g WLAN distribution system", P Hartmann, X Qian, R V Penty and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Maine, 2004
"Cascaded performance of semiconductor optical amplifiers for high port count multistage switch fabrics" F Yang, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, International Semiconductor Conference, Romania, 2004
"Dual-service wireless LAN antenna-remoting system using uncooled directly modulated DFB laser diodes", P Hartmann, R V Penty, I H White and A J Seeds, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Electronic equalisation for length extension of x2 to x3 in 10 Gb/s multimode-fibre datacommunication links", J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White and D G Cunningham, European Conference on Optical Communication, Stockholm, 2004
"Enhanced performance of a 100 km directly-modulated radio-over-fibre link using an unfiltered SOA", X Qian, P Hartmann, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium, Manchester, 2004
"Experimental investigation on grating characteristic of a hybrid integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer all-optical switch for ultrafast switching", C K Yow, R McDougall, Y J Chai, R V Penty, I H White, G Maxwell, I Lealman, M Nield and R J Manning, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2004
"High-power ultra-fast single- and multi-mode quantum-dot lasers with superior beam profile", R L Sellin, D Bimberg, V Ustinov, N N Ledentsov, I. Kaiander, M Kuntz, M Lämmlin, K T Tan, C Marinelli, M G Thompson, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, D O'Brien, S P Hegarty, G Huyet, J G McInerney and J K White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2004 (invited)
"Hybridisation platform demonstrating all optical wavelength conversion at 10 and 20 Gbit/s", I Armstrong, I Andonovic, J Bebbington, C Michie, C Tombling, S Fasham, A E Kelly, Y J Chai, R Penty and I White, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Los Angeles, 2004
"Improved distortion and dispersion tolerance of 4-level 40 Gb/s signals in amplified datacommunications links", A Wonfor, R G S Plumb, R V Penty, I H White, J K White and C Tombling, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Integrated SOA based add-drop multiplexer for WDM optical packet routing with reduced distortion penalty", G F Roberts, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, D McAuley, D J Kang and M Blamire, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Investigation of ultra-short switching windows in a hybrid-integrated Mach-Zehnder interferometer", C K Yow, R McDougall, Y J Chai, R V Penty, I H White, G Maxwell, I Lealman, M Nield and R J Manning, Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Mode locking of InGaAs quantum dot lasers", M G Thompson, K T Tan, C Marinelli, K A Williams, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, M Kuntz, D Ouyang, I N Kaiander, N N Ledentsov, D Bimberg, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov, A R Kovsh, F Visinka, S Jochum, S Hansmann, D-J Kang and M G Blamire, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2004 (invited)
"Mode-locked quantum dot lasers for picosecond pulse generation", M G Thompson, K T Tan, C Marinelli, K A Williams, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, I N Kaiander, D Bimberg, F Visinka, S Jochum, S Hansmann, D-J Kang and M G Blamire, Photonics West, San Jose, 2004
"Mode-locked quantum dot lasers", M G Thompson, K T Tan, Y Chu, C Marinelli, K A Williams, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, M Kuntz, M Lämmlin, N N Ledenstov, D Ouyang, I N Kaiander, D Bimberg, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov, A R Kovsh, F Visinka, S Jochum, S Hansmann, D-J Kang and M G Blamire, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2004
"Modelling and simulation-based prediction of radio transmission over multimode fibre", X Qian, P Hartmann, J D Ingham, A M E-A Diab, R V Penty and I H White, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Maine, 2004
"Monolithic integration of semiconductor optical switches for optical interconnects", K A Williams, M Glick, T Lin, G F Roberts, R V Penty and I H White, International Semiconductor Conference, Romania, 2004 (invited)
"Multi-wavelength optical add-drop multiplexer with nanosecond reconfiguration times for local area networking", G F Roberts, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, 2004
"Multimode optical fibre links for datacommunications", J D Ingham, R V Penty and I H White, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Wroclaw, 2004 (invited)
"Novel polarization selector based on an active waveguide photonic bandgap structure", C N Morgan, M Silver, K A Williams, A Atlasis, P J Bennett, X Zhao, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2004
"Novel single mode laser operation through 2-D photonic crystal", X Zhao, K A Williams, P J Bennett, Y Chu, R V Penty, I H White, Y X Lin, Y C Yu, Y L Huang, D J Kang and M G Blamire, Optics East, Philadelphia, 2004 (invited)
"Novel single mode laser operation through transverse mode coupling in a 2-D photonic crystal", X Zhao, K A Williams, P J Bennett, Y Chu, R V Penty, I H White, Y X Lin, Y C Yu, Y L Huang, D J Kang and M G Blamire, International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Matsue, 2004
"Novel wideband active waveguide photonic crystal polarisation selector", C Morgan, M Silver, K Williams, A Atlasis, P Bennett, X Zhao, R Penty, I White, D J Kang and M Blamire, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Francisco, 2004
"Optimization of dynamic properties and link performance for directly-modulated gain-coupled DFB lasers", Y Liu, J K Kenton White, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Santa Barbara, 2004
"Polarisation mode beating and self-sustained pulsation in optically pumped birefringent vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", C W Tee, S F Yu, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Santa Barbara, 2004
"Properties on InGaAs quantum dot saturable absorbers in monolithic mode-locked lasers", M G Thompson, C Marinelli, Y Chu, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, M Van der Poel, D Birkedal, J Hvam, V M Ustinov, M Lämmlin and D Bimberg, International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Matsue, 2004
"Uncooled 40 Gb/s transmission over 40 km single mode fiber using multi-level modulation of a highly linear laser", A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, J K White, A E Kelly and C Tombling, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Los Angeles, 2004
