Professor Andy Hopper
Andy Hopper, the newly appointed Professor of Communications Engineering
has become a well-known personality through his personal success in the
field of wealth creating, high technology spin-off companies for which
Cambridge has become a centre.
studied computer technology at Swansea before coming to the Computer Laboratories
in Cambridge in 1974 to start his PhD under the supervision of David Wheeler,
collaborator with Maurice Wilkes, who worked on the development of the
first computer and was the inventor of programming subroutines.
Hopper's PhD was on a local area communications network, and he developed
a system known as the Cambridge Ring, which was a serious contender to
the Ethernet. Technology developed as a result of this research led to
the development of the BBC microcomputers by Acorn, a company founded
jointly with Herman Hauser in the 1970s. This was to become the most successful
UK company in terms of personal wealth creation.
Acorn was eventually taken over by ARM, which has itself become one of
Cambridge's biggest success stories. Hopper is currently Managing Director
of the Cambridge Research Laboratory for AT&T and is responsible for directing
the work of 50 full time staff. In addition he has four other company
this helps Hopper to enjoy his enviable lifestyle which includes a large
house near Cambridge complete with an airstrip from which he can fly himself
and his family in his six-seater Cesssna to wherever they want. Click
on the picture to share the excitement of a skiing trip with the Hopper
