A Short History of Engineering
Mural by Tony Bartl
Presented to the Department by Professor J F Baker to mark
the opening of the new workshops building by Field Marshal Smuts, Chancellor
of the University, 10th June 1949.

(Click on the image
to obtain details.)
The painting may be viewed in the Entrance Hall of the Inglis
The artist describes the painting as:
"A pictorial solution based on the movement of
a wave, chosen as the symbol of development. There are verticals and horizontals
to establish unity with the architectural structure of the entrance hall.
Insistent angularities and some of the transparencies and patterns serve
the same purpose, to keep the mural in the wall. Pictorial reasons rather
than historical accuracy are responsible for the choice of subjects.
On the left a figure leads in to the composition
- early man, assessing nature through his senses, vision and sound. Then
the Egyptian age, science close to art, the pyramids, the wheel - and
Greece, with its classical knowledge, the Ptolemaic sphere and the screw
of Archimedes, Hero's turbine - Icarus, the desire to overcome gravity,
the balloon. - and from then onwards, knowledge more usefully employed.
Stephenson's "Rocket", the ship propeller, the rolled steel joist, inventions
for sea, land and sky - the Industrial age becoming more and more functional,
gas and electricity revolutionising the world - the first iron bridge,
the jet engine - and finally the engineer of today, receiving knowledge
based on the experience of the centuries and extending it towards new