"10 and 20 Gbps all-optical circulating buffer using a hybrid-integrated Mach-Zehnder switch", R McDougall, C K Yow, Y J Chai, R V Penty, I H White and M Wilkes, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"20 Gb/s multilevel-coded signal transmission using directly modulated laser diodes", E E Coulson, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, K A Williams, M Webster, R V Penty, I H White and J K White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore 2003
"Active wavelength control of tunable lasers for use in uncooled WDM systems", A R Davies, S Fan, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2003
"Compression of picosecond pulses using photonic crystal", Y J Chai, C N Morgan, R V Penty, I H White, T Karle and T Krauss, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague, 2003
"Electronic dispersion compensation — the new building block for 10 Gbps optical links", B Willcocks, J D Ingham, N Weiner, R V Penty and I H White, Communications Design Conference, San Francisco, 2003
"Enhanced performance of an all-optical parity checker using a single Mach-Zehnder interferometer", C K Yow, Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2003
"Gain-clamped SOA with 11 dB variable gain based on a three-contact tunable DBR laser", J Sosaboski, A R Davies, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Munich, 2003
"High dynamic range linear analog data links (1-20 GHz) using room temperature DFB laser diodes", P Hartmann, J D Ingham, M Webster, D Wake, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, A J Seeds and J K White, SPIE Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2003 (invited)
"High quality low jitter femtosecond pulse generation from a gain-switched DFB laser using a novel self-seeding technique", Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Munich, 2003
"Hybrid and passive mode-locking of quantum dot lasers at ~10 GHz", M G Thompson, K T Tan, C Marinelli, K A Williams, R L Sellin, R V Penty, I H White, I N Kaiander, D Bimberg, F Visinka, S Jochum, S Hansmann, D-J Kang and M G Blamire, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague, 2003 (post deadline)
"Integrated SOA devices for metro system applications", R V Penty, I H White, K A Williams, A Wonfor and A R Davies, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Prague, 2003 (invited)
"Investigation of high repetition rate mode-locked quantum dot lasers", K T Tan, M G Thompson, C Marinelli, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, I N Kaiander, R L Sellin, D Bimberg, D J Kang, M G Blamire, F Visinka, S Jochum and S Hansmann, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Tuscon, 2003
"Linearity performance of uncooled single-mode InGaAsN VCSELs operating at 1.3 µm", M Webster, J D Ingham, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, L M F Chirovsky, R L Naone, D Galt, D W Kisker and D Jenkins, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"Low wavelength drift uncooled laser using tuned distributed Bragg reflectors", A R Davies, S Fan, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Laser and Electro-Optics Society Conference, Glasgow, 2003
"Low-cost multimode fibre-based wireless LAN distribution system using uncooled, directly modulated DFB laser diodes", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, J D Ingham, R V Penty, I H White, D Wake and A J Seeds, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"Monolithic 2 x 2 amplifying add/drop switch for optical local area networking", G F Roberts, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, D McAuley, D J Kang and M Blamire, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"Novel athermal WDM laser with polymer grating", G Huang, S Yu, A Massara, P Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications, Wuhan, 2003
"Novel self-seeded of 10 GHz highly compressed ultrashort ODTM pulses using a gain-switched DFB laser", Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe, Munich, 2003
"Optical DE/MUX components for datacommunication applications", I H White, R V Penty, K A Williams and C N Morgan, Optoelectronics and Communication Conference, Shanghai, 2003 (invited)
"Optical local area networking using CWDM", I H White, R V Penty, J Hankey, K A Williams, G F Roberts, M Glick and D McAuley, Conference on Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices for Lightwave Communication, Orlando, 2003 (invited)
"Optimisation of a single longitudinal mode laser using 2-D photonic crystals", A F Atlasis, P J Bennett, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2003
"Pulse compression and shaping in photonic crystal coupled cavity waveguides", Y J Chai, C N Morgan, R V Penty, I H White, T Karle and T Krauss, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2003
"Simultaneous pulse compression and jitter reduction at 10 GHz using novel self-seeding gain-switched DFB laser incorporating a DILM", Y J Chai, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2003
"The impact of strain on the spontaneous emission from self assembled quantum dot laser diodes", K T Tan, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, A Schliwa, D Bimberg, A R Kovsh, V M Ustinov and A E Zhukov, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore 2003
"The viability of subcarrier modulation for enhancing the performance of installed-base MMF links", E J Tyler, R V Penty, M Webster and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore 2003
"Ultrahigh capacity source using spectral slicing of a femtosecond Cr4+:YAG laser", Y J Chai, C G Leburn, A A Lagatsky, C T A Brown, R V Penty, I H White and W Sibbett, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, 2003
"Uncooled operation of a 40 Gb/s directly modulated multi-level laser for datacoms applications", A Wonfor, J K White, E E Coulson, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Rimini, 2003
"Wavelength striped semi-synchronous optical local area networks", L B James, G F Roberts, M Glick, D McAuley, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, London Communications Symposium, London, 2003
"Wide-frequency-range operation of a high-linearity uncooled DFB laser for next-generation radio-over-fiber", J D Ingham, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and J K White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Atlanta, 2003
"1.02 Tb/s, 3 km multimode fibre feasibility experiment using 200-channel DWDM and quadrature subcarrier", P Kourtessis, E Rochat, T Quinlan, S D Walker, M Webster, R V Penty, I H White and M C Parker, Industrial Technology Programme, Photon02, Cardiff, 2002
"A complete 5 Gb/s throughput quadrature subcarrier system featuring zero-latency carrier and data synchronisation", P Kourtessis, S Dudley, T Quinlan, S D Walker, E J Tyler, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2002
"A novel technique for multi-level modulation using a two-contact laser", E E Coulson, M Webster, R V Penty, I H White and R G S Plumb, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"Advantages of gain clamping in semiconductor amplifier crosspoint switches", K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2002
