John Fleetwood Baker
The War Years
Baker’s first concern was to reduce the vulnerability of buildings to
bomb attacks, in particular some of the large factories. He also set up
a nation-wide network of engineers to make technical reports on bomb damage,
the first application of what became known as Operational Research.
In particular, the air-raid shelters then in existence were found to
be inadequate, and at the request of Herbert Morrison, the Minister for
Home Security, Baker was asked to deal with this problem. It had been
estimated that once air raids began the casualty rate would be of the
order of 35,000 people a day. Not only did Baker come up with a way of
improving existing shelters, but he also designed a new type of indoor
table shelter, known as the Morrison shelter, of which over 1.25 million
were distributed to householders, saving countless lives.
This intense period of high pressure work during the war years not only
added greatly to Baker’s research experience, but also showed him the
importance of addressing problems in production engineering using scientific
methods and the value that social scientists could have on management
issues. He came back to Cambridge in 1943, and believing that the war
was coming to a victorious end, spent considerable time on planning the
future of the Department.