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NPR's Morning Edition
Broadcast 06/04/2000, Story 11

Nearly two years ago the good friday accord was signed in belfast the document was intended to put a formal end to nearly thirty years of violence between catholics and protestants in northern ireland president clinton praised the accord does a store employee's is a great decisions they've chosen hopefully take the promise of the future over the course of the past

And in so doing already they've written a new chapter in the rich history of their island except for a resolute courage and sizes all the agreement president clinton welcomed is in shambles a power sharing government created under the accord resolved within a few months and british and irish officials are meeting behind closed doors to try to salvage what's left of the agreement from london n. p. r.'s madeleine brand reports on whether the peace process can be revived

This time writer kevin

Who is this

Grimes a good friday accord

The peace process in northern ireland disappeared like everyone's expecting to get into the price of voyager and the shiny new car will be named and will serve driver and local neighborhood that will cool scores of political destiny

Tillis is the author of a book on the irish republican army called rebel hearts he said everyone protestants and catholics the british and irish governments got into the car a miracle in itself and as they were just trying out the new two years the car stereo the plush seats the fire did i got to the end of the block there

They also talking amongst themselves as to which direction we're going to go and put in charge of the steering wheel has been so good to operate that's really the the actual car crash before it had even call it a significant decision

The power sharing government in northern ireland was suspended in february just ten weeks after it was formed britain's secretary for northern ireland peter mammoths and pull the plug

But i regret very much having to do this that i have decided to suspend the mexican institutions we've got to take up this issue of decommissioning of arms control

Now the words of the turning in of weapons the deadline to disarm he's made twenty seconds but the paramilitaries including the i. r. a. have been even begun the process of tearing the main protestant party the ulster unionists might withdraw from the power sharing government because of this memo since simply suspended it but that doesn't sit well with gerry adams leader of the i. r. a.'s

When kaczynski was not include the government's conduct was born done by the british are convinced that immigrants said the agreement was torn off by the british side of the defense is not possible to make progress on the issue of whether the political vacuum

The catholic republicans want the government in northern ireland restored and then they say to work towards disarmament the protestants say they can't trust the catholics to do that once they're installed in government both sides say they are supported by the good friday agreement and both sides meeting rate says author kevin tulips


A trade agreement was it a masterpiece of ambiguity it meant that would useful to me and according to your political standpoint that the unionists would stay in with the diary have to decommission of the city could have turned over weapons but to the i. r. a. decommission might mean they're making powerful promises that the war is over we will use violence against coupled with the iranians but decommissioning of the promises of these two things are there is so little

And now the leaders of both sides are coming under pressure from their own party david trimble barely won reelection last month as head of the ulster unionists many in his camp were upset that he might allow shin stained back into the power sharing government before disarming

Let's say the i. r. a. could also splintered into more radical groups of its leader agrees to hand over weapons and so both sides aren't budging now everybody agrees the may twenty second deadline will come and go without disarmament the question is can some remnants of the peace process be saved anyway is there some way for all the parties to get back into the car and keep driving madeleine brand n. p. r. news london

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