"Advantages of gain clamping in semiconductor amplifier crosspoint switches", K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2002
"Automatic polarisation dependent gain compensation in semiconductor optical amplifiers using contact monitoring", A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White and D McAuley, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2002
"Bidirectional transmission of 32-QAM radio over a single multimode fibre using 850 nm vertical cavity half-duplex transceivers", J D Ingham, M Webster, D Wake, A J Seeds, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Copenhagen, 2002
"Broadband gain clamped semiconductor optical amplifier with variable gain operation using a sampled grating laser", A R Davies, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, D McAuley and P J Williams, European Conference on Optical Communication, Copenhagen, 2002
"Compact 8 channel silica 2DIO wavelength filter", C N Morgan, R V Penty, I H White and S Yu, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2002
"Demonstration of highly linear uncooled DFB lasers for next generation RF over fibre applications", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, D Wake, R V Penty, A J Seeds and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Copenhagen, 2002
"Gain clamped operation of a semiconductor optical amplifier with variable gain", A R Davies, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, D McAuley and P Williams, Postgraduate Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications and Software, Nottingham, 2002
"Gain-clamped operation of a linear laser amplifier with electrically variable gain", A R Davies, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick, D McAuley and P J Williams, Optical Amplifiers and their Applications/Integrated Photonics Research Joint Session, Vancouver, 2002
"GaInNAs semiconductor laser diode", K T Tan, R V Penty, I H White, A Bennett, G Parry, R Varrazza, S Yu and J S Roberts, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"High bandwidth modulation of multiple contact 1.3 micron quantum dot lasers", A Wonfor, K T Tan, C Ribbat, D Bimberg, K A Williams, D J Kang, M G Blamire, A R Kovsh, V M Ustinov, A E Zhukov, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"High temperature measurements of laser distortion", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"Improved performance of compact silica 2DIO wavelength filters", C N Morgan, R V Penty, I H White and S Yu, Integrated Photonics Research, Vancouver, 2002
"Low cost high performance data networks", I H White and R V Penty, Annual Workshop on Interconnections within High Speed Digital Systems, Santa Fe, 2002 (invited)
"Low wavelength drift uncooled laser using tuned distributed Bragg reflectors", A R Davies, S Fan, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"Novel polarisation independent gain compensation in semiconductor optical amplifiers using terminal monitoring", A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"Optical datacommunications - driving the internet revolution", R V Penty and I H White, Industrial Technology Programme, Photon02, Cardiff, 2002 (Keynote Paper)
"Packet switched optical data networking using coarse wavelength division multiplexing", K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, International Conference on Photonic Access Technologies, London, 2002
"Phase encoded spread in time signals for suppression of propagation non-linearities in 40 Gb/s CDM/WDM communications systems using optical phase conjugation for dispersion compensation", J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty and I H White, International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Nottingham, 2003
"Regenerative optical routing using a combined sampled-grating DBR laser and 16 x 16 arrayed waveguide grating", S A Shahkooh, Y J Chai, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2002
"Semiconductor laser incorporating a short two-dimensional grating", P J Bennett, K A Williams, I H White, D J Kang, M Webster, S A Wood, M E Haywood, A E W Phillips, R V Penty and M G Blamire, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"Silica two-dimensional integrated optics for WDM datacommunication applications", C N Morgan, I H White, R V Penty and S Yu, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002 (invited)
"Simulations of spread in time signals for suppression of propagation nonlinearities in 40 Gbps TDM communication systems", J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty and I H White, International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Nottingham, 2002
"Stimulated emission in GaInNAs laser diodes", A J Bennett, Y S Jalili, P N Stavrinou, G Parry, K T Tan, R V Penty, I H White, R Varrazza, S Yu, G Hill and J S Roberts, Industrial Technology Programme, Photon02, Cardiff, 2002
"Study of distortion performance of uncooled low cost RF MMF links", M Webster, P Hartmann, D Wake, R V Penty, I H White and A J Seeds, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"Temperature independent distortion characteristics of high speed directly modulated laser diodes", P Hartmann, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics, Cardiff, 2002
"Temporal spreading in optical 40 Gb/s systems for suppression of transmission nonlinearities using spectral-DS/BPSK coding", J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty and I H White, Wireless Design Conference, London, 2002
"The applications of SCM in optical data communications", R V Penty, M Webster, I H White, P Kourtessis, S D Walker, and E J Tyler, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Awaji, 2002 (invited)
"The evolution of transverse modes in GaInNAs VCSELs", M Othman, K Tastavridis, J C L Yong, J Rorison, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"Transmission characteristics of phase encoded OCDMA signals over fiber compensated links", J B Rosas-Fernandez, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"Ultra-high capacity transmission over 3 km of legacy 50 mm multimode fibre using C-band HDWDM and quadrature subcarrier multiplexing", E Rochat, P Kourtessis, M Webster, T Quinlan, S Dudley, S D Walker, R V Penty, M C Parker and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Copenhagen, 2002
"Variable gain operation of a gain-clamped sampled grating laser amplifier", A R Davies, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Long Beach, 2002
"Variable gain operation of a gain-clamped sampled grating laser amplifier", A R Davies, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, M Glick and D McAuley, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2002
