University of Cambridge

125 Years of Engineering Excellence

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The production team would like to thank all those members of the department past and present who have supplied material for this web site.

This project would never have taken place without the support and enthusiasm of Professor David Newland, the Head of Department.

Dr Ken Smith has been diligent in translating existing CUED exhibitions into web pages, and collating a series of new and detailed historical records.

Dr Peter Long has been invaluable in his energetic collection of historical material, together with the Department photographer, Mr Richard Green.

The help of the CUED library staff in collating material is gratefully acknowledged, especially Margaret Cosnet and Hilary McOwat.

We would like to thank the following for providing photographic material and for permission to reproduce copyright material:

  • Cambridge University Press for permission to use extracts from Hilken.
  • The Imperial War Museum, Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation (EDC Inc.), NASA and DERA for video footage.
  • Rolls Royce for supplying the animations of jet engines.
  • Sutton Publishing for photographs of Bertram Hopkinson and Ricardo.
  • Dr Anil Kokaram, now at Trinity College, Dublin, for supplying video restoration images.
  • The Masters and Fellows of Gonville and Caius, St John’s and Trinity Colleges and the Principal of Newnham College for permission to reproduce portraits in their possession. Thanks are also extended to the college archivists and librarians who tracked down the relevant material, especially Ann Thomson of Newnham library for access to Constance Tipper’s archives.
  • Some video links on Baker and Whittle have been extracted from Horizon programmes, for which we thank the BBC.

While every effort has been made to trace and acknowledge all copyright holders, we would like to apologise should there have been any errors or omissions.

Books and articles referred to and abstracted from include:

‘Engineering at Cambridge University’, 1783-1965. T.J.N. Hilken. Cambridge University Press, 1967.

‘Engineering Centenary, 1975’. University of Cambridge Department of Engineering. Edited by G.E. Middleton and K.A.Knell.

‘The Man of Room 40 The life of Sir Alfred Ewing’. By A.W. Ewing. Published Hutchinson & Co Ltd 1939

‘Engines & Enterprise, The life and Work of Sir Harry Ricardo’. John Reynolds. Sutton Publishing Ltd, Phoenix Mill, Stroud, Gloucerstershire.1999

‘Jet -the story of a pioneer’. by Sir Frank Whittle. Published Frederick Muller Ltd, London. 1953.

‘A History of Aerodynamics and its impact on flying machines’ John D. Anderson, Jr. Cambridge Aerospace series 8, pub. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

‘The Scientific Papers of Bertram Hopkinson.’ Collected and arranged by Sir Alfred Ewing and Sir Joseph Lamor. Cambridge University Press, 1921.

‘The Jet Engine’ published 1986, Rolls Royce.

‘John Fleetwood Baker, Baron Baker of Windrush’ by J. Heyman. Biographical Memoirs. 1985.

‘John Arthur Shercliffe’ by H.K. Moffatt. Biographical Memoirs, 1983.

‘Charles Oatley: Pioneer of scanning electron microscopy.’ K.C.A. Smith. A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Electron Microscope Group of the Institute of Physics: EMAG ’97.

‘Sir Frank Whittle FRS-a tribute to a Cambridge Engineering student (Peterhouse 1934-36) who has achieved world fame.’ Exhibit first compiled by Dr Henry Cohen and Kenneth Knell in 1963, which has been displayed regularly in the engineering department since then.