Sir Charles Oatley and the Scanning Electron Microscope



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This bibliography constitutes a comprehensive record relating to work undertaken in the Cambridge University Engineering Department in connection with the scanning electron microscope and allied subjects.

Sander, K. F. An automatic electron trajectory tracer and contributions to the design of an electrostatic electron microscope. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1951)

McMullan, D. Investigations relating to the design of electron microscopes. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1952)

McMullan, D. An improved scanning electron microscope for opaque specimens. Proc. Inst. Electr. Engrs. 100, Part II, 245-259 (1953)
McMullan, D. The scanning electron microscope and the electron-optical examination of surfaces. Electronic Eng. (England)25, 46-50 (1953)
Sander, K. F., and Yates J. G. The accurate mapping of electric fields in an electrolytic tank. Proc. IEE I1, 100, 167-183, (1953)

Grigson, C.W.B. An electron diffraction study on the growth of ionic crystals. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1955).
Smith, K. C. A., and Oatley, C. W. The scanning electron microscope and its fields of application, Br. J. Appl. Phys. 6, 391-399 (1955)

Allen, J. W., and Smith, K. C. A. Electron microscopy of etched germanium surfaces. J. Electronics, 1, 439-443 (1956)
Atack, D., and Smith, K. C. A. The scanning electron microscope - A new tool in fibre technology. Pulp Paper Mag. Canada 57, 245-251 (1956)
Bowden, F. P., and McAuslan, J. H. L. Slow decomposition of explosive crystals, Nature (London) 178, 408-410. (1956).
McAuslen, J. H. L., and Smith K. C. A. The direct observation in the scanning electron microscope of chemical reactions. Electron Microscopy: Proceedings of the Stockholm Conference, September, 1956, (F. J. Sjöstrand and J. Rhodin, eds.; Almqvist and Wiskells, Stockholm, 1957).
Smith, K. C. A. The scanning electron microscope and its fields of application, PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1956)

Oatley C. W. and Everhart T. E: The examination of p-n junctions in the scanning electron microscope. J. Electron., 2, 568-570 (1957)
Wells O. C: The construction of a scanning electron microscope and its application to the study of fibres. PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1957)

T. E. Everhart, K. C. A. Smith, O. C. Wells, and C. W. Oatley. Recent developments in scanning electron microscopy. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Electron Microscopy, Berlin, Sept. 1958, Physics, Vol. I pp. 269-273 (W. Bargmann et al. eds.; Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1960).
Everhart T. E. Contrast formation in the scanning electron microscope. PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1958)
Oatley C. W. The scanning electron microscope New Sci. June Issue, pp. 153-155. (1958).
Spreadbury P. J. Investigations relating to the design of a simple scanning electron microscope. M.Sc. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1958)

Everhart T. E., Wells O. C. and Oatley, C. W. Factors affecting contrast and resolution in the scanning electron microscope. J. Electronics Control 7, 97-111 (1959)
Smith K. C. A: Scanning electron microscopy in pulp and paper research. Pulp Pap Mag Can Tech Sect 60, T366-T371 (1959)
Tipper C. F, Dagg D. I., Wells O. C. Surface fracture markings on alpha iron crystals. J. Iron and Steel Inst. (GB), 193, 133-141, (1959)
Wells, O. C. Examination of nylon spinneret holes by scanning electron microscopy. J. Electron. Control 7, 373-376. (1959)

T. E. Everhart, "Simple theory concerning the reflection of electrons from solids," J. Appl. Phys. 31, 1483-1490. (1960):
Everhart T. E, Thornley R. F. M: Wide-band detector for micro-microampere low-energy electron currents, J. Sci. Instrum. 37, 246-248 (1960)
Sikorski, J. "Studies of fibrous structures," in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Electron Microscopy, Berlin Sept. 1958, Physics, Vol. i, edited by W. Bargmann et al. (Springer Verlag, Berlin) pp 686-707. (1960):
Thornley R. F. M. New applications of the scanning electron microscope Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1960)
Wells O. C: Correction of errors in electron stereomicroscopy. Brit. J. Appl. Phys. 11, 119-201 (1960)