"Wavelength filters using two dimensional integrated optics", C N Morgan, I H White, R V Penty and S Yu, IEEE/LEOS Workshop on Fibre and Optical Passive Components, Glasgow, 2002 (invited)
"1.25 Gb/s bidirectional multimode-fibre data link using a dual purpose vertical cavity laser and detector", J D Ingham, M Webster, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"10 Gb/s operation of novel single mode, two-contact InGaAsP lasers with low drive current", A B Massara, L J Sargent, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"10Gb/s single mode operation of two-contact InGaAsP lasers with ultra-low drive current", A B Massara, L J Sargent, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"A multi-level subcarrier modulation technique for 10 Gb/s installed base multimode fibre links", M Webster, E J Tyler, I H White and R V Penty, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"All-optical 2R regeneration and wavelength conversion at 10Gb/s in an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/distributed feedback laser", M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"Analysis of ridge waveguides loaded with 2D lattice structures using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method", M J Cryan, I J Craddock, R V Penty, C J Railton and I H White, European Conference on Integrated Optics, Paderborn, 2001
"Components for packet switched optical networks", I H White, R V Penty and M Webster, Globecom, San Antonio, 2001 (invited tutorial)
"Constant output power control in an optical crosspoint switch allowing enhanced noise performance operation", A Wonfor, S Yu, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"Design and fabrication of air/semiconductor Bragg gratings for short wavelength nitride-based lasers", C Marinelli, L J Sargent, M Bordovsky, A Wonfor, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, M Benyoucef, M Kuball, G Hasnain and R P Schneider, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of multilayer PCBs using a hybrid finite difference time domain (FDTD) - partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method", M J Cryan, I J Craddock, R V Penty, I H White and C J Railton, European Microwave Week, London, 2001
"Enhanced performance of uncooled strongly-gain-coupled MQW DFB in 10 Gb/s link applications", S Yang, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, I Wood and K White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001
"Enhanced-performance operation of InGaN MQW lasers with air/nitride distributed Bragg reflector defined by focused ion beam etching", C Marinelli, L J Sargent, M Bordovsky, A Wonfor, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, G Hasnain and R P Schneider, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001
"Finite difference beam propagation model for tapered waveguide with intracavity lens", A M Rashed, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001
"High coupling in novel 2D lattice distributed reflector laser gratings", A B Massara, L J Sargent, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2001
"Highly compact, low loss silica based 2DIO wavelength filter for WDM datacommunications networks", C N Morgan, S Yu, R V Penty and I H White, European Conference on Optical Communication, Amsterdam, 2001 (postdeadline paper)
"Interferometric noise suppression for WDM applications using a dispersion imbalanced loop mirror", Y J Chai, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"Investigation of 2D-lattice distributed reflector lasers" L J Sargent, A B Massara, M Gioannini, J Yong, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2001 (invited)
"Low power electrochromic variable optical attenuator with 50 dB attenuation range", M A Cowin, R Varazza, C Morgan, R V Penty, I H White, A M McDonagh, S Bayley, J Riley, M D Ward and J A McCleverty, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2001
"Material gain comparison for InGaAsP, AlGaInAs and InGaAsN for 1.3mm laser diodes", J C L Yong, J M Rorison, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"Novel cascaded optical coding schemes for bandwidth efficient systems applications", M Webster, E J Tyler, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2001
"Novel output power control of a semiconductor optical amplifier based switch", A Wonfor, S Yu, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"Performance of single mode laser components using 2D photonic lattice reflectors", M Hill, A B Massara, M Gioannini, R V Penty and I H White, Advanced Semiconductor Lasers and Applications, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Summer Topical Meetings, Copper Mountain, 2001
"Quality enhancement of a WDM signal using dispersion imbalanced loop mirror", Y J Chai, I H Khrushchev, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2001
"Requirements for uncooled direct lasers modulation at 10 Gb/s", K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and M Silver, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001
"Scanning electron and atomic force microscopy measurements of ion beam etched InP samples using Ar/H2 chemistry", B Cakmak, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Manufacturing and Testing IV, San Diego, 2001
"Surface assessment of a chemically assisted ion beam etched InP sample using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy techniques", B Cakmak, R V Penty and I H White, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Baltimore, 2001
"Temperature dependence of threshold current — a better criterion than T0?", T J Houle, A I Onischenko, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, A J Springthorpe, K White, P Paddon and T Garanzotis, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001
"Ultrafast all-optical regeneration using a simple SOA/DFB laser device", V Saxena, K A Williams, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2001
"Uncooled 10 Gb/s operation of two-contact InGaAsP lasers with low drive current", A B Massara, S Yang, T J Houle, R P Thilakumura, R V Penty and I H White, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, Anaheim, 2001
"10 Gb/s all-optical 3R regeneration and format conversion using a gain switched DFB laser using a gain-switched DFB laser", M Owen, V Saxena, R V Penty and I H White, Paper CThM32, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"10 Gb/s transmission over 300m standard multimode fibre using multilevel coding and 2-channel WDM", M Webster, A B Massara, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CMR4, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"10Gb/s single mode operation of 2D lattice distributed reflector laser", A B Massara, L J Sargent, L Deng, R V Penty and I H White, Paper 3.3.5, ECOC"™00, Munich, 2000
