Historically, applications of feedback control date back to antiquity
(e.g. Egyptian water clocks), though one of the most famous examples
in technology is the centrifugal governor for steam engines invented
by the Scottish engineer James Watt. It was this application that
brought about the birth of control theory in a paper for the Royal
Society of London by James Clerk Maxwell - a Scot, a Cambridge man,
and perhaps most famous for his equations of electromagnetics.
Another Cambridge man, who was contemporary with Maxwell, Edward
J. Routh, was responsible for an important stability criterion which
bears his name and which is taught in control courses all over the
world to this day. Routh was one of the most famous and successful
coaches at Cambridge in the 19th century, being a private tutor
to more than six hundred pupils between 1855 and 1888, and preparing
the Senior Wrangler (top mathematics student) on 27 occasions -
an unparalleled feat. Routh was himself Senior Wrangler in 1854.

Centrifugal governor

Watt steam engine