Grigson, C.W.B. High-speed direct recording system for electron diffraction.  Nature (London) 192, 647-648 (1961)
K. C. A. Smith, "A versatile scanning electron microscope," in Proceedings of the European Regional Conference on Electron Microscopy, Delft 1960, Vol. 1 edited by A. L. Houwink and B.J. Spit (De Nederlandse Vereniging Voor electronenmicroscopie, Delft, p. 177-180. (1961),
Smith, K. C. A. Scanning. in"Encyclopedia of Microscopy" (G. L. Clark, ed.), pp.241-251. (Reinhold, New York), (1961)
Thornley, R. F. M. "Recent developments in scanning electron microscopy," in Proceedings of the European Regional Conference on Electron Microscopy, Delft 1960, Vol. i, edited by A. L. Houwink and B. J. Spit, (De Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Electronenmicroscopie, Delft, pp 173-176. (1961)

Ahmed, H. Studies on high-current-density thermionic cathodes. PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1962)
Boyde, A., and Stewart, A.D.G. A study of the etching of dental tissues with argon ion beams. J. Ultrastructure. Res. 7, 159-172. (1962).
Boyde, A., and Stewart, A.D.G. Investigation of the erosion of tooth sections with
argon ion beam. Proc. 5th Internat. Conf. Electron Microsc., Philadelphia, 1962 Pap. QQ9. (1962)
Grigson, C.W.B. On scanning electron diffraction I.  J. Electron Control  12, 209-232. (1962)
McGrath, J.T., Buchanan, J.G., and Thurston, R.C.A.. A study of fatigue and impact fractures with the scanning electron microscope. J. Inst. Met. 91, 34-39 (1962)
Stewart A.D.G: Investigation of the topography of ion-bombarded surfaces with a scanning electron microscope. Proc. 5th Internat. Conf. Electron Microsc., Philadelphia, pp D12-13 (1962)
Stewart, A.D.G. and Boyde A. Ion etching of dental tissues in a scanning electron microscope. Nature (London) l96, 81-82. (1962)
Thornley, F.R.M., and Cartz, L. (1962). Direct examination of ceramic surfaces with the scanning electron microscope. J. Am. Ceram. Sec. 45, 425 -428. (1962)

Ahmed, H., and, Beck, A.H.W. Thermionic emission from dispenser cathodes, J. Appl. Phys. 34, 997-998. (1963).
Pease R.F.W. High resolution Scanning Electron Microscope, PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1963)

Buchanan, R. An electron optical bench for electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1964)
Buchanan, R., and Nixon, W. C. Some specimen contrast effects observed with opposed electron beams, Proc Third European Conf. on Electron Microscopy, ed. M. Titlebach, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 119. (1964)
Denbigh, P.N. Scanning Electron Diffraction with Energy Analysis, PhD Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1964).
Nixon, W.C. Scanning electron microscopy J. R. Microsc. Sec. 83, 213-216 (1964).

