Control Engineering
In the 1980s, Professor Keith Glover and his collaborators established
a mathematical formulation of this problem at a time of intense international
activity in this area. The underlying mathematics came from the field
of operator theory and in combination with new developments in control
theory entirely new and computationally tractable solutions were derived.
With North American co-authors he received the prestigous IEEE Baker prize
for the best paper in all the 1989 journals of the IEEE for this work.
The methodology, known as H-infinity, has become widely
used in application studies as diverse as short take off and landing
aircraft and gas-fired power stations. The major control systems design
packages are now used in industry and universities around the world.
Within the Department, the methods have been very successfully applied
in the flight control studies for the Harrier jump jet with, most
unusually for a University group, two sets of test flights, and in
automotive engine control work with the Ford Motor Company. |

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