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Laboratory for Communications Engineering


The current complement of the LCE is:

  • Andy Hopper- Professor of Communications Engineering and leader of the LCE
  • Two lecturing staff (imminently rising to three)
  • One visiting Professor and a number of visiting Research Fellows
  • Approximately 23 research students

LCE staff

A new rooftop extension to the LCE has recently been completed which provides state of the art research facilities and will accommodate its continued growth.

Industrial Support

The LCE collaborates closely with and is supported by a number of companies. This support ranges from donations of state of the art equipment through to financial support for students. The LCE specifically acknowledges the generous support received from AT&T Cambridge Laboratory, Adaptive Broadband Ltd. and ARM Ltd. In addition, the LCE receives support for students from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and from the EPSRC.