NPR's `All Things Considered',
Date: 11/04/2000
Duration: 3 mins 37 secs
that's happened before in nineteen eighty two the reagan administration pulled out of the anti trust action against i. b. m. and push for a settlement of the suit against a. t. and t. but in those cases ended before a judgment in the microsoft case a federal judge has already ruled the company has violated anti trust laws brookings institution economist robert reich and says that even if the new administration tried to settle the case the judge would be watching any new administration coming to office would have to reach some kind of accord that does something the microsofts because there is this verdict and any settlement reached
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 12 anti : 2 trust : 2 suit : 4
NPR's `Morning Edition',
Date: 27/03/2000
Duration: 3 mins 29 secs
the judge in the microsoft anti trust lawsuit will issue a verdict tomorrow unless the government and the company's several sooner judge thomas penfield jackson called the parties together and imposed a deadline last tuesday last friday microsoft responded by fax into the justice department a proposal for settling the suit judge jackson has sent strong signals that in the absence of a settlement he will find microsoft guilty of violating anti trust laws n. p. r.'s john mcchesney reports a number of published reports say that the government wasn't satisfied with the proposal microsoft's into them on friday and that further meetings between the two parties this weekend didn't
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 12 anti : 2 trust : 2 suit : 2
NPR's `All Things Considered',
Date: 22/11/1999
Duration: 3 mins 46 secs
thwarting innovation he also gave support to potential plaintiffs who want to prove that microsoft overcharged for its windows operating system n. p. r.'s john mcchesney reports there's a key paragraph in judge jackson's findings of fact that might provide leverage for these and other class action lawyers the judge points to a november nineteen ninety seven study in which microsoft says he couldn't charge rate windows ninety eight but chose instead to charge eighty nine dollars as quote the revenue maximizing price the study might provide plaintiffs against microsoft with a dollar figure to measure damages which an anti trust cases can be three times actual damages but it
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 12 anti : 2 trust : 2 suit : 1
NPR's `All Things Considered',
Date: 21/09/1999
Duration: 4 mins 10 secs
it's n. p. r.'s all things considered i'm noah adams and i'm linda wertheimer microsoft and the government were back in court today for closing arguments in their landmark anti trust suit both sides used the opportunity to restate what they think they proved during the trial the justice department attorneys described microsoft as a vigilante monopolist a company that used its monopoly power to crush its competitors microsoft twenty two big changes in the industry changes and they said made this huge unnecessary joining us now from the u. s. district courthouse is n. p. r.'s larry abramson marietta that government went first this morning and it presented uh
Keyword Occurences: keep : 2 date : 0 microsoft : 14 anti : 1 trust : 1 suit : 1
NPR's `All Things Considered Updates',
Date: 05/11/1999
Duration: 4 mins 22 secs
the judge agreed with the government's contention that microsoft responded aggressively when other companies threaten its monopoly through its conduct with netscape i. b. m. compaq intel and others microsoft has demonstrated that it will use his prodigious market power and immense profits to harm any form that insists on pursuing initiatives to continue to intensify competition against one of microsoft's more products the federal government was joined in its suit by the attorneys general of nineteen states connecticut attorney general richard blumenthal said the judge's decision preliminary though it may be supports a key point that the judge believes microsoft's behavior harm consumers or three correspondents here microsoft has
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 15 anti : 2 trust : 2 suit : 1
NPR's `All Things Considered',
Date: 22/02/2000
Duration: 4 mins 38 secs
law justices computer software is the standard anti trust case law and he went down to a whole bunch of cases in which he said that microsoft's actions he viewed in the context of these other presidents were simply anti competitive and he said that microsoft a lot of things that had no business justification there are simply there in order to extend its monopoly in windows operating system and increases power it could never had to expect it can make up all the money that was going to lose by giving away from browsers and he said the anti trust laws forbid that kind of you know essentially dumping
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 16 anti : 4 trust : 3 suit : 0
NPR's `Weekend All Things Considered Updates',
Date: 01/04/2000
Duration: 2 mins 33 secs
evening the judge mediating the microsoft anti trust case has said he cannot reach a settlement between the computer company and the u. s. government that leaves the door open for a ruling from judge thomas penfield jackson next week we make a law professor bill co prosecutor george washington university for citizenship attention it means that there is unlikely to be a settlement in this proceeding and that means that sometime early in the coming weeks judge thomas penfield jackson who's been presiding over the trial will issue his decision deciding whether or not microsoft has violated the anti trust laws is highly likely that that decision will be
Keyword Occurences: keep : 1 date : 0 microsoft : 5 anti : 2 trust : 2 suit : 0
NPR's `Morning Edition',
Date: 22/11/1999
Duration: 7 mins 3 secs
thomas penfield john jackson has appointed a mediator in the microsoft anti trust case on friday you chose richard posner a highly respected federal judge from chicago jackson appointed posner to mediate a deal that could lead to an out of court settlement but so far microsoft and justice department lawyers are very far apart n. p. r.'s john mcchesney spoke with microsoft presidency bomber about the case and jackson's harsh assessment of microsoft's business practices forty three year old steve bomber is built like a tank and sometimes he reacts like one responding to the justice department assault on microsoft a couple of years ago he snapped to heck
Keyword Occurences: keep : 2 date : 0 microsoft : 15 anti : 3 trust : 2 suit : 0
NPR's `All Things Considered',
Date: 25/04/2000
Duration: 3 mins 44 secs
period of time they went from being the number three or four player in the business to being the largest player in the business users have gravitated to microsoft office suite for the same reason they clung to windows it offers a simple unified system that makes it easy to exchange files with other users shaking up the status quo by breaking off microsoft's office division is supposed to create new opportunities for rival operating system slides minutes which now do not work with microsoft office software but not he says microsoft will still rule the market if you break microsofts into two companies you still have essentially two monopolies
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 12 anti : 1 trust : 1 suit : 1
PBS's `Newshour',
Date: 04/04/2000
Duration: 8 mins 57 secs
general joined joel klein who joins us now welcome to the program could it be nice to be here one sure you read that uh a forty three page ruling very closely what's your reaction i think it's a very strong and very important not only for what it says about microsofts and i competitive behavior the significant pervasive walters for us campaign but microsoft engaged in the harm competitors and ultimately harm the american public are denying them innovation but even as lee ray i think to rely more and antitrust enforcement a lot of people blast will anti trust laws they roll hundred years old what's the relevance
Keyword Occurences: keep : 0 date : 0 microsoft : 14 anti : 6 trust : 3 suit : 0