"2D-lattice distributed reflector laser", A B Massara, L J Sargent, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Paper CTuA43, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"All-optical 3R regeneration and format conversion in an integrated SOA/DFB laser", M Owen, M F C Stephens, R V Penty and I H White, OFC2000, Baltimore, 2000
"All-optical 3R regeneration and wavelength conversion in an integrated SOA/DFB laser: experiment and simulation", V Saxena, M Owen, M F C Stephens, A Wonfor, R V Penty, I H White, Paper CMH2, Cleo-Europe 2000, Nice, 2000
"All-optical switching in a vertical coupler space switch employing photocarrier-induced nonlinearity", R Varrazza, S Yu, M Owen, I Khrushchev, R V Penty, I H White and S V Dewar, Paper CThM26, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"Analysis of the mechanisms for impaired high-temperature high-speed performance of 1.3um InGaAsP lasers", A Massara, K A Williams, I H White, R V Penty, A Galbraith, P Crump and M Silver, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Cascading and routing 14 optical packet switches", K Guild, A Tzanakaki, H Lee, M J O"™Mahoney, M Chia, M Nizam, I Andonovic, D Hunter, S Yu, A Wonfor, R Varrazza, R V Penty and I H White, Paper P4.8, ECOC"™00, Munich, 2000
"Demonstration of simultaneous packet routing and wavelength conversion at 10Gb/s in a highly compact, lossless, vertical coupler optical space switch", R Varrazza, A Wonfor, S Yu, B Cakmak, R V Penty and I H White, Paper 10.4.4, ECOC"™00, Munich, 2000
"Feasibility of AlGaInAs lasers for high speed uncooled communications systems", A Onischenko, K A Williams, A B Massara, J C L Yong, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, Paper CTuP7, Cleo-Europe 2000, Nice, 2000
"Gain-switching of GaInN MQW laser diodes", C Marinelli, I Y Khrushchev, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, G Hasnain, R P Schneider, S Wan, M R T Tan, Y Kaneko, S W Watanabe and N Yamada, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Gaussian beam profile and single transverse mode emission from previously multi-mode VCSEL using novel etch", L J Sargent, L Plouzennec, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard, M R T Tan, S W Corzine and S Y Wang, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Gaussian etched single transverse mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser", L J Sargent, L Plouzennec, RV Penty, I H White and P J Heard, Paper CTuA42, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"High speed packet routing demonstration of a vertical coupler crosspoint space switch array", S Yu, R Varrazza, R V Penty and I H White, Paper CWD5, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"High speed reconfiguration of dual-purpose vertical cavity surface emitting laser/detector", M Dragas, M Webster, I H White and R V Penty, Paper GFG1, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"High-power and picosecond pulse generation from a passively Q-switched tapered InGaAs/GaAs laser", B Cakmak, R V Penty, K A Williams, S Yu and I H White, Paper CThM28, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"Penalty free subcarrier multiplexed multimode fibre links for gigabit ethernet applications beyond the bandwidth limit", E J Tyler, M Webster, R V Penty and I H White, Paper 7.3.5, ECOC"™00, Munich, 2000
"Performance of 10 Gb/s VCSELs operating at 85°C", M Webster, R V Penty, I H White, M R T Tan and S W Corzine, Paper CTuF2, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"Polarisation pinning of a VCSEL array", K Tastavridis, K A Williams, P J Heard, J M Rorison, I H White and R V Penty, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Return to zero modulation for extending multimode fibre data links to 10Gb/s", M Webster, J D Ingham, A B Massara, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Paper P3.18, ECOC"™00, Munich, 2000
"Ridge waveguide 1.55um DFB lasers with uncooled 10Gb/s operation at 328K", A Massara, K A Williams, R V Penty and F Wijnands, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Simple multi-mask technique for fabrication of high resolution polymer structures", M A Cowin, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Smooth and anisotropic ion beam etching of InP with Ar/H2 chemistry", B Cakmak, S Y Yu, R V Penty and I H White, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Subcarrier modulation for transmission of 1 Gb/s channels over 500m of 62.5mm multimode fibre", E J Tyler, M Webster, R V Penty and I H White, Paper CMR5, CLEO"™2000, San Francisco, 2000
"Theoretical investigation of the evolution of the transverse modes in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", K Tastavridis, I H White, J M Rorison and R V Penty, Photonics West, San Jose, 2000
"Transmission of a single 2.5Gb/s subcarrier modulated channel over 300m of 62.5mm multimode fibre", E J Tyler, M Webster, A Wonfor, R V Penty and I H White, Paper TuBB4, LEOS 2000, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 2000
"A simple device to allow enhanced bandwidths at 850nm in multimode fibre links for gigabit LANs", M Webster, L J Sargent, P J Heard, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, D G Cunningham and M R T Tan, Paper CWD6, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"All-optical regeneration and wavelength conversion in an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/distributed feedback laser", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, I H White and A J Lowery, Paper TuJ2, OFC"™99, San Diego, 1999
"Analysis of polarisation pinning in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers using etched trenches", L J Sarjent, J M Rorison, M Kuball, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, M R T Tan and S-Y Wang, Paper 3627-28, Photonics West, San Jose, 1999
"Compact integrated optical crosspoint switches employing active InGaAsP/InP vertical waveguide couplers with ultralow crosstalk", S Yu, M Owen, R Varrazza, D Rogers, S Perrin, C C Button, R V Penty and I H White, Paper TuA1.6, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"Demonstration of compact integrated polymeric wavelength division multiplexer", M A Cowin, M Owen, J D Bainbridge, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CThK62, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"Demonstration of four wave mixing in an integrated pump laser and semiconductor optical amplifier for mid-span spectral inversion dispersion compensation", M F C Stephens, K A Williams, R V Penty, and I H White, Paper CtuW4, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"Directly modulated femtosecond pulse generator based on dispersion managed nonlinear fibre compressor", I Khrushchev, I H White and R V Penty, 3609-26, Photonics West, San Jose, 1999
"Dispersion balanced loop mirror for high bit rate OTDM", I Y Khrushchev, I D Phillips, A D Ellis, R J Manning, D Nesset, D G Moodie, R V Penty and I H White, Paper WeB1.5, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999.