Broers A.N: Selective ion beam etching in the scanning electron microscope. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1965)
Broers, A. N. Combined electron and ion beam processes for microelectronics. Microelectron. Reliab. 4, 103-104. (1965).
Broers, A. N. Micromachining by sputtering through a mask of contamination laid
down by an electron beam. Int. Conf. Electron Ion Beam Sci. Technol. (R. A. Bakish ed.) (Pap.) 1st, 1964 Toronto, pp. 191-204. (1965)
Denbigh, P.N., and Grigson, C.W.B.. Scanning electron diffraction with energy analysis. J. Sci. Instrum., 42, 305-311. (1965)
Earnshaw, J.W. Studies of the Focusing of Current from a Field Emission Electron Gun. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1965).
Oatley C. W., Nixon W. C., Pease R. F. W. Scanning electron microscopy. Adv. Electronics Electron Phys 21, 181-247 (1965)
Pease, R. F. W. The determination of the area of emission of reflected electrons in a scanning electron microscope. J. Sci. Instrum. 42, 158-159 (1965)
Pease R. F. W, Nixon, W. C. High resolution scanning electron microscopy. J. Sci. Inst. 42, 81-85 (1965)
Pease R. F. W. and Nixon, W. C. Microformation of filaments. In First International Conference on Electron and Ion Beam Science and Technology, Toronto, May, 1964, edited by R. A. Bakish (Wiley, New York) pp 220-230. (1965)
Stewart A.D.G. and Snelling M.A. A new scanning electron microscope. In Electron Microscopy, Proceedings of the Third European Regional Conference, Prague, Sept. 1964, edited by M. Titlebach (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague), pp 55-56. (1965)
Tompsett, M.F. Reflection scanning electron diffraction with energy analysis. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1965)
Tompsett, M. F., and Grigson, C.W.B. Scanning electron diffraction from solids. Nature (London) 206, 923-924. (1965)

Barnett, M. E. Mirror electron microscopy. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1966)
Minkoff, I. and Nixon, W. C. Scanning electron microscopy of graphite growth in iron and nickel alloys. J. Appl. Phys., 37, 4848-4855, (1966)

Banbury, J. R., and Nixon, W. C. The direct observation of domain structure and magnetic fields in the scanning electron microscope, J. Sci. Instrum. 44, 889. (1967)
Barnett, M. E. and Nixon, W. C. A mirror electron microscope using magnetic lenses, J. Sci. Instrum. 44, 893. (1967)
Barnett, M. E. and Nixon, W. C. Electrical contrast in mirror electron microscopy, Optik, 26, 310, (1967)
Chang, T. H. P. Combined microminiature processing and microscopy using a scanning electron probe system, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1967)
Chang, T. H. P., and Nixon, W. C. Limits of electron beam non-thermal interactions, Record of the IEEE 9th Annual Symposium on Electron Beam Technology, ed. R.F.W. Pease, San Francisco Press, 123, (1967)
Paden, R. S. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy with energy analysis and variable impact energy. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1967).
Tillett, P.I., and Grigson, C.W.B. Reflexion scanning electron diffraction from growing films. Nature ( London)  214, 77-78. (1967)
Tompsett, M.F. Reflection Scanning Electron Diffraction, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1967).

Heritage, M.B. Growth studies on thin films using scanning electron diffraction. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1968)
Paden, R.S. and Nixon , W.C. Retarding field scanning electron microscopy,  J. Phys. E. (Sci. Insrum.), 1, 1073-1080, (1968)
Plows, G.S., and Nixon, W.C. Stroboscopic scanning electron microscopy J. Sci. Instrum. 45, Ser. 2, 595-600. (1968)

Banbury, J.R. and Nixon, W.C., A high-contrast directional detector for the scanning electron microscope, J. Phys. E. (Sci. Insrum.), 2, 1055-1059, (1969)
Broers, A.N., Some experimental and estimated characteristics of the lanthanum hexaboride rod cathode electron gun, J. Phys. E. (Sci. Insrum.), 2, 273-276, (1969)
Nixon, W .C. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Contemp. Phys., 10, No.1, 71-96, (1969)
Oatley C.W. Isolation of potential contrast in the scanning electron microscope. J. Sci. Instrum. (J. Phys. E), 2, 742-744. (1969)
Plows, G. S. Stroboscopic scanning electron microscopy and the observation of microcircuit surface voltages. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1969)
Tillett, P.I. Scanning Electron Diffraction at Cryogenic Temperatures, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1969).
Tothill, F.C.S.M. Ultra-high vacuum in a transmission electron microscope for observing thin film growth. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1969)

Banbury, J. R. Control of the specimen environment in a scanning electron microscope, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1970)

