Room 40 was the number of Ewing's room at the Admiralty and it
was a name that became associated with code breaking. A lovely memoir
of Ewing was written by his son, titled "The man of Room 40", and
is available in the Department Library.
In May 1916, Ewing was offered the Vice-Chancellorship of Edinburgh
University, which he accepted. That university in its turn also
went through a period of unprecedented expansion and development
under his leadership. Whilst at Edinburgh, Ewing had a tradition
of asking guests to his house to draw (with eyes tightly shut) the
outlines of a pig. The results were kept in the 'pig
book', many of the results, drawn by such dignitaries as Winston
Churchill, Charles Parsons and William Bragg, appearing in the book
by his son mentioned above.

"For the first time since the war began
I took a Sunday off"