"Dispersion compensation at 40Gbit/s over 100km of standard fibre via mid-span spectral inversion in a semiconductor optical amplifier with integrated pump laser", M F C Stephens, D Nesset, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and M J Fice, Paper TuC1.4, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"Dual-purpose vertical cavity optoelectronic components for data communication applications", M Dragas, I H White, R V Penty, J M Rorison, P J Heard and G Parry, Paper 3627-23, Photonics West, San Jose, 1999
"Effect of random facet phases in distributed feedback lasers on optical fibre link transmission penalty", R P Thilakumara, A Wonfor, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White and F Wijnands, Paper CWD4, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"High power laser with integrated lens using focused ion beam etching", A M Rashed, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, J C C Day and G C Allen, Paper FC1, Cleo-Pacific Rim"™99, Seoul, 1999
"High quality pulse compression by means of a chirp pulse operated dispersion imbalanced loop mirror", I Y Khrushchev, R V Penty and I H White, Paper CThL5, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"Low cost fabrication of 2 x 2 crosspoint switches", B C Qiu, Y H Qian, O P Kowalski, A C Bryce, J S Aitchison, R M De La Rue, J H Marsh, M Owen, I H White, R V Penty, A Franzen, D K Hunter and I Andonovic, Paper TuA1.4, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"Mechanism of polarisation pinning in VCSELs using focused ion beam etching", L J Sargent, J M Rorison, I H White, R V Penty, M Kuball, P J Heard, M R T Tan and S Y Wang, Paper CThU2, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"Mode-hop free, single mode operation of 2D lattice distributed reflector laser under 2.5Gbit/s operation", L J Sargent, A B Massara, P J Heard, R V Penty and I H White, Paper PD1-6, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999 (postdeadline paper)
"New double reflective grating polymeric wavelength demultiplexer", M A Cowin, J D Bainbridge, M Owen, I H White and R V Penty, Paper MoD2.3, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"Picosecond pulse source for OTDM/WDM applications based on arrayed waveguide grating", I Y Khrushchev, J D Bainbridge, R V Penty, I H White, J E A Whiteaway, S Day and S J Clements, Paper ThT5, OFC"™99, San Diego, 1999
"Ridge waveguide InGaAsP lasers with uncooled 10Gbit/s operation at 70°C", A B Massara, K A Williams, I H White, R V Penty, A Galbraith, P Crump and P Harper, Paper ThD1.2, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"Ultra-low crosstalk, compact integrated optical crosspoint space switch arrays employing active InGaAsP/InP vertical waveguide couplers", S Yu, R Varrazza, M Owen, R V Penty, I H White, D Rogers, S Perrin and C C Button, Paper CPD24, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999 (postdeadline paper)
"Vertical cavity based optoelectronic transceivers", M Dragas, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard and G Parry, Paper CtuP2, CLEO"™99, Baltimore, 1999
"Vertical cavity optoelectronic transceivers for short distance data communications links", M Dragas, I H White, R V Penty, J Rorison, K A Williams, P J Heard and G Parry, Paper WM17, OFC"™99, San Diego, 1999
"Wavelength conversion at 40Gbit/s via cross-gain modulation in a distributed feedback laser integrated with a semiconductor optical amplifier", M F C Stephens, D Nesset, K A Williams, A E Kelly, R V Penty, I H White and M J Fice, Paper WEB4.2, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"WDM-TDM transmultiplexing at 40Gbit/s using an integrated DFB laser amplifier2, K A Williams, M F C Stephens, D Nesset, A E Kelly, R V Penty and M J Fice, Paper WeB4.4, ECOC'99, Nice, 1999
"40 GHz Optical Pulses from Mode-Locked Diode Lasers", A M Rashed, R V Penty, B Zhu and E Lach, SIOE, Cardiff, 1998
"A technique for wavelength converting a 2.488Gb/s signal whilst simultaneously monitoring and replacing a wavelength identifying pilot tone", M F C Stephens, J D Bainbridge, M Owen, R V Penty, I H White and M J Fice, IEE colloquium on multiwavelength optical networks: devices, systems and network implementations, London, 1998.
"All optical wavelength conversion at 2.488Gb/s using the integrated multi grating cavity (MGC) laser", M Owen, J D Bainbridge, M F C Stephens, I H White, R V Penty, IEE colloquium on multiwavelength optical networks: devices, systems and network implementations, London, 1998
"All optical wavelength conversion of 2.488Gb/s using a multi wavelength laser", M Owen, J D Bainbridge, M F C Stephens, I H White, R V Penty, K R Poguntke and M J Robertson, SIOE98, Cardiff, 1998
"All-optical 1x4 network switching and simultaneous wavelength conversion using an integrated multi-wavelength laser", M Owen, M F C Stephens, J D Bainbridge, R V Penty, I H White, K R Pgunthe and M J Robertson, Paper THB04, ECOC"™98, Madrid, 1998
"All-optical routing using a 12x12 passive InP wavelength selective router and tuneable wavelength conversion", J D Bainbridge, A R Sharafi, I H White, M A Cowin, M F C Stephens, M Owen and R V Penty, IEE colloquium on multiwavelength optical networks: devices, systems and network implementations, London, 1998
"Demonstration of time division demultiplexing form 40Gb/s to 10Gb/s via polarisation switching in a semiconductor optical amplifier", M F C Stephens, A E Kelly, D Nesset, A Wonfor and R V Penty, Paper CFG8, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"Design of high power tapered waveguide semiconductor lasers", K A Williams, I H White, R V Penty, D J Robbins and J J Lewandowski, Paper CThG4, CLEO Europe"™98, Glasgow, 1998.