Ballantyne, J. P., Dix, C. E., Nixon, W. C. Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy of Directly Deposited Metallic Films,  Proc. 29th Annual Meeting Electrom Microscopy Society of America, ed. C.J. Arceneaux (Baton Rouge: Claitor’s), 228-229, (1971)
Ballantyne, J. P., Yakowitz, H., Munro, E., Nixon W. C., Analysis of a Variable Geometry Cylindrical Detector for the Scanning Electron Microscope, Proc. 25th Anniversary meeting EMAG, ed. W. C. Nixon, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 10, pp194-197, Institute of Physics (1971)
Broers, A.N., Electron-Beam Fabrication. J. Vacuum Sci. & Tech. 8, S50-51, (1971)
Bunting, C.D. Scanning electron diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1971)
Catto, C. J. D.  Production and storage-display of the signal in the scanning electron microscope. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1971)
Munro, E. Computer-aided-design methods in electron optics. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1971)
Plows, G. S., and Nixon, W. C. Operational testing of L.S.I. arrays by stroboscopic scanning electron microscopy, Microelectronics and Reliability 10, 317-323, Pergamon Press (1971)
Swann, D. J. Investigations relating to the applications of field emission cathodes. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1971)

Ballantyne, J. P. (1972). Scanning electron beam controlled direct metallic deposition. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.
Banbury, J. R. A versatile ultrahigh vacuum scanning electron microscope. J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 5, 798-802. (1972)
Catto C.J.D., and Smith, K.C.A. A storage display system for the scanning electron microscope. Fifth Annual Scanning Electron Microscope Symposium, Part 1, IIT Research Institute, Chicago, 41-48, (1972)
Oatley, C.W. The scanning electron microscope. Part I. The instrument. (Cambridge University Press, 1972)
Smith, K.C.A. Scanning electron microscopy: the next ten years. Fifth Annual Scanning Electron Microscope Symposium, Part 1, IIT Research Institute, Chicago, 1-8, (1972)
Yakowitz, H., Ballantyne, J. P., Munro, E., Nixon W. C. The cylindrical secondary electron detector as a voltage measuring device in the scanning electron microscope. Fifth Annual Scanning Electron Microscope Symposium, Part 1, IIT Research Institute, Chicago, 33-40, (1972)

Cleaver, J. R. A. The application of field emission cathodes to the scanning electron microscope. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1973).

Owen, G. The analysis and design of probe forming systems for microfabrication. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1974).

Munro, E. A set of computer programs for calculating the properties of electron lenses. Cambridge University Engineering Department Report CUED/B-Elect/TR.45. (1975)
Oatley C. W. Sixty-sixth Kelvin Lecture: The scanning electron microscope and other electron-probe instruments. Proc. IEE, 122, 9, 942-946, (1975)

Unitt, B. M. On-line digital image processing for the scanning electron microscope. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1976)

Nixon, W. C., Ahmed, H., Catto, C. J. D., Cleaver, J. R. A., Smith, K. C. A., Timbs, A. E., Turner, P. W. & Ross, P. M. Some aspects of the engineering design and construction of the Cambridge University 600 kV high resolution electron microscope. (1977) Developments in Electron Microscopy and Analysis  (Ed. by D. L. Misell), 13-16. Institute of Physics, Bristol and London.
Smith, K. C. A. The use of single pole lenses in field emission probe forming systems. Cambridge University Engineering Department Report CUED/B-Elect/TR.47. (1977)

Cleaver, J.R.A. Some optical characteristics of the saturated symmetrical condenser-objective lens. Optik, 49, 413. (1978)
Cumming, A.D.G. Fluctuations and energy broadening in field emitted electron beams. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1978)
Smith, K. C. A., and Cumming, A. D. G. Noise and energy broadening in field emission sytems. 9th International Congress on Electron Microscopy, Toronto, 56-57, (1978)

