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David Edward Newland

As Head of Department, a position which he has held since 1996, David Newland sees his role as one of encouraging the staff and providing the resources they need. In an ever expanding Department, one of the principal resources must be space. The projected moves to West Cambridge have to be planned and co-ordinated. There are also plans to further develop the present site as a major teaching hub for engineering in Cambridge while enhancing provision for research in selected fields. To that end a new design centre has already been created in the space above Lecture Room 3. By reconstructing the roof, substantial new research accommodation has been added, whilst at the same time considerably improving the Coe Fen frontage.

Inglis Building from Coe Fen

Another current priority is providing space for the expansion in Communications Engineering, a subject which David Newland has been instrumental in introducing to the Department.

He has been described as one of this countries foremost engineers, and as a man of vision and achievement. Perhaps the achievement that is the easiest for us all to recognise is that of completing five London marathons for charity. Well they always say that physical activity increases the activity of the brain cells. Perhaps there's a lesson here for us all.