"Dual purpose vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers for datacommunications applications", M Dragas, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard and G Parry, IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Nara, 1998
"External cavity laser diode sensing for vibration measurement in aerospace applications2, N A J Lieven, I H White, C Mignosi, R P Griffiths and R V Penty, 3rd Int Conf on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications, Ancona, 1998
"Fabrication of test structures for 4x4 InP/InGaAsP integrated optical matrix", Y H Qian, A C Bryce, J H Marsh, C D W Wilkinson, M Owen, R V Penty, I H White and M J Robertson, Paper CTuC5, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"Femto- and picosecond pulse generation from a gain-switched lasers diode by means of dispersion-imbalanced fibre loop", I Y Khrushchev, I H White and R V Penty, Paper TuB10, ECOC"™98, Madrid, 1998
"Femtosecond pulse generation from a gain-switched laser diode by means of a dispersion-imbalanced loop mirror", I Y Khrushchev, I H White, R V Penty, Fifth International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology, Proceedings FST 98, p 73, Tsukuba, 1998.
"High bandwidth multimode fibre links using subcarrier multiplexing in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L Raddatz, D Hardacre, I H White, R V Penty, D G Cunningham, M R T Tan and S-Y Wang, OFC"™98., San Jose, 1998
"High performance multimode fibre link using ring-lasing vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L J Sargent, M Webster, I H White, P J Heard, R V Penty, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, Paper ThD08, ECOC"™98, Madrid, 1998.
"High speed performance of Mach-Zehnder all-optical regenerators using semiconductor optical amplifiers", P J Annetts, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CFG6, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"Highly flexible all-optical wavelength conversion at 2.488Gb/s using a multi-output wavelength laser", M Owen, J D Bainbridge, M F C Stephens, I H White, R V Penty, K R Potuntke and M J Robertson, Paper CThZ6, CLEO"™98, San Francisco, 1998
"Mechanism of polarisation pinning in vertical cavity surface emitting lasers using focused ion beam etching", L J Sergent, M Kuball, J M Rorison, R V Penty, I H White, P J Heard, M R T Tan and SY Wang, IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Nara, 1998
"Mode-controlled vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for bandwidth enhancement of multimode fibre links", M Webster, L J Sargent, P Dowd, P J Heard, I H White, R V Penty, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, Paper CMH6, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"Multiwavelength picosecond pulse generation using a monolithically integrated multi-wavelength grating cavity (MGC) laser", M Owen, R V Penty, I H White, K R Potuntke and M J Robertson, IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Nara, 1998
"Negligible penalty all-optical routing using a 12x12 passive InP wavelength selective router", J D Bainbridge, A R Sharafi, I H White, M Cowin, M F C Stephens, M Owen, R V Penty, K M Guild, A Tzanakaki, M J O"™Mahony, G H B Thompson, S J Clements and C B Rogers, Paper CWT1, CLEO"™98, San Francisco, 1998
"Noise Performance of Semiconductor Laser Amplifier Loop Mirror Switch", P J Annetts, R V Penty and I H White, SIOE, Cardiff, 1998
"Nonlinear pulse switching and compression in a disperson-imbalanced loop mirror", I Y Khrushchev, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CTuI71, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"Spatial emission control of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers to provide bandwidth gain in multimode fibre links using a simple alignment technique", L J Sargent, M Webster, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard, M R T Tan and D G Cunningham, IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Nara, 1998
"Spatial Emission Control of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers using Focused Ion Beam Etching", L J Sargent, M Webster, P Dowd, P J Heard, I H White, R V Penty, SIOE98, Cardiff, 1998
"Wavelength conversion based on an integrated semiconductor optical amplifier/DFB laser at 10Gb/s with low input power", A R Sharafi, M F C Stephens, A Wonfor, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CWC6, CLEO"™98, San Francisco, 1998
2Demonstration of 2.488 Gb/s simultaneous all-optical wavelength conversion and tone reading/replacing in an integrated SOA/DFB laser", M F C Stephens, J D Bainbridge, M Owen, R V Penty, I H White and M J Fice, Paper CThH101, CLEO/Europe-EQEC"™98, Glasgow, 1998
"10Gb/s wavelength conversion in an integrated SOA/DFB Laser", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, A R Sharafi, I H White, M J Fice, R A Saunders and J E A Whiteaway, IEE Colloquium on Optoelectronic Integration and Switching, Glasgow, 1997
"Bow tie laser diode arrays for Q-switched picosecond pulse generation", I Y Khruschev, D J Kitcher, K A Williams, I H White, F R Laughton and R V Penty, SIOE"™97