Cleaver J. R. A. Field emission electron gun systems incorporating a single-pole magnetic lens' Optik 52, 293 (1979).
Cosslett, V. E., Camps, R. A., Saxton, W. O., Smith, D. J., & Nixon, W. C., Ahmed, H., Catto, C. J. D., Cleaver, J. R. A., Smith, K. C. A., Timbs, A. E., Turner, P. W., Ross, P. M. (1979). Atomic resolution with a 600-kV electron microscope. Nature, 281, 49-51.
Holburn, D. M. Computer aided techniques for topographical analysis in the scanning electron microscope. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1979)
Rao, V. R. M. Direct recording with electron scanning. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1979).
Tee W. J., Smith, K.C.A., Holburn, D.M.  An automatic focusing and stigmating system. J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum., 12, 35-38. (1979)

Ahmed, H. and Nixon, W. C. Microcircuit Engineering. Cambridge University Press, (1980).
Cleaver J. R. A. The single-pole magnetic lens as a condenser for use with field-emission electron guns Inst. Phys. Conf. ser. 52, 55 (1980).
Stokes, A. T. Computational analysis of a field emission gun system incorporating a single-pole lens. Seventh European Congress on Electron Microscopy, The Hague, The Netherlands, Editors P. Brederoo and G. Boom, 56-59 (1980).

Catto, C. J. D., Smith, K. C. A., Nixon, W. C., Erasmus, S. J., Smith, D. J. An image pickup and display system for the Cambridge University HREM. Electron Microscopy and Analysis (1981) (Ed. by M. J. Goringe), 123–126. Institute of Physics, Bristol and London.
Oatley·C. W. Detectors for scanning electron microscope, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 14, 971-976. (1981).

Erasmus, S. J. Real-time digital image processing in electron microscopy. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Cambridge (1982).
Hill, R. Investigations relating to the single-pole magnetic lens. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1982).
Mifsud, V. J. Electron beam addressed light valves. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Cambridge. (1982)
Oatley C. W: The early history of the scanning electron microscope. J. Appl. Phys. 53, R1-R13 (1982).
Smith, D. J., Camps, R. A., Cosslett, V. E., Freeman, L. A. Saxton, W. O. & Nixon, W. C., Ahmed, H., Catto, C. J. D., Cleaver, J. R. A., Smith, K. C. A., Timbs, A. E. (1982) Optimisation and applications of the Cambridge University 600 kV high resolution electron microscope. Ultramicroscopy, 9, 203-214.

Evans, C. R. Measurement and mapping of the rheological properties of elasto-hydrodynamic lubricants. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1982).
Smith, D. J., Camps, R. A., Freeman, L. A., R., Hill, Nixon, W. C., Smith, K. C. A.. Recent improvements to the Cambridge University 600 kV High Resolution Electron Microscope. J. Microscopy, 130, Pt 2, 127-136. (1983)

Garth, S. C. J. Electron beam testing of operating integrated circuits. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1985).
Oatley C.W. The detective quantum efficiency of the scintillator/photomultiplier in the scanning electron microscope, J. Microscopy 139, Pt. 2, 153 (1985)
Oatley, C.W., McMullan, D., Smith, K.C.A. The development of the scanning electron microscope. In The Beginnings of Electron Microscopy (P.W. Hawkes ed) Adv Electronics Electron Phys Suppl 16, 443-482 (1985)

Breton, B. C., Thong, J. T. L. Nixon, W. C. A dynamic real time 3-D measurement technique for IC inspection. Microelectronic Engineering  5 : pp 541 - 545 (1986)

Breton, B. C., Thong, J. T. L. Nixon, W. C. Contactless 3-D measuring technique for IC Inspection. Proc. SPIE Integrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection and Process Control Conference, Santa, Clara CA Mar 4-6, Vol 775 : pp 109-117. (1987)
Bryan, C.E. An Electron Beam Addressed Liquid Crystal Light Valve Projector. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1987).
Burger, R. E. Investigations relating to the computer restoration of ultrasonic sector scan images. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1987).
Thong, J. T. L., Garth, S. C. J., Breton, B.C., Nixon, W. C. Ultra high speed electron beam testing system. Microelectronic Engineering 6, 683-688. (1987)

Chang, M. M. Y. A computer-controlled system in transmission electron microscopy. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1988).
Thong, J. T. L, Breton, B. C., Nixon, W. C. High speed beam testing using an electron-optical phase shift element, Electronics Letters, 24: No: 23, 1441-1442 (1988)

Atkin, P. A programmable image processor. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1989).
Thong, J. T. L. Electron beam testing technology for high-speed device characterisation. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1989).

Breton B.C, J.T.L Thong, W.C. Nixon. Advances in stereo SEM techniques. Inst. Phys. Conf. Series  No.98; pp 617-620 (1990)
Brodie, A.D. An Electron-Optical Line Source for Microelectronic Engineering. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1990).
Taylor, J. H. Automatic computational methods in magnetic lens design. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge. (1990)

Thong J.T.L, B.C. Breton. Improving the dynamic response of magnetic electron lenses. Meas. Sci. Technol. 2 ; pp 1116-1118. (1991)

Thong J. T. L., Breton, B. C. A topography measurement instrument based on the scanning electron microscope. Rev. Sci. Inst. 1992; 63(1) : pp 131-138.
Thong J. T. L., Breton, B. C. In situ topography measurement in the SEM. Scanning 14, 65-72, (1992)

Chau, K.L. Automated control in high resolution electron microscopy. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1993).

Chand, G. Aberration determination and compensation in high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1994).
Fuller K, JTL Thong, TJ Chambers, BC Breton. Automated 3-D characterisation of osteoclast resorption lacunae by stereoscopic scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolis (1994)

Caldwell NHM, Breton, BC, & Holburn, DM. Automated filament saturation in the SEM. Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society, 31, (2), p126. (1996)
Caldwell, N.H.M, Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M. An expert system for fault diagnosis in the scanning electron microscope, Expert Systems ’96, Cambridge, Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems IV, pp177-188, SGES Publications. (1996)
Chand, G., Breton, B.C., Caldwell, N.H.M. & Holburn, D.M., World Wide Web controlled SEM, Scanning '96, Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 18, (3), pp201-202 (1996)

Breton, B.C., Chand, G., Caldwell, N.H.M. & Holburn, D.M. Remote microscopy in the real world. Microscopy and Analysis, September 1997, pp19-21. (1997)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M., FIRST A.I.D: Using remote microscopy and artificial intelligence for SEM fault diagnosis, Scanning’97, Monterey CA, Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 19, (3), p204 (1997)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M. Towards the Intelligent SEM. EMAG97, Electron Microscopy and Analysis 1997, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 153, pp53-56, Institute of Physics Publishing (1997)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M. XpertEze: A knowledge-based approach to scanning electron microscopy, Expert Systems ’97, Cambridge, Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems V, pp127-140, SGES Publications. (1997)
Chand, G., Breton, B.C., Caldwell, N.H.M. & Holburn, D.M. World Wide Web controlled SEM. Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 19, (4), pp292-296. (1997)
Smith, K, C. A., Charles Oatley: Pioneer of scanning electron microscopy, EMAG97, Cambridge, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 153: Section 1, pp9-16 (1997)

Breton, B.C., Caldwell, N.H.M., & Holburn D.M., A Java Powered SEM, 11th European Congress on Microscopy (EUREM'96), Proceedings of EUREM-11, Vol 1: Techniques and Instrumentation, p356, CESM, (1998).
Caldwell, N. H. M. Knowledge-based engineering for the scanning electron microscope, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (1998)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M., Remote instrument diagnosis on the Internet, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 13, 3, pp70-76 (1998)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn D.M., Making SEMs smarter, Microscopy & Analysis, November 1998, pp9-11 (1998)
Nixon, W. C. History and early development of the scanning electron microscope within Cambridge University. Electron Microscopy 1998, ICEM14, Cancun, Mexico, 1A, 27-28, (1998)
Smith, K, C. A., Sir Charles William Oatley, O.B.E. Biog. Mems. Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 44, 329-347 (1998)

