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No small achievement

Professor Mike KellyProfessor Mike Kelly, who was appointed to a new Chair as Prince Philip Professor of Technology last year, is now an Executive Director of the Cambridge MIT Institute (CMI) in partnership with Professor Ed Crawley from MIT.

"I took the decision to come to back Cambridge specifically to pursue my interest in the manufacturability of the small structures being proposed for advanced electronic and opto-electronic devices," he explains. "To manufacture such devices we are talking about precision at the atomic level. I aim to work at the interface of Physics and Engineering, to identify those devices, which will be in the minority, that lend themselves to manufacture in number, rather than just being produced as one-offs."

Although Professor Kelly has been diverted from his research interests to take CMI forward over the next three years, he intends that his research in this area should be maintained. Meanwhile, he is also playing a key organisational role as Deputy Head of the Department, leading a team to develop a research strategy for the Department. This is part of Professor Keith Glover's programme for a sharper strategic plan for all CUED activities.

number 12, summer '03 home | contents | previous | next