"Complete Polarisation Control of Top-Surface Emitting Vertical Cavity Lasers With High Quality Spectral and Spatial Output Characteristics", P Dowd, P J Heard, J A Nicholson, Y Sumaila, K A Williams, L Raddatz, R V Penty, I H White and G C Allen, post-deadline paper CPD20, CLEO"™97, Baltimore, 1997
"Demonstration of 2.5Gb/s integrated wavelength selective router in InP", J D Bainbridge, I H White, R V Penty, G H B Thompson, S J Clements, C B Rogers, D Melville and F R Shepherd IEE Colloquium on Optoelectronic Integration and Switching, Glasgow, 1997
"High speed wavelength conversion utilising an integrated amplifier/DFB laser", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, I H White, M Asghari, K A Williams, M J Fice, J E A Whiteaway, IEE Colloquium on WDM technology and applications, London, 1997
"Low Short Term Timing Jitter in an Integrated Cavity Semiconductor Laser Mode-Locked Laser", A Wonfor, B Zhu, I H White, R V Penty, E Lach, SIOE"™97
"Low short term timing jitter in an integrated monolithic extended cavity semiconductor mode-locked laser", A Wonfor, B Zhu, I H White and R V Penty, Advanced Semiconductor Lasers and Applications, Proceedings of 1997 IEEE Summer Topical Meetings, Paper FB3. pp 64"‘65, Montreal, 1997
"Negative penalty 10Gb/s all optical wavelength conversion in an integrated amplifier/DFB laser", M F C Stephens, M Asghari, I H White and R V Penty, ECOC, Edinburgh, 1997
"Polarisation control in top-surface emitting vertical cavity lasers using focused ion beam etching", P Dowd, P J Heard, J A Nicholson, L Raddatz, R V Penty, I H White and G C Allen, S W Corzine and M R T Tan, QE13, Cardiff, 1997
"Post-Processing for Transverse Mode and Polarisation Control of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers", P Dowd, L Raddatz, Y Sumaila, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard, G C Allen, M R T Tan, S Y Wang, SIOE"™97
"Post-processing of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for transverse mode and polarisation control", L Raddatz, P Dowd, Y Sumaila, I H White, R V Penty, P J Heard, G C Allen, M R T Tan and S-Y Wang, CLEO"™97, Baltimore, 1997
"The effects of pedestal suppression on gain-switched laser sources for 40 Gbit/s OTDM transmission", P L Mason, A Wonfor, D D Marcenac, D G Moodie, M C Brierley, R V Penty, I H White and S Bouchoule, LEOS, San Francisco, 1997
"The importance of spontaneous emission noise in dynamic jitter in monolithic mode"‘locked diode lasers", A M Rashed, A Wonfor, B Zhu, R V Penty and I H White, LEOS"™ 97, San Francisco, 1997
"Transmission of subcarrier multiplexed signals over multimode fibre links using vertical cavity surface emitting lasers", L Raddatz, I H White and R V Penty, Paper FR 1-4, International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Duisburg, 1997
"Ultrafast all-optical wavelength conversion utilising an integrated amplifier/dfb laser", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, I H White, M Asghari, M J Fice and J E A Whiteaway, Paper CTuP23, CLEO"™97, Baltimore, 1997
"40 Gbit/s optical communications system", I H White, R V Penty, P L Mason and B Zhu, IEE Colloquium on High Speed and Long Distance Optical Transmission, Aston, 1996
"Chirp limitation on high-speed wavelength conversion using semiconductor optical amplifiers", M Asghari, I H White and R V Penty, Paper CFB4, CLEO, Anaheim, 1996
"Demonstration of an all-optical simultaneous wavelength converting/space-switching crosspoint device", M F C Stephen, R V Penty, M Asghari, I H White, M J O"™Mahony, M Bray, M J Robertson and P J Fiddyment, ECOC, Oslo, 1996
"Gain-switched dynamics of tapered waveguide bow-tie lasers", K A Williams, I H White, F R Laughton, Z Jiang and R V Penty, Paper CThK29, CLEO"™96, Anaheim, 1996
"High speed all-optical switching utilising birefringence in semiconductor optical amplifiers", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, M Asghari and I H White, Paper TuD3, IQEC"™96, Sydney, 1996
"High speed wavelength conversion utilising birefringence in semiconductor optical amplifiers", M F C Stephens, R V Penty, M Asghari and I H White, Paper CThB6, CLEO "˜96, Anaheim, 1996
"Numerical modelling of the dynamic response of loss modulated monolithic multisection mode-locked semiconductor lasers", B Zhu, I H White, R V Penty and H D Summers, Paper CThI26, CLEO-Europe, Hamburg, 1996
"Picosecond dynamics of tapered waveguide bow tie lasers", K A Williams, I H White, F R Laughton and R V Penty, SIOE, Cardiff, 1996
"Picosecond Q-switched bow-tie laser array", K A Williams, D J Kitcher, F R Laughton, I H White and R V Penty, paper ThO1, IQEC"™96, Sydney, 1996
"The effect of frequency detuning on the jitter performance of a monolithic mode-locked diode laser", A Wonfor, P A Snow, K A Williams, R V Penty, I H White, E Lach, D Baums, C Hache, H Haisch, E Kuhn, K Satzke, M Schilling, J Weber and E Zielinski, Paper ThN6, IQEC 96, Sydney, 1996
"Vertical coupler device design for reduced-power optical switching using nonlinearity mismatch", R M Geatches, S V Dewar and R V Penty, Paper FD21, Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications, Cambridge, 1996
"Vertical couplers: all-optical switch design", R M Geatches, S V Dewar and R V Penty, SIOE, Cardiff, 1996
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