Breton, B.C., Scanning electron microscopy in the next millennium, Proceedings of the 16th Pfefferkorn Conference on “Optimization of the Scanning Electron Microscope”, Aberysthwyth, April 1998, edited by I. ap Gwynn and G.M. Roomans, in Scanning Microscopy, 13, (1), pp167-170 (1999)
Breton, B.C., Chand G., Howard, P.J., Caldwell, N.H.M., & Holburn D.M., NetSEM Collaborator - An application in Telemicroscopy, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 5, Supplement 2, pp320-321 (1999)

Batten, C. F. Autofocusing and astigmatism correction in the scanning electron microscope, M.Phil. Dissertation, University of Cambridge (2000)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn D.M., WebXpertEze: intelligent instruments via the Internet, 12th European Congress on Microscopy, Brno, Czech Republic, Proceedings of the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, Volume III - Instrumentation and Methodology, pp411-412, Czechoslovak Society for Electron Microscopy (2000)
Holburn, D.M., Breton, B.C., Robertson, R.P., Thompson, J.T., & Caldwell N.H.M., VSEM: an interactive simulation and virtual reality model of the scanning electron microscope, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 6, Supplement 2, pp1156-1157 (2000)
Holburn, D.M., Robertson, R.P., Breton B.C., & Caldwell N.H.M., A virtual scanning electron microscope for teaching and training, Microscopy & Analysis, March/April 2000, pp5-7 (2000)

Batten, C.F., Holburn, D.M., Breton, B.C., Caldwell, N.H.M., Sharpness search algorithms for automatic focusing in the scanning electron microscope, Scanning 2001, Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies, 23, (2), pp112-113 (2001)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M., Prolog Knowledge Base Supplies Embedded and Web Remote Control: Intelligence for Microscopes, PC AI, 15, 3 (May/June 2001), pp25-26,28 (2001)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton B.C., & Holburn, D.M., XpertEze: Developing embedded intelligence for the scanning electron microscope, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 7, Supplement 2, pp966-967 (2001)

Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton, B.C., & Holburn, D.M., Web-based expert systems: information clients versus knowledge servers, In Szczepaniak, Piotr S.; Segovia, Javier; Kacprzyk, Janusz; Zadeh, Lotfi A. (Editors), Intelligent Exploration of the Web, Springer-Verlag, pp404-419. (2002)
Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton B.C., Holburn, D.M., & Robertson, R.P., VSEM: From technology demonstrator towards integrated educational tool, Microscopy and Microanalysis, Vol. 8, Supplement 2, pp1566-67 (2002)

Caldwell, N.H.M., Breton B.C., Holburn, D.M., & Young, T.C.W. Particle analysis using neural networks and image processing in the SEM, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 9, Supplement 2, pp738-739 (2003)

Sir Charles Oatley and the Scanning Electron Microscope, Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Volume 133. Editor-in-Chief: P.W. Hawkes, Guest Editors: B.C. Breton, D. McMullan, K.C.A. Smith. Elsevier Academic Press. London.

