The Reverend Robert Willis (1800-1875)
holder of the Jacksonian chair in the early nineteenth century was the
Reverend Robert Willis. Willis was the first Cambridge professor to win
an international reputation as a mechanical engineer.
He was a brilliant lecturer, illustrating his lectures using working
models that he had designed and constructed. He published a full description
of them in a book entitled 'A system of Apparatus for the use of lecturers
and experimenters in Mechanical Philosophy' in 1851. This is available
in the Department's library. This gives details allowing the models to
be exactly copied. He was in contact with many of the leading scientists
and engineers of the time such as Thomas Telford, the great builder of
roads, bridges and canals.
There were those who wanted to see civil engineering accepted as a new
Tripos subject at Cambridge and Willis to be appointed as Professor of
Engineering. Willis himself, however, showed no desire to undertake the
thankless task of setting up a school of technology, for which he felt
the University was not ready. A wise decision as it turned out.
Willis was a talented musician, a good draughtsman and his chief hobby
was the study of ancient buildings.
Photograph courtesy of the Master and Fellows of Gonville
and Caius College, Cambridge.
