Production Systems

You are given two cans, one holding 3 pints, the other 4 pints. Neither has level markers. How can you exactly half fill the 4 pint can?

The state space is described by the pair (m,n), the volumes in the 4pt and 3pt can respectively. The initial state is (0,0), the final state is (2,*) where * is a ``don't care'' wildcard, here we have multiple goal states.

A set of production rules might be:

No Applicability After Comment
1 (m,n : m < 4) ® (4,n) Fill 4 pint can
2 (m,n : n < 3) ® (m,3) Fill 3 pint can
3 (m,n : m > 0) ® (m-d,n) Pour volume d out of 4pt
4 (m,n : n > 0) ® (m,n-d) Pour volume d out of 3pt
5 (m,n : m > 0) ® (0,n) Drain 4pt
6 (m,n : n > 0) ® (m,0) Drain 3pt
7 (m,n : m+n ³ 4 Ùn > 0 ) ® (4,m+n-4) From 3 into 4 until full
8 (m,n : m+n ³ 3 Ùm > 0 ) ® (m+n-3,3) From 4 into 3 until full
9 (m,n : m+n £ 4 Ùn > 0 ) ® (m+n,0) Empty 3 into 4
10 (m,n : m+n £ 3 Ùm > 0 ) ® (0,m+n) Empty 4 into 3

So the production system comprises:

One possible solution is

mnThen RuleComment
001Start;Fill 4
408From 4 to 3 until full
136Drain 3
1010Empty 4 into 3
011Fill 4
418From 4 to 3 until full

Some of you will have been puzzled and uncertain about rules 3 and 4, and rightly so. The fact that we have 3 and 4pt cans tells us that the smallest quantum of water we can measure exactly is 1pt. So what place for some arbitrary quantity d? Of course there is none: those rules will never be used by our system in reaching the goal, they will always result in dead-ends in our search (dead-ends will be clearer after the next section). The question is, do we remove them and face the accusation of ``fixing'' the problem or do we let the system tell us they are redundant by never using them?

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