Martin, G.C., Breton, B.C., Caldwell, N.H.M., & Holburn, D.M. Virtual SEM (VSEM) - A teaching and training solution for the SEM, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 11, Supplement 2 (2005)

Martin, G.C., Holburn, D.M., Breton, B.C. and Caldwell, N.H.M. 'Virtual SEM (VSEM) - developing integrated courseware for SEM Training' in Microscopy and Microanalysis, 12 (2), 218-219 (2006)

Martin, G.C., Holburn, D.M., Caldwell, N.H.M. and Breton, B.C. 'Virtual SEM (VSEM) - evaluation of a SEM teaching and training tool' in Microscopy and Microanalysis, 13 (2), 1724-1725 (2007)

Caldwell, N.H.M., Bui, M.T., Naran, J., Holburn, D.M. and Breton, B.C'Do-it-yourself web-based diagnosis for the scanning electron microscope' in Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14 (2), 894-895CD. (2008)

Caldwell, N.H.M., Martin, G.C., Mitchell, A.L., Holburn, D.M., and Breton, B.C. 'Virtual SEM (VSEM) - Ongoing Development of Teaching Resources' in Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15 (2), (in press) (2009)
Caldwell, N.H.M., McMahon, C.A., Darlington, M.J., Heisig, P., Holburn, D.M. and Clarkson, P.J. 'Applying Engineering Information Management Principles to Microscopy' in Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15 (2), (in press) (2009).


Projects undertaken mainly by 4th Year M.Eng and Certificate of Post Graduate Studies (CPGS) students

David Wood (1996/1997) implemented a web-based remote control user interface for the SEM using Java applets. Andrew Stewart (son of Gary Stewart) (1997/1998) explored the use of 'ImageObjects' from Synoptics to perform image processing and analysis for the SEM.

Software to teach microscopy through simulation became an important theme with Siva Rubakumar (1997/1998) developing a very basic emulation of the SEM. This was followed by the 1998/1999 Virtual SEM (VSEM) projects of Paul Robertson (who constructed a Java-based simulation of the then current LEO software incorporating QuickTime movies to mimic operations such as focusing, changing magnification, and so on) and John Thompson (who built a basic virtual reality interactive model of the SEM column). Dan Lamping (2000/2001) explored the use of image processing to dynamically generate image sequences from key images rather than storing dozens of movies in the VSEM for all potential simulations of parameter interactions. Geoff Martin (2001/2002) designed and implemented the interactive VSEM Encyclopaedia to teach microscopy concepts and principles.

Laurence Brown (2000/2001) and Rob Cole (2001/2002) developed tools to perform automatic and remote diagnosis of the principal circuit boards of the current generation of LEO SEMs. These relied on the ability of newer instruments to measure rather than estimate the actual values of set parameters. Most recently, Michael Goodwin and Tom Young (2002/2003) investigated the use of artificial neural networks for image analysis of semiconductors, textiles and particles. Young investigated both neural network and conventional image processing techniques for detecting cracks in wear particles (debris from jet engine lubricants), producing an efficient and robust solution for this application.

Wood, D.J.G. (1997). Remote control of a scanning electron microscope over the internet using Java. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Rubakumar, S. (1998). Virtual scanning electron microscope. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Robertson, R.P. (1999). Virtual scanning electron microscope. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Stewart, A.W. (1999). Image processing and analysis for control of the scanning electron microscope. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Thompson, J.S. (1999). Virtual scanning electron microscope. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Brown, G.L. (2001). Networked diagnostics for a scanning electron microscope. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Lamping, D.R. (2001). The virtual scanning electron microscope. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Chandra, M. (2002). Investigation, optimisation and automation of resolution measurement in the SEM. NST Part III Report, University of Cambridge.

Cole, R.A.J. (2002). Networked diagnostics for scanning electron microscopes. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Martin, G.C. (2002). Virtual-reality scanning electron microscope: An Online Encyclopaedia of the SEM. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Goodwin, M.K.P. (2003). Application of neural networks. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Peng, H. (2003). An Investigation into image processing algorithms for SEM automation. CPGS Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Young, T.C.W. (2003). Neural networks for automatic feature detection in scanning electron microscope images. M.Eng. Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Bui, M.T. (2007). A Web-based Diagnosis System for Scanning Electron Microscope. M.Eng Dissertation, University of Cambridge.

Naran, J. (2008). A web-based expert system for supporting fault diagnosis in scanning electron microscopes. M.Eng Dissertation, University of Cambridge.