Dr Joan Lasenby
Joan Lasenby is a Royal Society Research Fellow working in the Signal
Processing Group at the Department of Engineering. She started life at
Cambridge as a Mathematician, and then completed a PhD in radio astronomy.
"Radio astronomy involves a lot of signal processing," she explains, "so
it was natural for me to continue working in this field.
Joan left Cambridge to work for Marconi Underwater Systems in 1989 where
she teamed up with Dr Bill Fitzgerald, eventually moving back to the Engineering
Department to work with him in 1992 in the Signal Processing Group.
Apart from her devotion to Mathematics, Joan is a keen runner, having
competed at international level as a junior. She still competes, although
now she is classified as a veteran, and coaches too. Somehow Joan manages
to combine all this with family life. She has two children and another
on the way.
