Professor Frank Fallside
Professor of Information Engineering 1983-1993
Fallside was a pioneer in the area of information technology and speech
processing. He joined the Department in 1958, his early work being in
the field of control systems. In the 1970s, he changed the direction of
his research into the area of speech processing, his first major contribution
being the conversion of speech waveforms into visual displays of the speaker's
vocal tract, a technique which was used to develop training aids for the
His work widened to the problems of using a computer to automatically
generate and understand spoken language, and by the mid 1980s he had established
one of the world's leading research groups in the area. Through the use
of neural network modelling the research focus of his group also broadened
into vision processing, robotics, signal processing and control.
He established the MPhil course in Computer Speech and Language Processing
in 1985; this accepts students with first degrees in either arts or sciences
and is taught by academics from many different disciplines across the
University. He was a broad thinker and was not afraid of crossing disciplines.
At the time of his death he was involved in planning a research programme
establishing a bridgehead between engineering and neurobiology by the
computational modelling of a fruit fly. He died in post from heart failure
at the age of 61, a tremendous shock and a great loss to all those who
knew him.
