The Department was delighted to receive a grade of 5*A in the government's
recent Research Assessment Exercise, indicating that our research
is of the highest quality, based on assessing the work of over 95%
of staff. The whole exercise is likely to be repeated in four years
time. We have set up a working group to review our research strategy,
to ensure a continuation of international excellence in all areas,
and are also preparing for the government's Teaching Quality Assessment
in early 1998, which is a major activity.
Working groups have also heen set up to review our long-term growth
plans and short-term needs for space, and our graduate studies programme.
We hope progressively to refurbish and modernise accommodation
on our Trumpington Street site, where we envisage undergraduate
teaching remaining for the foreseeable future. Major new research
initiatives requiring new buildings are likely to be at the West
Camhridge site, where an extension to our existing Whittle laboratory
was recently opened by Sir John Cadogan.
Graduate studies are expected to be a future growth area for the
Department. We aim to continue to attract graduates of the highest
quality, and to offer a PhD programme which is well-balanced and
effective in providing the students with the background and training
to enable them to become leaders in research.
This year's CUEA conference, to be held on Friday 19 September,
is on the theme of 'Display Technology'. The field of electronic
displays is set to undergo revolutionary changes, and the Department
is in the forefront of research in this area. The day offers a variety
of excellent speakers, with opportunity for questions and discussion.
Further information can be obtained from the Director of Research,
Dr Malcolm Macleod (e-mail: