
Cambridge University Engineering Department and Engineers' Association


Turbulent Times

Pick-Me-Up for Biologists

Fetal Attraction

Can you make it?

A Gem of an Idea

Model Motors




spring '95


In brief...

In October 1995 the new fourth year of the M Eng course will run for the first time. Students will spend half their time working on major projects, many in collaboration with industry, as well as being taught modules on advanced topics. However, this will stretch the Department's facilities to the limit. The completion of the extension to the Baker building will provide welcome space for the speech and vision research group, led by Professor Steve Young, the first holder of the Professorship of Information Engineering.

Headed by Professor Mike Gregory, Manufacturing Engineering is also flourishing, with successful taught courses and several new research programmes. We have now launched an initiative to build a Manufacturing Institute on the West Cambridge site, housing students taking the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos and the Advanced Course in Design, Manufacture and Management, as well as those doing research in Manufacturing. Closely linked with industry, these activities will be enhanced by the plan to create laboratories for joint industry/University projects on the site.

Last year's CUEA conference on Engineering Design for Wealth Creation was judged a great success. This year's, on 22 September, is on Petroleum Engineering. It will be chaired by SirJohn Cullen, and the keynote address is to be given by Sir Richard Morris. We hope to include further details with this issue of enginuity.